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PRE-AMBLE Sport & Recreation SA (SRSA) recognising that • Sport, which incorporates recreation, is a pervasive institution worldwide; • Sport and Recreation can be used as a medium to achieve specific outcomes that can either be positive or negative • There is substantial disparities between advantaged and disadvantaged communities in terms of access to sport in South Africa, a persistent feature that is acknowledged in the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) as “one of the worst legacies of apartheid” • The Government of South Africa has set specific goals for itself, the actualisation of which sport and recreation must contribute to; • Government pursues an integrated approach to planning and delivery • SRSA has been included in three (3) clusters namely the Social Sector Cluster (the core cluster of SRSA), the International Relations Cluster and the Governance and Administration Cluster each with its own specific objectives and priorities, but has interest in the priorities of all clusters SRSA
PRE-AMBLE Sport & Recreation SA (SRSA) recognising that • Two statutory bodies have been established to assist SRSA with the delivery of sport & recreation: • The existence of several other stakeholders in the NGO sector e. g. SASCOC, NFs and other NGO’s • That SA is part of the African continent and enjoys membership of the SCSA, the technical wing for sport of the AU and the SCSA Zone VI • The supremacy of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and the Public Finance Act (PFMA) in determining the operations of SRSA • That sport is a provincial and local competency in accordance with Schedule 5 Constitution Act. • Therefore sets out to achieve the mission, vision and objectives described in the (revised) White Paper on Sport and Recreation in pursuit of actualising Government’s objective of ensuring a better life for all South Africans SRSA
WHAT DRIVES US AT SRSA? • Priorities identified by the President in his State of the Nation Address • Priorities identified by the government clusters • Policy directives of the Cabinet, Parliament, the Minister of Sport and Recreation, the Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation and the Standing Committee on Education and Recreation SRSA
WHAT DRIVES US AT SRSA? • Our objectives – To increase the levels of participation of South Africans in sport and recreation activities • To raise levels of participation in formal, organised sport and recreation activities from 25% to at least 30% – Raising sports’ profile especially amongst decision makers in the face of conflicting and competing priorities • To secure more resources for sport and recreation – Maximising the probability of success of South African individuals and teams in major (international) sports events • To contribute to social cohesion, nation-building and the marketing of our country globally – Placing sport at the forefront of efforts to address issues of national importance (using sport as a medium for achieving positive outcomes for South African society) SRSA
WHAT DRIVES US AT SRSA? • Our priorities – To confirm and streamline the responsibilities of roleplayers in sport and recreation – To lobby for funds for the upgrading of basic, multipurpose sport and recreation facilities – To develop the human resource potential for the management of sport and recreation in South Africa – To motivate the community to develop active lifestyles and to channel those with talent into the competitive areas of sport – To develop a high performance programme that is geared toward preparing elite athletes for major competitions – To ensure that all sport and recreation bodies achieve their transformation objectives – To finalise and implement a code of ethics for sport and recreation in South Africa – To develop an international relations policy in concert with national government policies SRSA
Priorities identified by the President • Build a winning nation • Define for ourselves what we want to make of our shared destiny • Our country has entered the age of hope • Ensure that ASGISA is owned and implemented by our people as a whole • Halve poverty and unemployment by 2014 • Significant job creation • Accelerate infrastructure investment in the underdeveloped urban and rural areas through MIG and the EPWP • Identify particular areas for accelerated growth (sports Tourism) SRSA
Priorities identified by the President • Prioritise labour-intensive methods • A destiny of peace, democracy, non-racism, nonsexism • Consolidation of national reconciliation, national cohesion and unity, and a shared patriotism born of the strengthening of the manifest reality of a South Africa that belongs to all who live in it, united in their diversity • Ensure the international competitiveness of goods and services we produce • Improve the safety and security of our people • Ensure that the 3 spheres of government work together • Ensure that municipalities have IDPs SRSA
Priorities identified by the President • Deploy community development workers • Establishment of focal points for youth, the elderly, women, people with disabilities and the family • Reduce drug trafficking and substance abuse • Implementing social crime prevention methods • Honouring the principles of Batho Pele • Harness the proudly South African Spirit • The effective and speedy deliver of services • Vigorous and wide-ranging skills development • Wide ranging interventions in education and training • Registering unemployed graduates SRSA
Priorities identified by the President • Deliver services to the population in a sustainable way. • Improve the ability of government to deliver • Improve school infrastructure and create a healthy environment in our schools especially in poor areas • Defining and implementing social charters • Improving monitoring and evaluation across government • Strengthening bilateral relations • Working with the rest of Africa and Fifa to prepare for the 2010 FIFA world Cup and host the best Football World cup ever • Ensure that the World Cup contributes to a better life for our people • Restore the sport of football in South Africa, prepare a winning national team. SRSA
PRIORITIES OF THE GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION CLUSTER • Capability needs for a developmental state • Macro-organisation of the state – Batho Pele – Integrated service delivery • Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation • Hands-on support to local government • Improve basic service delivery and infrastructure investment SRSA
PRIORITIES OF THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PEACE AND SECURITY CLUSTER • Consolidation of the African Agenda – Strengthening the African Union and its structures – NEPAD • Global Governance – Socio-economic: 2010 Fifa World Cup • South-South Cooperation SRSA
PRIORITIES OF THE SOCIAL SECTOR CLUSTER (Our core cluster) • Promotion of national identity and social cohesion • Education – broadening access and improving quality • NGO contribution to Government’s development agenda • Social development: older persons, youth, children, women, persons in conflict • Health, food security and nutrition SRSA
PRIORITIES OF THE SOCIAL SECTOR CLUSTER (Our core cluster) • HIV and AIDS • ISRDP and URP • Promoting national identity and pride • Reshape the structural alignment between departments and provincial and local government • Implementing social aspects of the EPWP SRSA
PRIORITIES OF THE JUSTICE, CRIME, PEACE AND SECURITY CLUSTER (SRSA is not part of this Cluster) • Reducing the levels of crime • Preparing for the 2010 Fifa World Cup TM • Focusing on ensuring the safety of tourists, with an eye on the 2010 Fifa World Cup. TM • Crimes against women and children • Enhancing Border Control (Sector interest with regard to the international convention against doping in sport) SRSA
PRIORITIES OF THE ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT CLUSTER (SRSA is not part of this Cluster) • Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment • Tourism • Accelerated Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa • Building a competitive and labour absorbing economy (sports tourism) • Implementation of the PGDSs and the IDPs • Accelerate the growth of tourism • Economic reform – Infrastrucure development – More equitable geographic spread of economic activity SRSA – Review of public entities
SRSA: Vision and Mission • VISION – “An active and winning nation” • MISSION – To actualise government’s objectives by creating an environment conducive to maximising the access to participation in sport and recreation by all South Africans and to enhance the medal-winning potential of the country’s athletes in international sporting competitions SRSA
SERVICES DELIVERED BY SPORT AND RECREATION SOUTH AFRICA • Managing the Vote for Sport and recreation • Supporting the Office of the Minister of Sport and recreation • Providing support, from a government perspective, to all stakeholders in sport and recreation • Coordinating, developing, resourcing, implementing, monitoring, reporting on, and evaluating the mass participation programme, including school sport, as well as community club development • Talent identification • Education and Training • Ensuring that integrated sports management information is available to all stakeholders • Coordination of Government’s involvement of the 2010 FIFA World Cup • Interpreting broad government policy to develop policies for sport and recreation SRSA
SERVICES DELIVERED BY SPORT AND RECREATION SOUTH AFRICA • Aligning the policies of sport and recreation with the policies of other government departments and vice-versa • Providing legal advice to stakeholders in sport and recreation from a government perspective • Subsidising clients of SRSA in accordance with the PFMA and the SRSA funding policy • Managing inter- and intra-governmental relations • Procuring resources for sport and recreation from abroad • Communicating sport and recreation related matters from a government perspective • Coordinating and responding to parliamentary questions • Coordinating and monitoring the creation and upgrading of sport and recreation infrastructure through the BSRP and MIG SRSA
GROWTH IN BUDGET OF SRSA R’ 000 SRSA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 103581 175902 229439 294213 458912 352153 399222 450439
SRSA BUDGET 2006/07 Number/Name 1 2 3 4 5 SRSA Administration Client Supp Services Mass Participation International Liaison & Events (2010) Facilities Coordination TOTAL Amount % 81 784 79 746 166 970 18 053 23, 2 22, 7 47, 4 5, 1 5 600 352 153 1, 6 100
LEGAL SERVICES SAFETY AT SPORTS STADIUMS BILL PROJECT OUTPUT Certification of the Safety at Sports Stadiums Act SRSA PROJECT OUTCOME PERFORMANC E INDICATOR Ensure the safety of Bill Certified spectators and persons participating in sport at sports stadiums
LEGAL SERVICES SA INSTITUTE FOR DRUG-FREE SPORT AMENDMENT BILL PROJECT OUPUT PROJECT OUTCOME Certification of the Amendment Act • Efficient and Act promulgated effective governance timeously by reprioritizing the objects, powers and duties of the Institute • A doping free sports environment SRSA PERFORMANCE INDICATOR
LEGAL SERVICES SPORT & RECREATION AMEND BILL PROJECT OUTPUT PROJECT OUTCOME PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Certification of the Sport and Recreation Amendment Act To bring the S&R Act in line with the changed sport and recreation governance environment & to empower the Minister to intervene in sport and recreation and related matters SRSA Bill Certified
LEGAL SERVICES INTERNATIONAL ANTI-DOPING CONVENTION PROJECT OUTPUT PERFORMANC E INDICATOR Ratification of the International Anti. Doping Convention SRSA PROJECT OUTCOME Ensure that the country does all in its power to adhere and implement the WADA code Convention ratified
CONFIRM ROLES & STREAMLINE RESPONSIBILITIES • Only two Macro Structures in South Africa: o Sport and Recreation South Africa: Mass Participation o SASCOC: High Performance Sport • Streamline Public Entities SRSA
CREATION & UPGRADE OF FACILITIES • FACILITIES: DPLG THROUGH MIG • SRSA FUNCTIONS – Complete the National Facilities Plan – Increase the number of Provinces & Local Authorities that have included facility creation, upgrading and maintenance in their PGDSs and IDPs – Monitor building & upgrading of facilities – Train facility managers – Advocate for sustained funding – Promote activities at facilities SRSA
DEVELOP HUMAN RESOURCE POTENTIAL • EDUCATION & TRAINING o o o Identify training needs Identify accredited service providers Provide training courses Deploy trained people Establish a database of trained individuals Special education and training projects that may arise from time to time § 2010 FIFA World Cup volunteer development o Life skills programme for elite sportspersons (in conjunction with SASCOC) o Contact point of SRSA with THETA SRSA
MOTIVATE COMMUNITY TO DEVELOP ACTIVE LIFESTYLES • Determine Participation levels • Identify federations best placed for more participants • Develop and implement the Mass Participation Programme • Talent identification • Agreement with Education: o School Sport Programmes • Agreement with Correctional Services: o Rehabilitation Programme for offenders SRSA
DEVELOP A HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME • Rationalise HP programs • Identify priority sports for inclusion in the hp programme • Improve consolidated HP programme • Resource HP programme adequately • Establish National Academy System • Fund international Participation SRSA
ENSURE TRANSFORMATION OBJECTIVES ARE MET • Finalise sports transformation charter • Develop an implementation programme • Identify year by year targets • Monitor implementation of targets SRSA
ETHICS IN SPORT • Identify and confirm aspects of ethical behaviour in S&R • Produce and distribute revised publication on ethical behaviour in S&R • Implement programmes to promote ethical behaviour in S&R • Test for the use of banned performance enhancing substances • Amend anti-doping legislation • Ratify UN Convention against doping in sport SRSA
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS • Finalise International relations policy • Identify needs of SA sport to be resourced internationally • Identify strengths in SA sport that can be marketed abroad • Sign international agreements with African countries • Implement protocols of action • Involvement in Zone VI • Sports Tourism SRSA