Презентация gang
- Размер: 137.5 Кб
- Количество слайдов: 3
Описание презентации Презентация gang по слайдам
Superior Cervical ganglion Middle Cervical ganglion Inferior Cervical ganglion Gray rami C 1 -C 4 Also to external carotid Cardiac plexus Pharyngeal plexus C 5, C 6 Also to heart, thyroid & upper limb C 7, C 8, T 1 Also to heart & upper limb. Lateral horn T 1 -T 4 Ventral root vpr white rami sympathetic trunk— Lateral horn T 1 -T 4 Lateral Horn T 1 -T 4 Ventral root vpr white rami sympathetic trunk Ventral root vpr white rami sympathetic trunk Fuses with first thoracic ganglion = stellate ganglion!Horner’s Syndrome: Cut before Superior cervical ganglion and present with… Meiosis (pinpoint pupil) Anhydrosis (can’t sweat) Partial ptosis (upper lid droops) SYMPATHETIC GANGLIA Cell bodies start here… Preganglionic fibers run here… … then synaspe here Continue on as postganglionic fibers… … and end here!
Pterygopalatine ganglion Otic ganglion. Submandibular ganglion Ciliary ganglion Lacrimal gland Nasal gland Palatine gland. Hitchhikes on maxillary n. Superior Salivatory Nucleus VII Greater petrosal n. Carries parasympathetic fibers N. To pteryg oid canal Deep petrosal n. Carries sympathetic fibers Pupillae sphincter- constricts pupil Ciliary muscle- rounds up lens. Short ciliary n. IIIEdinger- Westphal nucleus Warning: Sympathetic does not synapse here! Sublingual gland Submandibular gland. Superior Salivatory Nucleus VII Chorda tympani n. carries parasympathetic fibers Hitchhike on auriculotemporal n. Partotid gland. Inferior Salivatory Nucleus IX Parasympathetic Ganglia
Geniculate ganglion. Semilunar Ganglion aka Trigeminal. V V 1, V 2, V 3 VII Chorda tympani carries sensory fibers Skin around external acoustic meatus Taste- anterior 2/3 of tongue. SENSORY GANGLI