- Количество слайдов: 14
EDENS GROUP is dedicated to assisting professionals with the creation and implementation of innovative and accountable approaches to their work. EDENS GROUP utilizes a cadre of professionals with national training and consultation experience regarding substance abuse, mental health, human services and related clinical issues. EDENS GROUP is committed to providing continuing education experiences that will assist professionals in enhancing their clinical skills and increase the level of quality client care. EDENS GROUP TRAINING CENTER 1019 JESSAMINE AVE EAST SUITE 200 ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55106 -2733 (651) 776 -2100 phone (651) 776 -1700 fax E-mail: edensgroup@edensgroup. com www. edensgroup. com EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• Increasing evidence tells us many people cope with mental health and emotional instability by engaging in self-injury. The incidence of selfinjurious behavior is alarmingly high, yet significantly under-reported and untreated. Family members, concerned persons and professionals are often not aware that self-injury is occurring until a crisis situation presents itself. How does a family member or a professional create an environment in which an individual feels safe enough to disclose selfinjurious behaviors? Once self-injury has been identified, what are the effective ways to respond? EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• Define self-injurious behaviors. • Identify effective strategies to help a person who is self-injuring. • Identify how to build a support system. EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• KAREN EDENS – Founder and President, EDENS GROUP, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Karen has thirty-four years of professional experience in the design and delivery of training related to alcohol and other drug issues. Karen delivers a variety of ongoing training and professional development seminars; provides consultation and technical assistance to a variety of providers and community groups as well as provides services related to creating and maintaining Healthy Workplaces. Karen is an adjunct faculty member at several colleges and universities and has taught advanced professional skills at the national and international level. EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Definition: The intentional act of altering mood by unassisted, self-inflicted physical harm serious enough to cause tissue damage to the body but not intended to result in death. EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
What is self-injury and what isn’t selfinjury? Why does self-injury make some people feel better? What kinds of people self-injure? EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
How do you injure yourself? Does it hurt? How do you bear the pain? Do you have rituals for self injure (SI)? What have been the consequences of your SI? EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• • • Relief From Feelings A Method of Coping Stopping, Inducing, or Preventing Dissociation Euphoric Feelings Physically Expressing Pain Communication Self-Nurturing Self-Punishment Re-Enacting Previous Abuse Establishing Control Adapted from the work of Dr. Tracy Alderman in her book The Scarred Soul: Understanding & Ending Self-Inflicted Violence (New Harbinger Press, Oakland, CA, 1997). EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Mood Disorder Eating Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Dissociative Disorder Anxiety and/or Panic Impulse-control Disorder Self-injury as itself a diagnosis EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• • Coming Out Scars How Do I Know If I’m Ready To Stop? How Do I Stop? What Do Instead? I Still Want To Hurt Myself First Aid Harm Reduction EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• • • Don’t take it personally Educate yourself Recognize and understand your feelings Be supportive without reinforcing the behaviors Take care of yourself Ultimatums do NOT work. Ever. Acknowledge the pain of your loved one Don’t force things Know Resources EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Interpersonal Group Therapy Cognitive Skills Therapy Pharmacological Approaches Individual Therapy Hypnosis and Relaxation Therapy Hospital Based Treatment EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• SAFE Alternatives www. safe-alternatives. com 1 -800 -DON’T-CUT (800 -366 -8288) • Young People and Self Harm www. ncb. org. uk/projects/selfharm. htm • Self-Abuse. Com www. selfabuse. com • Self-Injury Information & Resources www. selfinjury. freeserve. co. uk • Healthy Place: Self-Injury Community www. healthyplace. com • Self-Injury: You Are Not The Only One Edens Group Training Center www. edensgroup. com 651 -776 -2100 karen@edensgroup. com • • www. palace. net/~llama/psych/injury. html The Cutting Edge PO Box 20819, Cleveland, OH 44120 rutamaz@aol. com EDENS GROUP, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED