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Presentation to the County Evaluators for the New Jersey Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan May Presentation to the County Evaluators for the New Jersey Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan May 14, 2003 14 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 1

Task Force on Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment in New Jersey EVALUATION COMMITTEE Task Force on Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment in New Jersey EVALUATION COMMITTEE 14 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 2

Caveat/Disclaimer: This document reflects a Caveat/Disclaimer: This document reflects a "work in progress. " n It is meant ONLY as a general guide and overview to some of the many dynamically evolving implementation issues related to the CCCP. n 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 3

Today’s Presentation n Where Does Everyone Fit In? n Evaluation Committee n Implementation Update Today’s Presentation n Where Does Everyone Fit In? n Evaluation Committee n Implementation Update n Collaborations n Funding Update 14 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 4

So, Where Does Everyone Fit In? 14 May 2003 5 So, Where Does Everyone Fit In? 14 May 2003 5

Administrative Matrix for CCCP: Who Reports to Who? Task Force Office of the Governor Administrative Matrix for CCCP: Who Reports to Who? Task Force Office of the Governor NJDHSS Cancer Registry State NJ CEED Office CINJ – Comprehensive Cancer Center American Cancer Society NJLINCS & Local Health Officers OCCP Exec. Director: Peg Knight Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation 25 CEED CE/CCCP on Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment in NJ Chair: A. Baskies Evaluation Committee Chair: S. Weiss Workgroups – responsible for each cancer/area (8) and key over-arching issues NCI/CDC UMDNJ-SPH Training S. Weiss (PI); M. Sass (Co-PI) UMDNJ-NJMS Evaluation S. Weiss (PI) 6

Collaboration and Data Exchange Matrix for CCCP Dotted Line: Interaction/Collaboration between two entities Arrow: Collaboration and Data Exchange Matrix for CCCP Dotted Line: Interaction/Collaboration between two entities Arrow: Direction of Data Flow Task Force Office of the Governor on Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment in NJ Chair: A. Baskies NJDHSS Cancer Registry OCCP State NJ CEED Office Exec. Director: Peg Knight CINJ – Comprehensive Cancer Center American Cancer Society 25 CEED CE/CCCP NJLINCS & Local Health Officers Evaluation Committee Chair: S. Weiss Workgroups – responsible for each cancer/area (8) and key over-arching issues NCI/CDC UMDNJ-SPH Training S. Weiss (PI); M. Sass (Co-PI) Battelle UMDNJ-NJMS Evaluation S. Weiss (PI)

Evaluation Committee Chair: Stanley H. Weiss, M. D. weiss@umdnj. edu n The evaluation committee Evaluation Committee Chair: Stanley H. Weiss, M. D. weiss@umdnj. edu n The evaluation committee is part of the Task Force on Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment in New Jersey n This committee will provide some overall guidance to the County Evaluators and Workgroups 12 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 8

Evaluation Committee Will Also: n County Evaluators and Workgroups will report and to the Evaluation Committee Will Also: n County Evaluators and Workgroups will report and to the Office of Cancer Control and Prevention (OCCP) and Peg Knight, who will u Synthesize their reports and u Relay them to Dr. Weiss and to the Task Force for further assessment n Consolidate input from evaluation activities both within NJDHSS and external sources, including the County Evaluators for the CCCP (CE/CCCP) 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 9

The Evaluation Committee’s Web Site Is Located At: www. umdnj. edu / evalcweb / The Evaluation Committee’s Web Site Is Located At: www. umdnj. edu / evalcweb / 12 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 10

Implementation Is Moving Forward: An Update 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini Implementation Is Moving Forward: An Update 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 11

New County Evaluators for the CCCP (CE/CCCP) n As part of the Implementation Process New County Evaluators for the CCCP (CE/CCCP) n As part of the Implementation Process of the CCCP, the new CE/CCCP will be hired by each CEED program to conduct a Capacity and Needs Assessment (C/NA) and an evaluation of all aspects concerning cancer prevention, detection and treatment in their county. n These “County Evaluators” will either be consultants or employees. 12 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 12

New County Evaluators for the CCCP: Key Responsibilities n n n Investigates cancer needs New County Evaluators for the CCCP: Key Responsibilities n n n Investigates cancer needs and capacity assessments in their County Describes impediments to best cancer prevention practices in their County Describes the system for early detection and prompt therapy of cancers in their County Develops guidelines to implement a comprehensive cancer C/NA and a work plan to implement the capacity and needs guidelines Works with OCCP and the Cancer Registry to identify communities and populations where cancer burden is highest 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 13

Purpose of Capacity Needs Assessment To provide the best approach to implementing the CCCP Purpose of Capacity Needs Assessment To provide the best approach to implementing the CCCP u To help keep the implementation process on target u To provide both baseline and (over time) follow-up information for evaluation purposes u 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 14

Collaboration n Information will be gathered by the County Evaluators through collaboration with multiple Collaboration n Information will be gathered by the County Evaluators through collaboration with multiple sources, such as: u u u Task Force Workgroups Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation American Cancer Society CDC and NCI’s Cancer Control PLANET and Cancer Information Service NJ State Cancer Registry 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 15

CCCP Workgroups n n n n Breast Cervical Colorectal Lung Melanoma Oral/Oropharangyeal Prostate n CCCP Workgroups n n n n Breast Cervical Colorectal Lung Melanoma Oral/Oropharangyeal Prostate n n n Advocacy Palliation Nutrition and Physical Activity Childhood Cancer [Will be part of Evaluation Committee: the former Access and Resources Workgroup] 13 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 16

County Evaluators working with Workgroups § § § Workgroups will need to start working County Evaluators working with Workgroups § § § Workgroups will need to start working with County Evaluators to identify cancer resources throughout the state for their specific cancer site. Information on how to contact each Workgroup will be provided to CEs. If there a well-delineated, specific and readily accomplished task, Workgroups may potentially give some task to CEs at this juncture so as to move forward on that strategy. t Strategy CO 1. 3. 1 on pg. 148 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 17

Battelle: Tracking Progress in the Workgroups n Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Battelle: Tracking Progress in the Workgroups n Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation is working on developing an electronic tracking system that each Workgroup is to use under the direction of the Workgroup chair or appointee. n A draft version is explained in a Word document, it should be used with appropriate goal/objective/ strategy, names and numbers – replacing those in the draft. n These should be modified by each Workgroup so as to create one form for EACH strategy. 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 18

Battelle: Tracking Progress in the Workgroups § If and when more sophisticated electronic versions Battelle: Tracking Progress in the Workgroups § If and when more sophisticated electronic versions to capture this information are developed, these will be provided to the Workgroups. n On a bi-monthly or quarterly basis, the OCCP requests that each Workgroup provide an update. n First updates desired by OCCP during June 2003 n See example……. 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 19

Sample Tracking Form for Workgroups Date Form Completed: [AUTOMATED] Work Group: COLORECTAL CANCER Submitted Sample Tracking Form for Workgroups Date Form Completed: [AUTOMATED] Work Group: COLORECTAL CANCER Submitted By: [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] Goal CO-1: To raise awareness about colorectal cancer for all residents of New Jersey………………. . Objective CO-1. 1 : To target specific educational efforts for subpopulations, including but not limited to, lower socioeconomic status (SES) and high-risk groups, in order to increase awareness of colorectal cancer. Strategy CO-1. 1. 1: Review the content of the curriculum the New Jersey Department of Education is developing as supported by Title 18 A: 40 -32, Cancer Awareness Week and Title 18 A: 40 -33, Cancer Awareness Program for School-aged Children, as it relates to colorectal cancer. Funding Amount: Source: Comments: i. e. $25, 000 Wonderful Granting Agency's Name Grant application – award announcement March 2003 i. e. $30, 000 Another Wonderful Granting Agency On hold for FY 2003 Targets Target Date: Status: Date: month/year of anticipated or actual completion 2003 2004……… Principal Change Agents Last Contact Date: Name: Principal Change Agents i. e. American Cancer Society 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 20

Additional Project By Battelle u u u Battelle is also developing indexing/crossindexing of the Additional Project By Battelle u u u Battelle is also developing indexing/crossindexing of the CCCP according to key parameters Link to www. umdnj. edu/evalcweb/ under Battelle for a list of these key parameters Enable tracking by Workgroups of NJ activities with respect to the CCCP, by linkage to the above CCCP database system 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 21

American Cancer Society n Currently conducting its own Capacity and Needs Assessment in New American Cancer Society n Currently conducting its own Capacity and Needs Assessment in New Jersey n ACS plans to share with OCCP the results of their regional Capacity and Needs Assessment n Also, ACS is adopting the NJ CCCP in its OWN forward planning, which is important in terms of long-term goals 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 22

New Jersey’s 6 ACS Regions Region 1. Northwest 2. Northern 3. . Metro 4. New Jersey’s 6 ACS Regions Region 1. Northwest 2. Northern 3. . Metro 4. Central 5. Shore 6. South No Counties 2002 Report Received Number of CEED Programs 5 Morris, Warren, Sussex, Somerset & Hunterdon 5 3 5 2 2 4/1/03 8 2 Bergen & Passaic 3 Essex, Hudson & Union 2 Middlesex & Mercer 2 Monmouth & Ocean 7 Camden, Gloucester, Burlington, Salem, Atlantic, Cumberland & Cape May 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 23

New Jersey’s 6 ACS Regions We shall assess whether the CE’s should on occasion New Jersey’s 6 ACS Regions We shall assess whether the CE’s should on occasion meet together for regional discussions, perhaps structured on the ACS regional structure. 12 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 24


Working with NCI and CDC: Cancer Control PLANET n n n Tommy Thompson, announced Working with NCI and CDC: Cancer Control PLANET n n n Tommy Thompson, announced the launch of the Cancer Control PLANET website on April 24, 2003 It is a collaborative (CDC, NCI, ACS etc) effort aimed at providing access to data and resources that can u help cancer control planners, health educators, program staff, and researchers t design, t implement, and t evaluate evidence-based cancer control programs. http: //cancercontrolplanet. cancer. gov 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 26

Working with NCI: Cancer Information Service n n CIS: a national resource for information Working with NCI: Cancer Information Service n n CIS: a national resource for information and education about cancer. Through its Partnership Program, the CIS is dedicated to reaching the medically underserved. CIS partners with state and regional organizations to directly serve these audiences. Pool resources to create and develop programs with wider reach and greater impact. 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 27

Working with the New Jersey State Cancer Registry n An individual-level dataset is available Working with the New Jersey State Cancer Registry n An individual-level dataset is available from the New Jersey State Cancer Registry without identifiers, which includes data from 19911998, for persons doing research n This is available to the County Evaluators to do data analysis (incidence, mortality etc. ) for cancer in their county, after completion of request forms 13 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 28

Working with the New Jersey State Cancer Registry n Betsy Kohler has highlighted some Working with the New Jersey State Cancer Registry n Betsy Kohler has highlighted some useful reports available through the NJSCR: u Cancer Among Older Adults in NJ (1994 -1998) u Cancer Among Hispanics in NJ (1990 – 1996) u Cancer Incidence and Mortality in NJ (1996 – 2000) u County Cancer Statistics Report – release date TBD 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 29

Funding 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 30 Funding 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 30

The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n NJDHSS: 1. Office of Cancer Control and Prevention - Office of the CCCP Executive Director Peg Knight, RN, MEd 2 new staff positions [On HOLD] 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 31

The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n NJDHSS: 2. Cancer Registry - Office of Cancer Epidemiology Betsy A. Kohler, MPH, CTR 2 -3 new staff positions [On HOLD] 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 32

The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n NJDHSS: 3. NJ Cancer Education and Early Detection (CEED) Programs t t t 25 new positions at each program (programs in all 21 NJ counties with 4 counties having 2 programs) Administered by: Doreleena Sammons. Posey, SM and Anna Ruth Thies, RN, MA 1 new central State staff position in fiscal 2003 [On HOLD] 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 33

The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n NJDHSS: 3. CEED Programs [cont. ] t $57, 100 to each program in Fiscal 2003: u $52, 100 for a staff/consultant position for Capacity/Needs Assessment and Evaluation as the “County Evaluators for the CCCP” (CE/CCCP) u $5, 000 for support resources - computer equipment 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 34

The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n NJDHSS: 3. CEED Programs [cont. ] On March 5, the above mentioned $57, 100 in funds received an extension for use beyond JUNE 30 th - to permit use through SEPTEMBER 30 th. t As of April 1, 2003, this has CHANGED and the extension will be through DECEMBER 31 st, providing a more adequate time frame to accomplish the goals. t 29 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 35

The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n NJDHSS: 4. Training of NJ CEED “CE/CCCP” t t Fiscal 2003 MOA with UMDNJ-SPH Approximately four, day-long programs for training in basic skills and applying standardized methodology 1 st day of training set for May 14 th Drs. Marcia Sass [co-PI] and Stanley H. Weiss [PI] 29 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 36

The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: n NJDHSS: 5. Technical Assistance to NJDHSS/Task Force, and External Evaluation: t MOA with UMDNJ-NJMS Stanley H. Weiss, MD [PI] Susan Collini, MPH William Halperin, MD Judith B. Klotz, MS, Dr. PH [after May 1 st ] Funding after June 30, 2003 [ON HOLD] 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 37

The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: 5. The Original Planned Fiscal 2003 New $3. 25 M Allocation Was to Support: 5. Technical Assistance to NJDHSS/Task Force and External Evaluation (continued) n Review assessment/evaluation plans and implementation of other States identified by CDC as exemplary models n Assess instruments and systems for data collection and systemization by NJDHSS and its contractors n Public health/epidemiologic assessment of the Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan (CCCP) 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 38

Additional Funding by the State in Cancer Research Cancer Institute of New Jersey William Additional Funding by the State in Cancer Research Cancer Institute of New Jersey William N. Hait, MD, Ph. D § NCI-Comprehensive Cancer Center, with NCI mandates related to the community § Added allocations of $20 M Fiscal 2003, $18 M Fiscal 2004 § Including for development of a system to foster communication about treatment programs § RFAs issued March 2003 25 April 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 39

The Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan on the Web…. . http: //www. state. nj. us/health/ccp/ccc_plan. The Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan on the Web…. . http: //www. state. nj. us/health/ccp/ccc_plan. htm 13 May 2003 -- SH Weiss, S Collini 40