Скачать презентацию Presentation to 2014 ICLRD Conference Armagh City Liam Скачать презентацию Presentation to 2014 ICLRD Conference Armagh City Liam


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Presentation to 2014 ICLRD Conference, Armagh City Liam Conneally Senior Planner Limerick City and Presentation to 2014 ICLRD Conference, Armagh City Liam Conneally Senior Planner Limerick City and County Council Introduction LG role in supporting Enterprise and Economic Growth Questions to be asked of Local Government Putting People First Responding to the Challenge – Limerick's approach

Questions Have we a clear sense of what we want for our future environment? Questions Have we a clear sense of what we want for our future environment? Is the Local Government Structure fit for the challenge ahead? Do we have the skills sets and competencies available to play our part in a changing system? We talk about spatial planning but should we not be discussing planning for people? Have we the courage to embrace a different way of responding to the new demands of Putting People First?

Putting People First Local Government is being empowered to lead economic, social and community Putting People First Local Government is being empowered to lead economic, social and community development locally. Local Government will be the main vehicle of governance and public service at local level, deliver efficient and good value services, and represent citizens and communities, as effectively and accountably as possible. Separate structures of public service will not therefore be established outside of local government unless clearly necessitated in exceptional circumstances.

Challenges Facing Limerick • High Level of Unemployment • Poorly Performing City Centre • Challenges Facing Limerick • High Level of Unemployment • Poorly Performing City Centre • High Level of Social Deprivation • Lack of Unity • Image

The Approach The Approach

Vision That the people of Limerick are supported by a professional, proactive and accessible Vision That the people of Limerick are supported by a professional, proactive and accessible local government structure at the heart of a wider public service Acknowledged for its inclusive participation of all it's citizens in the development of their community That Limerick is the desired location for business development, cultural enrichment and educational opportunity That Limerick and the Mid. West will compete with other European destinations in terms of business, tourism, living and investment

Empowering People There are 8 priority themes in the regeneration programme Community Participation, Empowerment Empowering People There are 8 priority themes in the regeneration programme Community Participation, Empowerment and Civic Engagement and Whole of Government Approach support an integrated approach across the LRFIP as a whole. The Policing, Justice and Community Safety Priority is required to create the conditions for other elements of the LRFIPs to work.

Social Strategy Education and Learning Health and Well Being Ageing Well Employability and Work Social Strategy Education and Learning Health and Well Being Ageing Well Employability and Work Families and youth at risk Community

Need For A Plan • Mid-West Task Force Report • Putting People First – Need For A Plan • Mid-West Task Force Report • Putting People First – Action Programme for Effective Local Government (Do. ECLG) - • LA’s to prepare Economic Development Plans Alignment of Economic and Spatial Policies of the merging Local Authorities

Economic and Spatial Plan • Other Locations who have transformed their Cities/Regions have used Economic and Spatial Plan • Other Locations who have transformed their Cities/Regions have used this approach • Consultants GVA/AECOM/Thinking Place appointed • Expertise in: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Economic Analysis and Business and Economic Development Spatial and Urban Planning Architecture, Cultural and Heritage Transportation Marketing • Limerick City Urban Area • Key Locations in County

Limerick 2030: An Economic and Spatial Plan 3 Elements: Economic Strategy Spatial Plan Marketing Limerick 2030: An Economic and Spatial Plan 3 Elements: Economic Strategy Spatial Plan Marketing Plan


Economic objectives Strategy: Reviving Limerick’s Economy Research & Analysis Economic Challenges Economic Objectives Economic Economic objectives Strategy: Reviving Limerick’s Economy Research & Analysis Economic Challenges Economic Objectives Economic Actions

Economic Challenges objectives Grow and Diversify the Limerick Economy Attract Greater Level of FDI Economic Challenges objectives Grow and Diversify the Limerick Economy Attract Greater Level of FDI Bring More Economic Activity to the City Centre Increase High Value Knowledge Based Employment Maximise Impact of Limerick’s ICT Assets and Reputation Improve Economic Infrastructure Develop Economic Governance and Delivery Structure

Economic Objectives Economic objectives Position Limerick as a competitive knowledge economy, known for its Economic Objectives Economic objectives Position Limerick as a competitive knowledge economy, known for its skills base, excellence in high-tech sectors Develop an outstanding environment for starting and growing new business Create the conditions for long-term economic growth Create a vibrant city centre economy with a new mix of economic uses and a strong education presence Maximise local employment impact from development and Regeneration

Economic objectives Economic Strategy Conclusions and Recommendations: - 1. Potential to Create 12, 000 Economic objectives Economic Strategy Conclusions and Recommendations: - 1. Potential to Create 12, 000 FTE new jobs (5, 000 in City Centre) 2. Limerick should aim to become Ireland’s most Business Friendly Location 3. Develop Multi-Sectoral Cluster Approach 4. Develop Rural Economic Nodes around Principal Towns 5. Identify Strategic Uses for Industrial Zoned Lands in County Limerick

Economic objectives Economic Strategy Conclusions and Recommendations (continued): - 6. Establish € 50 M Economic objectives Economic Strategy Conclusions and Recommendations (continued): - 6. Establish € 50 M Seed and Venture Capital Fund 7. Develop Ultra-fast Broadband Capacity 8. Develop City Centre Higher Education Campus 9. Develop Innovation Hub 10. Establish High Level Economic Group

SPATIAL PLAN ‘A good city is like a good party, you stay much longer SPATIAL PLAN ‘A good city is like a good party, you stay much longer than you planned’ Jan Gehl

Vision for Limerick City Centre A Premier Shopping and Leisure Destination A Thriving Business Vision for Limerick City Centre A Premier Shopping and Leisure Destination A Thriving Business Centre An Expanding Residential Population A Leading Centre for Culture/ Arts/ Creative Industries A World Class Tourism Destination A High Quality Safe, Pedestrian Friendly Place Strong Rural Economy A ‘Special City’ – innovative, authentic, attractive, unique, progressive at the centre of a prosperous rural hinterland

7 Transformational Projects 1. A Revitalised Waterfront 2. The Limerick Cultural Centre 3. Great 7 Transformational Projects 1. A Revitalised Waterfront 2. The Limerick Cultural Centre 3. Great Streets 4. A New City Square 5. City Centre Higher Education Campus 6. Renewal of Georgian Quarter 7. A New Public Transport Interchange

A New Riverside Park Extending from Sarsfield Bridge to King John’s Castle The ‘front A New Riverside Park Extending from Sarsfield Bridge to King John’s Castle The ‘front garden’ to the city - pedestrian- friendly and ‘green Open views and access - remove Sarsfield House Open up rear of Hunt Museum New Pedestrian Bridge across Abbey River Limerick Cultural Centre as focal point

The Limerick Cultural Centre A state of the art visitor attraction/ destination on the The Limerick Cultural Centre A state of the art visitor attraction/ destination on the riverfront : ‘hub’ concept - museum, library, performance - National Diaspora Centre iconic architecture the best site - waterfront and heart of the city

A New City Square Centred on Arthur’s Quay Area A meeting place / place A New City Square Centred on Arthur’s Quay Area A meeting place / place of celebration Pedestrianise or limit through traffic Active frontages Appropriate scale and high quality design Appropriate to Limerick

Reviving the Shopping Offer New Retail Development adjacent to Arthur’s Quay Renovation of Cruises Reviving the Shopping Offer New Retail Development adjacent to Arthur’s Quay Renovation of Cruises Street Refurbishment Debenhams / Pennys Support for Independent shopping Open air/ street market High Quality, Pedestrian Friendly Retail Quarter

City Centre Education Campus Imperative to aid revitalisation of City Centre A multi-campus concept City Centre Education Campus Imperative to aid revitalisation of City Centre A multi-campus concept - UL/ LIT and MI Build on LIT proposals and recent investments by MI Student accommodation Complements Development of a Business Quarter

Renewal of Georgian Quarter Tax incentive regime to encourage refurbishment for home ownership (Living Renewal of Georgian Quarter Tax incentive regime to encourage refurbishment for home ownership (Living Cities Initiative) Owner Occupier – business/retail Council – led pilot/ demonstration project Need to retain and protect existing businesses Need to meet people’s accommodation needs Protection can lead to Destruction Need to Relax Restrictions

Public Transport Interchange A new inter-modal interchange Refurbished rail station, new bus station, relocated Public Transport Interchange A new inter-modal interchange Refurbished rail station, new bus station, relocated car park New entrance plaza Better signage and connections to city core

Train/Bus Station Dock Road Georgian Quarter A C B D Charlotte Quay Aerial View Train/Bus Station Dock Road Georgian Quarter A C B D Charlotte Quay Aerial View of Transformational Sites Sarsfield Bridge

Photomontage of Riverside Park Photomontage of New City Square Photomontage of Riverside Park Photomontage of New City Square

Georgian Block – Demonstration Project • Estimated Project Cost € 2 M • Limerick Georgian Block – Demonstration Project • Estimated Project Cost € 2 M • Limerick Civic Trust

Limerick City & County Council CPG LCDC SPC SPC SPC District Social Home Metropolitan Limerick City & County Council CPG LCDC SPC SPC SPC District Social Home Metropolitan District Economic Community Economic Development Municipal District Physical Transport & Travel Municipal District Water & Environment Municipal District

Progress To Date • Signing of the Charter of Cohesiveness and Convergence • Economic Progress To Date • Signing of the Charter of Cohesiveness and Convergence • Economic Forum • Reduction of City Council Rates by 21% in 2013/14 • Introduction of Business Incentive Scheme • Since January 2013 – 450 new jobs created in Limerick City Centre • Review of Development Contribution Schemes • Implementation of a single business support centre • Establishment of the Limerick Marketing Company • Innovation Hub ready for Launch • City Centre Cultural Infrastructure Strategy • Limerick – National City of Culture 2014

Denis Chairman Brosnan Economic Forum; Loretta Fmr. Chairman Brennan American Ireland “To advise, support Denis Chairman Brosnan Economic Forum; Loretta Fmr. Chairman Brennan American Ireland “To advise, support and influence the delivery of Limerick 2030: Economic and Spatia Gluxman Fund John Moran Dept. of Finance Michael Chairman Collins Shannon-Foynes Port Co. Rose Hynes Chairman Shannon Airport Conn Manager/CEO Murray Limerick City and County Co. Barry President MW O’Sullivan American Chamber

Key City Centre Development Sites to be progressed ‘Opera’ Site Arthur’s Quay Retail Centre Key City Centre Development Sites to be progressed ‘Opera’ Site Arthur’s Quay Retail Centre Georgian Block ‘Hanging Gardens’ Development Bridge connecting Arthurs Quay Park to Johns Castle

To Conclude Local Government is a significant player in the economic development of this To Conclude Local Government is a significant player in the economic development of this country. Its role is often undervalued but its contribution is immense. As highly accountable and responsive organisations, grounded in their business, environmental, cultural, educational, and social communities, they are closest to our citizens needs. Local Government is therefore not just simply an agent of central government, it is in its own right an innovative leader of the economic growth of the country across all sectors of society. We look forward to further enhancement of this role over the next programme of EU funding and we will make a significant contribution to the achievement of the challenging targets of Irelands National Reform Programme.