- Количество слайдов: 12
Previous MOD workshops and the ISSI ‘VMO’ team D. Koschny, J. Mc Auliffe, G. Barentsen, R. Arlt Keplerlaan 1, Postbus 299 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands Detlef. Koschny@esa. int It all started at the IMC 2005 (15 -18 Sep 2005, Oostmalle) when Koschny & Kac had a discussion at the bar on coordinating meteor orbit computations… MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 1
• Shouldn’t we do something like the ‘radio meteor school’? Bring together all the teams working on multi-station setups and orbit determination software? MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 2
Previous MOD workshops and the ISSI ‘VMO’ team D. Koschny, J. Mc Auliffe, G. Barentsen, R. Arlt Keplerlaan 1, Postbus 299 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands Detlef. Koschny@esa. int It all started at the IMC 2005 when Koschny & Kac had a discussion at the bar on coordinating meteor orbit computations… MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 3
• In the end, we started the Meteor Orbit Determination Workshop #01, Roden, The Netherlands – supported by Euro. Pla. Net, an initiative of the European Union MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 4
MOD Workshop #01 • See: Proceedings of the first Euro. Pla. Net workshop on meteor orbit determination, Roden, The Netherlands, 11 -13 Sep 2006 (Mc Auliffe, Koschny, Eds. ) 2007, Publisher: IMO; ISBN 978 -2 -87355 -019 -6 • Definition of ‘user requirements’ for the Virtual Meteor Observatory (VMO) - previously called ‘Unified Meteor Database UMDB’ • Definition of open points and tasks to progress in meteor orbit determination and meteor databases MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 5
MOD Workshop #02 – Bareges • June 2007 • Only 2 hours before IMC, no documentation Jonathan Mc Auliffe Jeremie MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 6
Geert at ESTEC – Summer 2007 -08 • • Detailed database definition First implementation of the VMO • The IMO Virtual Meteor Observatory (VMO): Architectural Design; Koschny, Mc Auliffe, Barentsen, Earth, Moon, and Planets (2008), No. 102, pp. 247 -252 Barentsen, G. , Koschny, D. , Mc. Auliffe, J. , Molau, S. , Arlt, R. , The Virtual Meteor Observatory of the International Meteor Organisation, 2008, European Planetary • Science Congress 2008, Muenster, Germany, 21 -26 Sep 2008, 3, EPSC 2008 -A 00293 • VMO became part of IDIS, the ‘Integrated Distribution Information System’ of Euro. Pla. Net (see http: //www. ifsi-roma. inaf. it/europlanet/index. php? categoryid=27) MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 7
• And Rainer started the ISSI meteor team in Bern! MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 8
The ISSI team in Bern, 2008 Rainer Arlt, Int. Meteor Organization Prakash Atreya, Armagh Obs. , UK Geert Barentsen, Armagh Obs. , UK Joachim Flohrer, DLR, Germany Tadeusz Jopek, Astr. Obs. UAM Poznan, Poland André Knöfel, Int. Meteor Organization Detlef Koschny, ESTEC, the Netherlands Pavel Koten, Astr. Inst. Acad. Sci. Czech Republic Jürgen Oberst, DLR, Germany Juraj Tóth, Comenius Univ. , Slovak Republic Robert Weryk, Univ, Western Ontario, Canada Mariusz Wisniewski, Polish Fireball Network PKIM, Poland MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 9
The ISSI team in Bern, 2008 • • • ISSI workshop took place 24 -28 Nov 2008, Bern, Switzerland http: //www. issibern. ch/teams/observemeteo/ Results were published in WGN: Ø Koschny, Arlt, Barentsen, Atreya, Flohrer, Jopek, Knofel, Koten, Luthen, Mc Auliffe, Oberst, Toth, Vaubaillon, Weryk, Wisniewski; WGN 37: 1 (2009), 21 -27, Report from the ISSI team meeting “A Virtual Observatory for meteoroids”. • Main points: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Concept of ‘sessions’ and ‘periods’ was confirmed VMO shall be a central repository – it is an offer, not a requirement The interface format shall be specified (see next ISSI workshop) Dedicated section on fireballs – topic of a workshop coupled to the next IMC, called Fire. Works, organised by Maria Gritsevich with Tolis Christou Use heliocentric coordinates, not barycentric Give reference for which orbit code was used to produce any given orbit It is recommended to store ‘distortion maps’ to allow assessing the quality of an astrometric fit Still open: Is the accuracy of automated orbit computations from cheap video cameras sufficient for scientific analysis? Still needs more work. Involve a broader audience in the process of defining the VMO (that’s why we’re here!) MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 10
The ISSI team meeting 2009 • Barentsen, Arlt, Koschny, Artreya, Flohrer, Jopek, Knofel, Koten, Mc Auliffe, Oberst, Toth, Vaubaillon, Weryk, Wisnieweski, Zoladek, WGN XX: X (2009), The VMO file format, I. Reduced camera meteor and orbit data • Defines a data model and a detailed XML file format for storing meteor camera and meteor orbit data • Gives detailed description of file formats • Still open: fireball requirements (see Fire. Works workshop); requirements from network coordinators not involved so far; nothing about radar or radio forward scatter data (see IMC 2010) Mariusz Geert MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 11
Goals of this meeting • Detailed discussion of UFOcapture and related software • Discussion on different points related to meteor detection and archiving • What is still missing in the VMO to properly archive all existing data (get ready for IDIS review in Sep 2010) • Introduction into the SPICE toolkit • Work on a common dream! MOD WS #03 - MET-RSSD-HO-056/1 -, 17 Apr 2010 12