Презентация last presentation

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  • Размер: 16.2 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 16

Описание презентации Презентация last presentation по слайдам

Pic. Training Firm Pic. Training Firm

Why do we choose photo? Why do we choose photo?

Desire and impression Desire and impression

Simplicity and convenience Simplicity and convenience

Purity and clarity Purity and clarity

Mobility and communication Mobility and communication

Brightness and eternity Brightness and eternity

Our team Director Khusein Usmanov Unique lomographer Our team Director Khusein Usmanov Unique lomographer

Our team Bookkeeper Andrew Ruginov The most humorous person Our team Bookkeeper Andrew Ruginov The most humorous person

Our team Sales&Purchases Department Michael Alyoshin Mister responsibility Anna Tuzova Our twinkle  Our team Sales&Purchases Department Michael Alyoshin Mister responsibility Anna Tuzova Our twinkle

Our team Art Department Daria Garbuzova Creative soul Yury Ryzhenkov Founder of ideas  Our team Art Department Daria Garbuzova Creative soul Yury Ryzhenkov Founder of ideas

Working process Working process

Photos made by us Photos made by us

Our city Our city

That’s why we choose photo That’s why we choose photo

Pic. Just pic. it! Pic. Just pic. it!