Презентация Лекция 16 Free newspapers

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Описание презентации Презентация Лекция 16 Free newspapers по слайдам
THE FREE PHENOMENON Must know strategies and tactics for developing free newspapers Karen Wall, Assistant MD Associated Newspapers Free Division
Source: Newspaper Innovation >50% >25% >10% <10%Market share Free Daily Newspapers
A major research study concluded that fewer young people were reading paid for papers because … Source: News International research“ They were the wrong product, available at the wrong time and in the wrong places”
Our business formula. Right Product Right Time Right Places Right People
Metro Moment clip
Metro UK Sweden 1995 Bored commuters Model adapted to UK market 16 March 1999 Niche in the UK market
RIGHT PEOPLE — Urbanites: 18 -44, ABC 1, full time work — Increasingly difficult to reach and engage RIGHT TIME — 6. 30 – 10 am — Switched on brains, ready to respond RIGHT PLACES — Controlled distribution on public transport — Self select model. RIGHT PRODUCT — Concise soundbite style — 70% of readers consider no spin policy a strength Source: Urban Life Business Model
4 th Largest national newspaper Source: ABC September
The UK’s youngest national 3, 129, 000 readers, 74% 15 -44, 66% ABC 1 Source: NRS July ’07 — June
Well educated Number of undergraduate degrees for each National Daily title Source: NRS July ’07 — June
Heavily Aspirational Accelerated Lifestyles Entertainment, Not Commitments High Disposable Income Early Adopters Culturally Aware Using Media as a Guide to Trends
Web Mobile Databases Paper Events. Brand to hand UGC Branded publishing
1. 1 m UK unique users for the first time in June (2. 3 m total) 10 million average monthly page impressions
Some of our clients
The path to profit
Capturing the afternoon market August 2006 Metro experience Aimed at afternoon commuters 400, 000 copies, London Evening mindset
RIGHT PEOPLE — London Urbanites: 18 -44, ABC 1, full time work — Same audience as Metro on the way home RIGHT PRODUCT RIGHT PLACES RIGHT TIME — 4. 30 -7. 30 — Relaxed, positive evening mindset- Hand distribution at the start of journey — Visible, motivated and rewarded merchandisers — Entertainment based editorial product — Strong celebrity focus for evening market. Business model
4. 30 -7. 30 Getting the time right
Reaching the right audience
1 million readers Source: NRS Jul ‘ 07 – June ’ 08 Circulation Readership RPC London Lite 400, 000 1, 021, 000 2. 6 Thelondonpaper 500, 000 963, 000 1. 9 79% 75% 58%66%
Delivering response for clients
And creativity
Strong revenue growth
7 DAYS 1 st urban paper in the Middle East 70, 000 copies Challenging the market norms. Urbanite audience Associated 60% share
Business model RIGHT PRODUCT RIGHT PLACES — Door to door delivery — Offices, cafes, receptions — Introduced distribution auditing to the UAE. — Mix of local, national, international news — Pushed the boundaries of a conservative market RIGHT TIME — Not feasible within Dubai. RIGHT PEOPLE — Exposure to western media — Young, aspirational, professional
Some of our learning’s Quality product Simple proposition Targeted Innovation Clear goals Customer insight Focused team