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Presenting opportunities to study in the UK Presenting opportunities to study in the UK

Richard Gatward (richardg@coventry. ac. uk) Introduction Richard Gatward (richardg@coventry. ac. uk) Introduction

Study An internationally recognized qualification Language Educational philosophy Employment prospects Money Costs to study Study An internationally recognized qualification Language Educational philosophy Employment prospects Money Costs to study Costs of living Earning possibilities Social and Cultural Introduction

Location City of Coventry Location City of Coventry

303000 inhabitants 30000 students Industrial heritage Excellent travel links City of Coventry 303000 inhabitants 30000 students Industrial heritage Excellent travel links City of Coventry

18000 students Founded in 1843 Coventry University 18000 students Founded in 1843 Coventry University

3000 international students 100 countries worldwide 27 years of European exchange experience Coventry University 3000 international students 100 countries worldwide 27 years of European exchange experience Coventry University

 • To enter one of our 1 year exchange Bachelor programmes requires a • To enter one of our 1 year exchange Bachelor programmes requires a minimum of 4 academic semesters of previous study • The 120 ECTS credits awarded during this study is recognised as contributing to the programme, which is awarded as a full 180 ECTS Bachelor award • These programmes require a full year of study, September to June Study Options, Bachelors

Technical Programmes B. Eng. (Honours) in European Engineering Studies B. Sc. (Honours) in Informatics Technical Programmes B. Eng. (Honours) in European Engineering Studies B. Sc. (Honours) in Informatics B. Eng. (Honours) in European Construction Engineering B. Eng. (Honours) in Mechatronics Technical, Bachelors

Management Programmes B. Sc. (Honours) in European Engineering Business Management B. A. (Honours) in Management Programmes B. Sc. (Honours) in European Engineering Business Management B. A. (Honours) in European Logistics B. Sc. (Honours) in European Information Technology Management B. Sc. (Honours) in European Industrial Entrepreneurship Management, Bachelors

Easy progression to higher Degrees at Coventry • M. B. A. M. Sc. M. Easy progression to higher Degrees at Coventry • M. B. A. M. Sc. M. A. Ph. D. Work or further study in an Anglophone country (Canada, U. S. New Zealand, Australia etc. ) Return to study on the E. U. mainland Professional employment prospects Post-graduate progressions

A UK Masters degree is studied over 50 weeks in one calendar year and A UK Masters degree is studied over 50 weeks in one calendar year and equal 90 ECTS. We offer Masters degrees in the following topics, and others. Engineering Management and Manufacturing Information Technology and Management Computer Science Creative Technologies Networks and Communications Systems and Control Engineering Mechanical and Automotive Civil Engineering and Construction Technology and Health Industries Study Options, Masters

Specific Masters Programmes Engineering Management and Manufacturing • • • • MBA (Engineering Management) Specific Masters Programmes Engineering Management and Manufacturing • • • • MBA (Engineering Management) MSc Engineering Business Management MSc Engineering and Management MSc Manufacturing Systems Engineering MSc Supply Chain Management MSc Engineering Project Management MSc Lean Manufacturing and Engineering Management MBA (Logistics) MSc Logistics MSc Business Decision Management Information Technology and Management MBA (Information Technology) MSc Information Technology for Management MSc Management Information Systems

Computer Science • • • • MSc Computer Science MSc Computing MSc Forensic Computing Computer Science • • • • MSc Computer Science MSc Computing MSc Forensic Computing MSc Enterprise Systems Development MSc Information and Systems Architecture MSc Software Development Creative Technologies MSc Creative Computing MSc Digital Media Production MSc Games and Interactive Technologies Networks and Communications MSc Network Computing MSc Microelectronics and Wireless Systems MCM in Operational Communications MSc Operational Communications

Systems and Control Engineering • • • MSc Control Engineering MSc Systems and Control Systems and Control Engineering • • • MSc Control Engineering MSc Systems and Control Mechanical and Automotive MSc Mechanical Engineering MSc Automotive Engineering MSc Engine Design and Development MSc Motorsport Engineering MSc Vehicle Dynamics MSc Vehicle Structures and Safety

Civil Engineering and Construction • • MSc Civil Engineering MSc Civil and Structural Engineering Civil Engineering and Construction • • MSc Civil Engineering MSc Civil and Structural Engineering MSc Management for Construction MBA Construction Management

Technology and Health Industries • MSc Intelligent Health Technology • MSc Health Informatics Technology and Health Industries • MSc Intelligent Health Technology • MSc Health Informatics

All teaching in English Study of English Encourage involvement in social activities Language All teaching in English Study of English Encourage involvement in social activities Language

Academic year – Winter term 11 weeks (Oct – Dec) • 3 week Christmas Academic year – Winter term 11 weeks (Oct – Dec) • 3 week Christmas holiday – Spring term 11 weeks (Jan – Mar) • 3 week Easter holiday – Summer term 8 weeks (Apr – June) Examinations in Summer term Graduation in November Academic year

Less hours in class, more guided project work and an “open-research” based culture Excellent Less hours in class, more guided project work and an “open-research” based culture Excellent support facilities Library IT facilities ‘Open Door’ policy Timetables individually negotiated Study philosophy

Library 400000 books 2500 Electronic databases Open 0845– 0000 7 day access Study Resources Library 400000 books 2500 Electronic databases Open 0845– 0000 7 day access Study Resources

Computing on campus: >2500 P. C. ’s 24 hour access 7 days per week Computing on campus: >2500 P. C. ’s 24 hour access 7 days per week Wireless access in all buildings University residences have broadband access CUOnline Study Resources

‘Open Door’ tutorial policy Staff timetables are published and staff are available for ‘surgery ‘Open Door’ tutorial policy Staff timetables are published and staff are available for ‘surgery hours’ Specialised admin support Study Resources

We support our graduates throughout their career with advice and guidance on their next We support our graduates throughout their career with advice and guidance on their next job: - Dedicated, specialist advisors - Leonardo da Vinci project - Guidance on CV writing, interview technique, and job hunting Employment prospects

What is Leonardo da Vinci about? Getting work placements after you graduate, (perhaps jobs), What is Leonardo da Vinci about? Getting work placements after you graduate, (perhaps jobs), in large companies No previous language skills required when you apply (in most cases) Current Partners include: Fiat, Renault, Accenture, Banque Nationale de Paris, Particle Accelerator Network (e. g. Sincrotron), Kuoni DMC, Bertrandt, Commerzbank, etc and about 40 SMEs and Research Centres, in 12 EU countries Opportunities in all EU countries eligible except country of origin. Benefits: up to € 1, 800/month, free employability training, free language preparation, EUROPASS certificate, job offers after placements Leonardo da Vinci

Costs to study Studying in a English University Costs of living Accommodation Food Transport Costs to study Studying in a English University Costs of living Accommodation Food Transport Social Earning some money Part-time jobs Economic considerations

Maximum 2009 fee £ 3225. All EU nationals are able to claim payment of Maximum 2009 fee £ 3225. All EU nationals are able to claim payment of the tuition fee, from the British government, before study. Students repay the British government over their working life. Check www. dius. gov. uk for more information. Costs to study, Bachelors

Scholarships: • We offer scholarships to all students from EU partner universities and colleges Scholarships: • We offer scholarships to all students from EU partner universities and colleges and further scholarships for academic excellence. – £ 300, £ 600 and £ 1000 Undergraduate Scholarships

MSc – Approximately £ 3600 MBA – Approximately £ 7600 Fees are paid in MSc – Approximately £ 3600 MBA – Approximately £ 7600 Fees are paid in a number of instalments Some Scholarships are available, more information is available from our admission Office Costs to study, Masters

Overall cost of living for students in Coventry is about £ 350 to £ Overall cost of living for students in Coventry is about £ 350 to £ 550/month This covers the cost of: Accommodation – The University offers a wide range of choices through the Accommodation Service Food Transport Social life Costs to live

Part-time employment: Relatively easy to find in bars, restaurants, supermarkets, through agencies and the Part-time employment: Relatively easy to find in bars, restaurants, supermarkets, through agencies and the University About 70% of students work part-time Normal pay is £ 5 to £ 8 per hour Recommendation, no more than 12 hours per week Earning some money

Students’ Union provides main focus, based in 2 buildings on campus They offer: Advice Students’ Union provides main focus, based in 2 buildings on campus They offer: Advice (legal, social, psychological) Commerce (number of shops) Clubs and societies, currently more than 80 different activities organised Bars and clubs, selling more beer than anywhere else in Coventry Social and cultural

Sports and activities Sports and activities

International Office Organised visits around UK and social events for all International students Cultural International Office Organised visits around UK and social events for all International students Cultural activities nearby Coventry has a lively cultural and social scene Stratford-upon-Avon, 3 world class theatres Birmingham, theatres, ballet, opera, art etc. The historic towns of Warwick, Kenilworth and Oxford are near to Coventry Social and cultural

 • 4 th safest city in the UK • Excellent location - only • 4 th safest city in the UK • Excellent location - only 1 hr and 10 minutes from London, and 20 minutes to Birmingham 1 hour Luton airport, 2 hours Stantsed • Coventry is one of the top 5 UK places to do business • 3 rd least expensive city to study in, according to the Royal Bank of Scotland student living index Social and cultural

Enhances your C. V. Improved understanding of cultural difference Once in a lifetime opportunity Enhances your C. V. Improved understanding of cultural difference Once in a lifetime opportunity Reasons to study abroad

Coventry University ‘The best decision’ Coventry University ‘The best decision’

For further advice please contact: admissions. ec@coventry. ac. uk m. blake@coventry. ac. uk i. For further advice please contact: admissions. ec@coventry. ac. uk m. blake@coventry. ac. uk i. dunn@coventry. ac. uk Contact Details