- Количество слайдов: 15
Презентация – игра «My body» Соколова Анна Александровна Учитель английского языка Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 38 г. Набережные Челны GO
GO finger foot head
GO toe shoulders hair shoulders
GO eye ear mouth ear
GO tooth body hair tooth
GO foot tooth neck foot
GO hair eyes nose hair
GO ears eyes nose
GO shoulders eyes toes
GO fingers toes neck
GO arm hand toes hand
GO neck mouth teeth mouth
GO eyes leg teeth leg
GO leg eyes body eyes
Используемые ресурсы: http: //www. laughforthehealthofit. org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/head 05. gif голова GO http: //www. clker. com/cliparts/t/T/t/C/e/v/arm-hand-md. png рука http: //t 1. gstatic. com/images? q=tbn: ANd 9 Gc. Rw 0 NQNnd. Zn. RI 7 OMi 30 j. S 9 io. Kf. Wu. Iz. Ve. Qrdut. Xj. Qhog. Z 8 Ifv 5 1 o-A ухо http: //www. englishexercises. org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/jul/C 4 A_Body. Shoulders. gif плечи http: //www. influx. com. br/imgblog/image/mouth. png рот http: //thumbs. dreamstime. com/z/cute-cartoon-tooth-thumb-up-illustration-33243018. jpg зуб http: //aginginocontowi. net/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/foot. 97174809_std. jpg стопа http: //www. hairsthebling. com/wp-content/uploads/keratin+. jpg волосы http: //www. clker. com/cliparts/S/C/0/s/f/x/nose-hi. png нос http: //www. carmenlu. com/first/vocabulary/health 1/body 1_1/leg. jpg нога http: //305 bcoaches. files. wordpress. com/2010/04/toes-foot-toenails_willid 1032 r. jpg пальцы на ноге http: //www. carmenlu. com/first/vocabulary/health 1/body 1_1/neck. jpg шея http: //cs 5129. vk. me/u 31854239/-6/x_ec 234230. jpg кисть https: //encryptedtbn 2. gstatic. com/images? q=tbn: ANd 9 Gc. RNhq. Fq. OEi. QIZKAH 9 Ii. TSewa. Omn. Dy 8 Cp. V 0 X 5 z 90 z 2 l. Qbv 4115 k. H глаза http: //www. eslprintables. com/powerpoint. asp? id=24197#thetop шаблон презентации