Скачать презентацию Presentation Title ZERO WASTE TOOLKITS FOR EVENTS Presented Скачать презентацию Presentation Title ZERO WASTE TOOLKITS FOR EVENTS Presented


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Presentation Title: ZERO WASTE TOOLKITS FOR EVENTS Presented to: Waste. MINZ Conference 2008 Presented Presentation Title: ZERO WASTE TOOLKITS FOR EVENTS Presented to: Waste. MINZ Conference 2008 Presented by: Linda Wright – One World Consulting

Presentation Content Event Recycling in the Queenstown Lakes District § Where have we come Presentation Content Event Recycling in the Queenstown Lakes District § Where have we come from? § Where are we now? § Where are we going?

Where have we come from? Where have we come from?

Where have we come from? § Event organisers submitted a Waste Management Plan & Where have we come from? § Event organisers submitted a Waste Management Plan & Event Recycling Form to obtain a resource consent; § Limited requirements in Event Recycling Form due to lack of waste minimisation infrastructure & services; § No requirements for Outline Plan Applications or events on QLDC land; § Limited waste minimisation education to assist Event Organisers; § Inconsistent waste management practices at events. Overall this achieved low levels of waste diversion

Drivers for Change? § Implementation of the Waste Management Strategy 2003: 43 waste minimisation Drivers for Change? § Implementation of the Waste Management Strategy 2003: 43 waste minimisation initiatives to achieve 35% diversion target; § Initiative 19: ‘Ensure large scale events manage their own waste appropriately’; § Improved waste minimisation infrastructure, services and education in the District; § Planned organic waste kerbside collection service & processing; § Resource consents, bylaws, polluter-pays principle.

Why focus on Event Recycling? An increasing number of local, national and international events Why focus on Event Recycling? An increasing number of local, national and international events attracting large audiences and international media coverage: n NZ Golf Open; n Rippon Music Festival; n International Cricket; n. Wanaka n Rugby 7’s; n. Arrowtown n Warbirds Over Wanaka; n. Gibbston n Queenstown Winter Festival n. Wanaka Festival of Colour; Autumn Festival; Wine Festival; Iron Man

Zero Waste Toolkit for Events § Review the existing Event Recycling Form & Waste Zero Waste Toolkit for Events § Review the existing Event Recycling Form & Waste Mgt Plan; § Improve & redesign to make them more comprehensive; § Require ALL event organisers to achieve a minimum of 35% diversion at their events; § Incorporate feedback from Event Organisers and Key Stakeholders; § Continuous improvement as infrastructure and services evolve.

Consultation is Key! § Presented the One Stop Shop - Zero Waste Toolkit for Consultation is Key! § Presented the One Stop Shop - Zero Waste Toolkit for Events; § Inform and engage the key people that organise events; § Consultation to get buy in and understand needs and limitations; § Buy into and help develop the working document; § Ongoing feedback and review to make continuous improvements; § Measuring success should be mandatory!

Where are we now? Where are we now?

Zero Waste Toolkit for Events Approval from Who and How? § District Plan Rules: Zero Waste Toolkit for Events Approval from Who and How? § District Plan Rules: > 500 indoors > 200 outdoors § Resource Consent & Designation = Lakes Environmental; § Council owned land = Lakes Leisure;

Zero Waste Toolkit for Events 1. Zero Waste Guide: How to: planning education, packaging, Zero Waste Toolkit for Events 1. Zero Waste Guide: How to: planning education, packaging, monitoring, systems 2. Zero Waste Directory of Contacts: Where from: Contractors, businesses & organisations 3. Zero Waste Form: To be completed by the Event Organiser and approved by Council.

Zero Waste Form Includes the following sections to be completed by the Event Organiser: Zero Waste Form Includes the following sections to be completed by the Event Organiser: Before the Event After the Event: n Event & Organiser Details n Feedback & Reporting n Catering & Stall numbers n Actual Diversion Rates n Containers & Collections** n Incentives n Diversion Targets (min of 35%) n Education & Monitoring (min of 2) n Contamination n Clean-up Details n Site Map

Containers & Collections § Event organiser to consult with Contractors to establish requirements for Containers & Collections § Event organiser to consult with Contractors to establish requirements for the event; 1. Event organiser to state the recommended number of containers and include the Contractor Recommendation to confirm these provisions; 2. If the stated provisions do not meet the Contractor Recommendation, the form WILL NOT be approved.

Diversion Rates 1. Event organiser to set a waste diversion target for the Zero Diversion Rates 1. Event organiser to set a waste diversion target for the Zero Waste Event; 2. Consent conditions are monitored during the event; 3. After the event the Contractor to complete waste and diversion figures for the Event Organiser; 4. Incentives – Zero Waste Award / Free consent processing / $1000 prize / Media Releases…any other ideas?

Feedback & Reporting 1. COMPULSARY feedback form and diversion rates to be completed within Feedback & Reporting 1. COMPULSARY feedback form and diversion rates to be completed within 28 days after the event and returned FREEPOST to the Council; 2. This provides opportunity for event organisers to give feedback and identify areas where they need help for future events; 3. It allows the Council to gauge the success of the Zero Waste Event Toolkit and identify areas for improvement.

Where are we going? Where are we going?

Zero Waste Toolkit for Events The future……. § Ongoing feedback and consultation from event Zero Waste Toolkit for Events The future……. § Ongoing feedback and consultation from event organisers, contractors, service providers, public: Review and improve the Zero Waste Toolkit § Developments in infrastructure and services: Organic waste collection and processing § Change the rules: Solid Waste Bylaw, Landfill levy, Landfill Bans Continuous change… Continuous Improvement

Thank you Thank you