Презентация crimepunishment.podgornaya
- Размер: 5.6 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 25
Описание презентации Презентация crimepunishment.podgornaya по слайдам
Crime and punishment. .
A crime is a socially dangerous act (or omission) directed against the social and state system, the system of economy, property and other rights of cityzens. . A punishment is a penalty imposed on somebody who is convicted of a crime. A punishment could be, for example, time in prison or a fine.
Types of crime
Kidnapping is is taking a person to a secret location using force. .
AA rmed robbery is is using a weapon to steal. .
AA rson is is setting fire to a place on purpose. .
AA ssault is is hurting another person physically. .
Сhild abuse is is injuring a child on purpose. .
DD rug trafficking is is trading illegal drugs. .
DD runk driving is is driving after having too much alcohol. .
FF raud is is lying or cheating for business or monetary purposes. .
HH ijacking is is holding people in transit hostage (usually on a plane). .
MM urder is is taking someone’s life through violence. .
SS hoplifting is is stealing merchandise from a store. .
SS peeding is is driving beyond the speed limit. .
TT errorism is is acts of crime against a a political (religious) group or another country. .
VV andalism is is damaging public or private property (for example with spray paint). .
WW hite collar crime is is breaking the law in business. .
Types of punishment
TT raffic ticket (speeding, parking) — — leaves marks on driving record/involves paying a fine. .
FF ineine (hunting out of season) — — pay money as punishment for minor/petty crime. .
HH ouse arrest (a (a young offender who is waiting to go to court) — — remain in one’s home for a certain period of time. .
CC ommunity service is is dodo inging unpaid work such as teaching children about crime or cleaning up garbage. .
JJ ail time is is spend inging a certain amount of months or years locked away from society. .
LL ife in prison is is spend inging the rest of one’s life in prison with no chance of going back into society (lifetime imprisonent).