- Количество слайдов: 68
Presented by: Annalie, Evan, Jared, Madeleine, Maggie, Mateo, Meridian, Miriam, Payton, and Pearce
Chapter Summaries 1. 2. 3. Being Ms. Indigestion Arbor Day is for the Birds Popsicle Legs and a Tub of Blubber 4. Let My Dad Kidnap Me 5. Tears and Ravioli 6. At Cybil Ackerman’s House 7. In the Bushes 8. The Spies and the Lies 9. Good Things/Bad Things 10. T-Bone’s Invitation Vocabulary 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The Love Quiz The Pirate Two for the Show That Was Cybil Ackerman The Saddest Sentence The Newer Sadder Sentence An Hour of Misfortune A Date with Harriet Haywood His Own Worst Enemy The Victory Questions and Answers Characters
Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. Being Ms. Indigestion Arbor Day is for the Birds Popsicle Legs and a Tub of Blubber 4. Let My Dad Kidnap Me 5. Tears and Ravioli 6. At Cybil Ackerman’s House 7. In the Bushes 8. The Spies and the Lies 9. Good Things/Bad Things 10. T-Bone’s Invitation 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The Love Quiz The Pirate Two for the Show That Was Cybil Ackerman The Saddest Sentence The Newer Sadder Sentence An Hour of Misfortune A Date with Harriet Haywood His Own Worst Enemy The Victory
Questions and Answers 1. 2. 3. Being Ms. Indigestion Arbor Day is for the Birds Popsicle Legs and a Tub of Blubber 4. Let My Dad Kidnap Me 5. Tears and Ravioli 6. At Cybil Ackerman’s House 7. In the Bushes 8. The Spies and the Lies 9. Good Things/Bad Things 10. T-Bone’s Invitation 11. The Love Quiz 12. The Pirate 13. Two for the Show 14. That Was Cybil Ackerman 15. The Saddest Sentence 16. The Newer Sadder Sentence 17. An Hour of Misfortune 18. A Date with Harriet Haywood 19. His Own Worst Enemy 20. The Victory
Characters Cybil • Cybil is a curly red-haired girl and has a cat named Pawpaw. Cybil is very stubborn and annoying to her sisters. Cybil likes a boy named Simon • Simon is nice but he is just finding some things out about his friends. He has blondish, brown hair and blue eyes. He can be trusted. Tony • Tony lies a lot. He has black hair and brown eyes. He cannot be trusted. He would not make a very good friend.
Chapter One- Being Ms. Indigestion Cybil and Simon fight over being Mr. or Ms. Indigestion. Cybil received the part for the play. A huge fight began. Simon did not mean to start the fight. He even wanted to be friends with Cybil.
Chapter Two- Arbor Day is for the Birds Simon went to school on Arbor Day. He had an assignment to plant a tree with one of his parents. He wanted his dad to help him plant his tree but his dad had abandoned him. Simon threw his tree over his back fence and said, “Arbor Day is for the birds and I will cut down every tree I see. ”
Chapter Three- Popsicle Legs and Tub of Blubber Cybil wanted to know if Simon was mad about her being Ms. Indigestion. Tony told Harriett Simon said that Harriet could play the part of the play as a tub of blubber as an insult and he said Cybil has popsicle legs, too.
Chapter Four- Let My Dad Kidnap Me Simon saw a television show about a boy about his age who got kidnapped by his dad. Simon wanted to get kidnapped by his dad, so every day Simon played dangerously close the road until it got to cold and his mom took him in. Simons hopes and dreams were crushed
Chapter Five- Tears and Ravioli Simon was invited over to Tony’s house and Tony, Simon, and Tony’s grandpa were going to eat ravioli and Simon started to talk about how his dad left him and Grandpa started to cry then wiped his tears with a stripped handkerchief.
Chapter 6 - At Cybil Ackerman’s House Tony visits Cybil’s house while she is practicing the piano. Because of things Tony had said about Cybil, she tells him he is juvenile. Tony doesn’t understand why she is saying these things and tells bad lies about Simon to Cybil.
Chapter 7 In the Bushes Simon tries to talk to Cybil at her house to tell her Tony said bad things about Harriet and her. When Simon comes to Cybil’s house, he sees Tony knocking at the door. Simon hides in the bushes and listens to their conversation.
Chapter 8 - The Spies and the Lies Tony finishes his conversation with Cybil. He hides in the bushes to spy on Cybil. Tony finds Simon in the bushes. They walk to Simon’s house and lie to each other about what happened at Cybil’s.
Chapter 9 Good Things/Bad Things Simon tries to think about when Tony was nice. He thought about when Tony asked for his drill back while in 3 rd grade and when Tony tried to help Pap-Pap (his grandpa) feel better. Then he thought about when Tony was rude to him.
Chapter 10 T-Bone’s Invitation Simon was invited to a pet competition by Cybil. He accepted the invitation after he found out Tony was going, too. Simon was mad at Tony and wanted to get revenge by winning the pet show.
Chapter 11 Tony and Simon spy on Annette and Bubsie. Tony’s sister has a boy friend named Bubsie Frasure. Who was the school patrol the year before.
Chapter 12 Simon dressed T-Bone, his dog, as a pirate for a pet show at Harriet Haywood’s house. He wanted T-Bone to beat Miss Vicki, Tony’s aunt’s poodle.
Chapter 13 The Pet Show started at Harriet Haywood’s yard. Miss Vicki, a dog Tony brought to the pet show dressed as a baby, urinated her diaper. Tony decided to leave early.
Chapter 14 • Simon found out Mrs. Vicki wins worst behaved at the pet show for wetting her diaper. Cybil wants to tell Tony about Mrs. Vicki but Simon does not want her to.
Chapter 15 In third grade Simon’s teacher made him write the saddest sentence over summer vacation in twenty words or less. He wrote over twenty words but his teacher understood.
Chapter 16 Summary In school Tony is spying on Cybil. After school Tony is saying that nobody likes him. Simon is saying Cybil can like him. Tony thinks Simon is right (that doesn’t make Simon feel good).
Chapter 17 Summary Simon was at his house, thinking of his dad and hoping he would kidnap him. He was also thinking about his date with Harriet Haywood because he didn’t want to go.
Chapter 18 Summary Simon goes on the date with Harriet Haywood to the movie theater because Tony set up the date. Tony is with Cybil in the same theater. Simon wants to be with Cybil but Tony got her first. So Simon is with Harriet Haywood.
Chapter 19 Summary Simon is chatting with Harriet at his house. Harriet tells Simon that Cybil wanted to be with him on the date while Tony was supposed to be with Harriet didn’t want to be with Tony.
Chapter 20 Summary The war is over between Simon and Tony. Simon wins Cybil! Tony is upset because Simon gets Cybil and Cybil also chooses Simon seems happier than usual because he has Cybil, and Tony doesn’t.
Chapter One -Vocabulary • Indigestion- is a when you have a bad. stomach ach. I have indigestion problems. • Geography- the study and science of physical surface of the earth and the effects of human activity on it. We are studying the geography of North America. • Ecology- the study of how plants and animals react in nature. My mom study's the ecology of mountains.
Chapter Two- Vocabulary • Tributes is showing respect for somebody. I showed my mom tribute by respecting her and being quiet when she talked. Humiliation, imbursement when you do something funny. I was humiliated when I fell down.
Chapter Three- Vocabulary Sympathetic , kind tender warm compassionate care. My mom is sympathetic to me when I am hurt or sick. Majorette is a girl lead singer or a baton twirler. I saw a majorette in the parade.
Chapter Four- Vocabulary Description is a name for something. the description for the candy bar was Sinkers. attire means clothes, to dress. My dad pays for my attire.
Presented by: Annalie, Evan, Jared, Madeleine, Maggie, Mateo, Meridian, Miriam, Payton, and Pearce
Chapter Summaries 1. 2. 3. Being Ms. Indigestion Arbor Day is for the Birds Popsicle Legs and a Tub of Blubber 4. Let My Dad Kidnap Me 5. Tears and Ravioli 6. At Cybil Ackerman’s House 7. In the Bushes 8. The Spies and the Lies 9. Good Things/Bad Things 10. T-Bone’s Invitation Vocabulary 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The Love Quiz The Pirate Two for the Show That Was Cybil Ackerman The Saddest Sentence The Newer Sadder Sentence An Hour of Misfortune A Date with Harriet Haywood His Own Worst Enemy The Victory Questions and Answers Characters
Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. Being Ms. Indigestion Arbor Day is for the Birds Popsicle Legs and a Tub of Blubber 4. Let My Dad Kidnap Me 5. Tears and Ravioli 6. At Cybil Ackerman’s House 7. In the Bushes 8. The Spies and the Lies 9. Good Things/Bad Things 10. T-Bone’s Invitation 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The Love Quiz The Pirate Two for the Show That Was Cybil Ackerman The Saddest Sentence The Newer Sadder Sentence An Hour of Misfortune A Date with Harriet Haywood His Own Worst Enemy The Victory
Questions and Answers 1. 2. 3. Being Ms. Indigestion Arbor Day is for the Birds Popsicle Legs and a Tub of Blubber 4. Let My Dad Kidnap Me 5. Tears and Ravioli 6. At Cybil Ackerman’s House 7. In the Bushes 8. The Spies and the Lies 9. Good Things/Bad Things 10. T-Bone’s Invitation 11. The Love Quiz 12. The Pirate 13. Two for the Show 14. That Was Cybil Ackerman 15. The Saddest Sentence 16. The Newer Sadder Sentence 17. An Hour of Misfortune 18. A Date with Harriet Haywood 19. His Own Worst Enemy 20. The Victory
Chapter One -Vocabulary • Indigestion- is a when you have a bad. stomach ach. I have indigestion problems. • Geography- the study and science of physical surface of the earth and the effects of human activity on it. We are studying the geography of North America. • Ecology- the study of how plants and animals react in nature. My mom study's the ecology of mountains.
Chapter Two- Vocabulary • Tributes is showing respect for somebody. I showed my mom tribute by respecting her and being quiet when she talked. Humiliation, imbursement when you do something funny. I was humiliated when I fell down.
Chapter Three- Vocabulary Sympathetic , kind tender warm compassionate care. My mom is sympathetic to me when I am hurt or sick. Majorette is a girl lead singer or a baton twirler. I saw a majorette in the parade.
Chapter Four- Vocabulary Description is a name for something. the description for the candy bar was Sinkers. attire means clothes, to dress. My dad pays for my attire.
Chapter Five- Vocabulary Handkerchief is something smooth soft fluffy that you wipe your tears with. I used my handkerchief to wipe my tears. Sentimental is expressing your feelings for someone. I was sentimental to my family.
Chapter 6 - Vocabulary • Juvenile-Someone who is youthful. You are juvenile when you do “The Chicken Dance. ” • Anticipation- Expect something is going to happen. My anticipation of going to the play is strong.
Chapter 7 - Vocabulary • Character assassination- To spread false stories or rumors about someone. What I just heard was character assassination. • Similarity- Being alike. Payton Maggie and Meridian all have the similarity of having brown hair. • Indigestion- When it is hard to digest food you have indigestion. I just had some indigestion.
Chapter 8 - Vocabulary • Oleanders- A type of flower. The smell of the oleanders is good. • Inborn- Having a sense or ability for as long as you can remember. She has an inborn talent for reading.
Chapter 9 - Vocabulary • Genuinely-Not falsely. I genuinely love my dog. • Conceal- to hide, to disguise, to keep from sight. I concealed my homework from Mr. Tousley.
Chapter 10 -Vocabulary • Hesitated-Stop for a moment because you are not sure. He hesitated to speak. • Kinship-a connection between family members. I have a special kinship with my cousins.
Chapter 11 - Vocabulary • Furious= Confront=to bring to the presence. I am going confront him. [Con-front] • Emotion=a strong feeling. You should show emotion. [em-oa-sh-an] • Suspicious=something that makes you think something is wrong. I was suspicious when my sister • said she did not break my toy. [Sus-pish-ous] • Arithmetic=the science of numbering. I know arithmetic. [A-rith-met-ic] • Nuclear= atomic. I saw people with nuclear bombs. [New –clea-er]
Chapter 12 - Vocabulary • Dignity=self respect. He was trying for dignity. [Dig-nit-ea] • Committing=to perpetrate. He was committing a crime. [Comm. -it-ing] • Attempted=trying to do something. I attempted to hide the toy. [At-tempted]
Chapter 13 - Vocabulary • Optimism=the opinion or doctrine that everything is for the best; tendency to take the most hopeful • view. I like optimism. • [Op-tim-izm] • Confusion=disorder unclearness. There was confusion at the show. [con-fue-sh-on] • Truce=an agreement to stop fighting. I made a tube. • [Tr-oo-s] • Authentic=in are style of or like the original. • Displayed=show. I displayed my Club Penguin things on my shelf. [Diss-play-ed] • Physically=in the body. Hit him physically. • [Fiss-ick-lee]
Chapter 14 - Vocabulary • Broadened=make wider. My smile broadened • Pang=a sharp and sudden pain; painful spasm. I had a little pang [P-an-g] • Prevent=not to let something happen. I can prevent you. [Pre-ven-t] • Misery=great unhappiness of suffering. I have great misery in me. [Miss-er-ea] • Conflict=disagreement. I have a conflict. [Con -fl-ick-t] • Oasis=a place with water and trees in a dessert. I saw an oasis in the dessert. [Oa-ae -sis]
Chapter 15 - Vocabulary • Condense=to shorten or compress. I do not like condense milk. [con-den-s] • Nutritious=wholesome healthy. Bananas are nutritious. [Noo-tri-sh-ous] • Prehistoric=time before history was written. Dinosaurs are prehistoric. [Pre- his-tor-ic] • Sympathetic = kind, warm, compassion, tender. My sister is sympathetic. [Sym-pa-the -tic]
Vocabulary Chapter 16 Analyze: To examine something or someone. He analyzed the leaf. Lulled: To calm down something or someone. I lulled my baby to sleep. Appropriate: Something suitable or proper. The boy did not wear the appropriate clothes to the party.
Chapters 1 -5 Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why did Simon Tony and Cybil fight over being Mr. or Mrs. Indigestion? Why did Simon get really mad on Arbor Day? Why did Simon call Cybil popsicle legs and Harriet tub of blubber? Why did Simon go outside every day for a month? Why did Tony’s grandpa cry while eating ravioli? Answers
Questions- Chapters 6 -10 Chapter 6 • Who told Cybil bad lies? Why did she call him juvenile? Chapter 7 • What does Simon want to tell Cybil and where does he hide? Chapter 8 • Who walked home with whom and why did they leave Cybil’s house? Chapter 9 • Simon tries to think about good things about Tony. What were the good things Simon remembered Tony did? Chapter 10 • When did Simon accept the invitation to the pet show and who invited him. Answers
Questions-Chapter 11 1. Why did Tony and Simon spy on Annette and Bubsie? 2. What did the boys learn from their spying? Answers
Questions-Chapter 12 1. Why does Simon want to beat Tony and Miss Vicki at the pet show? 2. Why did Simon try to hide the pirate costume for T-Bone from his mom? Answers
Questions-Chapter 13 1. What emotion did Tony show when miss Vicki wet her diaper? 2. Why did Tony leave the pet show early? Answers
Questions-Chapter 14 1. Why does Miss Vicki win “The Worst Behaved Animal” prize? 2. Why did Simon blush when his mom asked who was at the door? Answers
Questions-Chapter 15 1. What did Simon’s third grade teacher ask him to write? 2. What happened during the play? Answers
Question 16 -20 16. Who was the person who Tony set up for Simon to go to the movies with? 17. What does T-bone do to help Simon and what does Simon ask? 18. Why does Simon go on the date? 19. Why was Simon's mom trying to defend Tony when she doesn't like him? 20. Why does Cybil choose Simon over Tony?
Chapters 1 -5 Answers 1. Because it was the best part of the play. 2. Because Simon’s dad was not there to help him plant his tree. 3. He pretended to be mad because he did not get the part for the play he wanted. 4. He wanted to get kidnapped by his dad because he left him. 5. Because he heard that Simon’s dad had abandoned him.
Answers- Chapters 6 -10 Chapter 6 • Tony told Cybil lies and Cybil called Tony juvenile because of the things he said about her. Chapter 7 • Simon wants to tell Cybil that he didn’t call her or Harriet unattractive names; Tony did. Simon was hiding in the bushes. Chapter 8 • Simon walked home with Tony and they left Cybil’s house because they caught each other in the bushes and got in trouble with one another. Chapter 9 • Tony asked for Simon’s drill back in the first grade and Tony helped Pappap feel better. Chapter 10 • Simon accepted the invitation after he heard Tony was going. And Cybil invited him. Questions
Answers-Chapter 11 1. Tony wanted to find out what Annette and Bubsie. 2. Tony and Simon learned that Bubsie did not like Annette as she thaught.
Answers- Chapter 12 1. Simon wanted to beat Tony because Tony was his enemy 2. Simon hid the costume because he did not want his mom to know he was going to a pet show.
Answers Chapter 13 1. Tony was embarrassed when Miss Vicki wet her diaper. 2. Tony left the pet show early because he was embarrassed that miss Vicki wet her diaper.
Answers Chapter 14 1. Miss Vicki won worst behaved because she wet her diaper. 2. Because it was Cybil.
Answers Chapter 15 1. Simon's third grade made him write the saddest sentence that happened to him over summer vacation. 2. Simon stepped out of line then back in. Then Billy Bonfili pushed Simon into the green beans. Then Simon got in trouble.
Answers 16 -20 16. Harriet Haywood, but he was supposed to be going with Cybil. 17. T-bone licks Simon and he goes back to sleep. Simon says “give me rabies or something!” 18. Because he thought he was with Cybil and Tony was with Harriet. 19. She said that Simon told her Tony claimed he had a bad desk when he got his report card (it was bad). His mom hit him with her big ring which made him cry ''I told you I have a bad desk!'' 20. Cybil chooses Simon because Tony lies and he will try to trick other people.