Скачать презентацию presentation title While working for an architecture Скачать презентацию presentation title While working for an architecture

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  • Количество слайдов: 102

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While working for an architecture firm, she was held at gunpoint. He cut the While working for an architecture firm, she was held at gunpoint. He cut the umbilical cord for all of his children.

Q: What do you say when you are comforting a grammar police? Q: What do you say when you are comforting a grammar police?

A: There, Their, They're A: There, Their, They're

Q: What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? Q: What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?

A: A teapot. A: A teapot.

Q: What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Q: What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

A: Short A: Short

I’ll Fly Away I’ll Fly Away

Some bright morning when this life is over I'll fly away To that home Some bright morning when this life is over I'll fly away To that home on Gods celestial shore I'll fly away

I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll fly away

When the shadows of this life have gone I'll fly away Like a bird When the shadows of this life have gone I'll fly away Like a bird from these prison walls I'll fly away

I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll fly away

Oh how glad and happy when we meet I'll fly away No more cold Oh how glad and happy when we meet I'll fly away No more cold iron shackles on my feet I'll fly away

I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll fly away

I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll fly away

Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away To a land Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away To a land where joys will never end I'll fly away

I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll fly away



strong (adj) сильный renew (v) обновляются digestive (adj) пищеварительная strong (adj) сильный renew (v) обновляются digestive (adj) пищеварительная

bone(n) кость four times as much(ph) в 4 раза больше granite(n) гранит bone(n) кость four times as much(ph) в 4 раза больше granite(n) гранит

lifetime (n) целая жизнь flake away (ph v) шелушится, отслаивается constantly (adv) непрерывно, постоянно lifetime (n) целая жизнь flake away (ph v) шелушится, отслаивается constantly (adv) непрерывно, постоянно

former (adj) бывший shrink (v) уменьшаться cartilage (n) хрящ former (adj) бывший shrink (v) уменьшаться cartilage (n) хрящ

contain (v) содержит kidney(n) почка expel (v) выгоняет contain (v) содержит kidney(n) почка expel (v) выгоняет

humanly(adv) с учетом человеческих сил approximately(adv) приблизительно muscles (n) мышцы humanly(adv) с учетом человеческих сил approximately(adv) приблизительно muscles (n) мышцы

bring(v) заставить heat(n) теплота give off (ph v) выделяет bring(v) заставить heat(n) теплота give off (ph v) выделяет

human(adj) человеческая cell (n) клетка circuit(n) кругооборот human(adj) человеческая cell (n) клетка circuit(n) кругооборот

breathe(v) дышать mammal(adj) млекопитающие swallow(v) глотать breathe(v) дышать mammal(adj) млекопитающие swallow(v) глотать

fat(n) жир gained (adj) приобретенный vessels(t) сосуды fat(n) жир gained (adj) приобретенный vessels(t) сосуды

Руки связаны somebody's hands are tied Руки связаны somebody's hands are tied

Ощущать симпатию к кому-либо your heart goes out to somebody Ощущать симпатию к кому-либо your heart goes out to somebody

your heart isn't in it Не заинтересован, не всем сердцем your heart isn't in it Не заинтересован, не всем сердцем

Внутреннее чувство a gut feeling Внутреннее чувство a gut feeling

Приятное зрелище, желанный гость a sight for sore eyes Приятное зрелище, желанный гость a sight for sore eyes

presentation title presentation title

Whatever slide Whatever slide

Mullet “Mullet” was a 15 th-century term for a type of fish with spiny Mullet “Mullet” was a 15 th-century term for a type of fish with spiny fins, and the word is still used today to describe a fish whose head is large and flat. When The Beastie Boys released a song called “Mullet Head” modern culture then had a name for the hairstyle.

Mullet “Mullet” was a 15 th-century term for a type of fish with spiny Mullet “Mullet” was a 15 th-century term for a type of fish with spiny fins, and the word is still used today to describe a fish whose head is large and flat. When The Beastie Boys released a song called “Mullet Head” that modern culture then had a name for the hairstyle. flat (adj) плоская modern (adj) современная spiny (adj) колючий

Snob The original meaning of “snob” was simply “shoemaker”. It was used by Cambridge Snob The original meaning of “snob” was simply “shoemaker”. It was used by Cambridge students in the early 18 th century to describe non-students. The word later described someone with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth, who looks down on those regarded as socially inferior.

Snob The original meaning of “snob” was simply “shoemaker”. It was used by Cambridge Snob The original meaning of “snob” was simply “shoemaker”. It was used by Cambridge students in the early 18 th century to describe non-students. The word later described someone with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth, who looks down on those regarded as socially inferior. shoemaker (n) сапожник regarded as ( ph ) рассматривать как exaggerated ( adj) преувеличенное

Nightmare As early as the 13 th century, the “mare” in “nightmare” referred to Nightmare As early as the 13 th century, the “mare” in “nightmare” referred to a goblin that was thought to come in the night and suffocate sleepers with evil thoughts. Its first recorded use for any distressing experience came in 1831.

Nightmare As early as the 13 th century, the “mare” in “nightmare” referred to Nightmare As early as the 13 th century, the “mare” in “nightmare” referred to a goblin that was thought to come in the night and suffocate sleepers with evil thoughts. Its first recorded use for any distressing experience came in 1831. thought (v) думал nightmare (n) страшный сон, кошмарrd suffocate ( v) душить

Tawdry St. Audrey died in 679 from a tumor in her throat. She considered Tawdry St. Audrey died in 679 from a tumor in her throat. She considered this to be punishment for the stylish necklaces she wore when she was younger. She was remembered by the sale of St. Audrey’s laces. These were eventually referred to simply as “tawdry laces”. “Tawdry” later referred to anything ostentatious.

Tawdry St. Audrey died in 679 from a tumor in her throat. She considered Tawdry St. Audrey died in 679 from a tumor in her throat. She considered this to be punishment for the stylish necklaces she wore when she was younger. She was remembered by the sale of St. Audrey’s laces. These were eventually referred to simply as “tawdry laces”. “Tawdry” later referred to anything ostentatious. punishment (n) tumor (n) ostentatious (adj) наказание опухоль показной, хвастливый

Barbarian The word specifically meant foreign, strange, and ignorant. The root word barbar came Barbarian The word specifically meant foreign, strange, and ignorant. The root word barbar came from the Greeks’ mocking interpretation of foreigners’ speech, which they claimed sounded like “bar bar. ” Later it was used to refer to someone “rude” and “wild. ”

Barbarian The word specifically meant foreign, strange, and ignorant. The root word barbar came Barbarian The word specifically meant foreign, strange, and ignorant. The root word barbar came from the Greeks’ mocking interpretation of foreigners’ speech, which they claimed sounded like “bar bar. ” Later it was used to refer to someone “rude” and “wild. ” foreign (adj) иностранный specifically (adv) более точно, конкретно claim (v) утверждать

Escape As a verb, “escape” comes to us by way of the 12 th-century Escape As a verb, “escape” comes to us by way of the 12 th-century vulgar Latin excappre, meaning to leave someone holding only your cape. Someone who has made an escape, then, is now “ex-cape. ” In 1400 the word became a noun.

Escape As a verb, “escape” comes to us by way of the 12 thcentury Escape As a verb, “escape” comes to us by way of the 12 thcentury vulgar Latin excappre, meaning to leave someone holding only your cape. Someone who has made an escape, then, is now “ex-cape. ” In 1400 the word became a noun. holding (v) escape (n) держать уход от реальности, побег vulgar (adj) вульгарный

Goodbye “Goodbye” has its roots in the old prayer “God be with you” and Goodbye “Goodbye” has its roots in the old prayer “God be with you” and ended up condensed through the use of slang. “God be with you” as four separate and distinct words eventually became “God b’w’y, ” which itself was shortened to “Godbwye. ”

Goodbye “Goodbye” has its roots in the old prayer “God be with you” and Goodbye “Goodbye” has its roots in the old prayer “God be with you” and ended up condensed through the use of slang. “God be with you” as four separate and distinct words eventually became “God b’w’y, ” which itself was shortened to “Godbwye. ” root (n) eventually (adv) distinct (adj) корень со временем отдельные

 Jeans 15 th-century Italian sailors from Genoa first wore denim. While France made Jeans 15 th-century Italian sailors from Genoa first wore denim. While France made the fabric itself, Italy got credit for the actual pants, since “jean” was named after the French word for Genoe , Genes.

Jeans 15 th-century Italian sailors from Genoa first wore denim. While France made the Jeans 15 th-century Italian sailors from Genoa first wore denim. While France made the fabric itself, Italy got credit for the actual pants, since “jean” was named after the French word for Genoe , Genes. sailor (n) моряк wore (v) носили denim (n) джинсовая ткань

Fiasco The modern word originated in 1855 as slang for failed theatrical performances, but Fiasco The modern word originated in 1855 as slang for failed theatrical performances, but as early as 1862, it referred to nontheatrical disasters as well. “Fiasco” comes from the French fiare fiasco, which translates to “turn out a failure. ”

Fiasco The modern word originated in 1855 as slang for failed theatrical performances, but Fiasco The modern word originated in 1855 as slang for failed theatrical performances, but as early as 1862, it referred to non-theatrical disasters as well. “Fiasco” comes from the French fiare fiasco, which translates to “turn out a failure. ” failure (n) провал performance (n) выступление disaster (n) беда, катастрофа

Disaster “Disaster” is a combination of the word “dis, ” which typically means “unfortunate” Disaster “Disaster” is a combination of the word “dis, ” which typically means “unfortunate” or “lacking, ” and “astro, ” which refers to either a star or planet. This conveys astrological connotations of something bad happening because of the position of a certain star or planet.

Disaster “Disaster” is a combination of the word “dis, ” which typically means “unfortunate” Disaster “Disaster” is a combination of the word “dis, ” which typically means “unfortunate” or “lacking, ” and “astro, ” which refers to either a star or planet. This conveys astrological connotations of something bad happening because of the position of a certain star or planet. certain (adj) определенной unfortunate (adj) неудачный convey (v) выражает, передает


a buzz word a buzz word

a buzz word модное словечко a word or phrase that people in a particular a buzz word модное словечко a word or phrase that people in a particular group start to use a lot because they think it is important

a household name and *a household word a household name and *a household word

a household name and *a household word общеизвестн ое имя well known by everyone; a household name and *a household word общеизвестн ое имя well known by everyone; commonly and widely known

a man of his word a man of his word

a man of his word человек слова a man who tells the truth and a man of his word человек слова a man who tells the truth and keeps promises

last word and *final word; *final say last word and *final word; *final say

last word and *final word; *final say последнее слово the final point (in an last word and *final word; *final say последнее слово the final point (in an argument); the final decision (in some matter).

by word of mouth by word of mouth

by word of mouth устно, из уст в уста, на словах by speaking rather by word of mouth устно, из уст в уста, на словах by speaking rather than writing.


 Word Word

Stellar Stellar

 Far out Far out

 Groovy Groovy

 Dope Dope

Pearl of Wisdom Pearl of Wisdom

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. ” ― Rudyard “Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. ” ― Rudyard Kipling

“Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly -- they’ll go through “Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly -- they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced. ” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

“Words are like eggs dropped from great heights; you can no more call them “Words are like eggs dropped from great heights; you can no more call them back than ignore the mess they leave when they fall. ” ― Jodi Picoult, Salem Falls

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. Pv 18: 21 NLT



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Photos from camp Photos from camp

Flower, flower Flower, flower

A beautiful flower by the gates sits for hours And for day, she has A beautiful flower by the gates sits for hours And for day, she has a dream of being plucked to trouble, far away

She's almost certain he won't come She really wants to be the one, that She's almost certain he won't come She really wants to be the one, that he puts into the hands of his one and only love

But little does she know, it's almost time for her to go Her dream But little does she know, it's almost time for her to go Her dream will soon come true, she's about to belong to you

Flower, flower, don't you worry Flower, flower, there's no hurry Flower, flower don't you Flower, flower, don't you worry Flower, flower, there's no hurry Flower, flower don't you cry Your day will come before you die

Your day will come before you die Your day will come before you die

The sun was shining bright that day Leaves were falling when she lay She The sun was shining bright that day Leaves were falling when she lay She saw him coming and her heart stopped She began to pray

He took his time and did it right, One last flower caught his sight He took his time and did it right, One last flower caught his sight He placed her in the center oh the bouquet was so bright

She didn't think she had a chance Good thing he took one last glance She didn't think she had a chance Good thing he took one last glance And the flower got her wish It was all for just one kiss

Flower, flower, don't you worry Flower, flower, there's no hurry Flower, flower don't you Flower, flower, don't you worry Flower, flower, there's no hurry Flower, flower don't you cry Your day will come before you die.

Your day will come before you die Your day will come before you die