Скачать презентацию Présentation par Dr Vanita Misquita Ph D Director Скачать презентацию Présentation par Dr Vanita Misquita Ph D Director


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Présentation par: Dr. Vanita Misquita Ph. D. Director of Overseas Programs iitparis@aol. com misquita@iit. Présentation par: Dr. Vanita Misquita Ph. D. Director of Overseas Programs iitparis@aol. com misquita@iit. edu Illinois Institute of Technology Graph 1

3 rd largest city in the U. S. 35 miles of lakefront, 15 miles 3 rd largest city in the U. S. 35 miles of lakefront, 15 miles of bathing beaches 552 parks, 46 museums, 7000 restaurants 115 entreprises françaises Illinois Institute of Technology

Our Location IIT: Illinois Institute of Technology Location: Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology Our Location IIT: Illinois Institute of Technology Location: Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology

What is a U. S. credit hour? Ø 1 U. S. credit hour equals What is a U. S. credit hour? Ø 1 U. S. credit hour equals 1 contact hour of lecture Ø A graduate level course at IIT is usually 3 credit hours Ø 3 -credit hour course at IIT means that the course is offered three times per week or once a week for (3 c. h. x 1 hour) 3 hours Ø 1 U. S. Credit = ~2 ECTS credits Illinois Institute of Technology

http: //www. ensea. fr/en/page/fame-program Illinois Tech “A vibrant campus in a global city” Illinois http: //www. ensea. fr/en/page/fame-program Illinois Tech “A vibrant campus in a global city” Illinois Institute of Technology

Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Institute of Technology

The IIT campus –Winter & Spring Illinois Institute of Technology The IIT campus –Winter & Spring Illinois Institute of Technology

The Campus Illinois Institute of Technology The Campus Illinois Institute of Technology

IIT SPORTS Mascot: SCARLET HAWKS Illinois Institute of Technology IIT SPORTS Mascot: SCARLET HAWKS Illinois Institute of Technology

Pourquoi étudier à IIT Ø Université réputée – inventions et innovations – portable, la Pourquoi étudier à IIT Ø Université réputée – inventions et innovations – portable, la bande magnétique, l’imprimante pour le code barre, hub national pour le SMART GRID, la technologie pour LED, membre de AITU (22 membres – www. theaitu. org) Ø Un des pionniers du Double Diplôme, en un an ( 12 mois), (20 ans d’expérience) –niveau- Master - pour toutes les disciplines Ø Bourse offerte par IIT (17, 640 $) – pas de quota Ø F 1 visa – travailler aux Etats Unis après le diplôme d’IIT, sur Optional Practical Training (OPT) pendant 12 mois + ( STEM field - 24 mois en plus) = 36 mois Ø Location – Chicago « 3 eme plus grande ville aux Etats Unis » et la possibilité de travailler dans les 2 laboratoires célèbres – ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORIES et FERMILAB; 115 entreprises françaises Illinois Institute of Technology

Illinois Institute of Technology Membre de l’Association des Universités Technologiques Indépendantes www. theaitu. org Illinois Institute of Technology Membre de l’Association des Universités Technologiques Indépendantes www. theaitu. org ( 22 membres) I. I. T. M. I. T. Carnegie-Mellon Cal. Tech Case Western Reserve … MISSION OF THE AITU: Ø Recruiting the best and the brightest to member schools by promoting the liberating experiences and rewarding careers that a technology-oriented education offers; and Ø Fostering and advancing excellence in engineering, science and professional education from K -12 onward. Ø Sharing ideas and best practices to advance and inspire creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship within the membership Illinois Institute of Technology

8 écoles à I. I. T. • • Armour College of Engineering and Science 8 écoles à I. I. T. • • Armour College of Engineering and Science College of Architecture Lewis College of Human Sciences Stuart School of Business Chicago-Kent College of Law School of Design School of Applied Technology College of Science Illinois Institute of Technology

Partenaires En France ° ENSEA, Paris-Cergy ° INP Group, Grenoble ° INSA, Strasbourg, INSA Partenaires En France ° ENSEA, Paris-Cergy ° INP Group, Grenoble ° INSA, Strasbourg, INSA Lyon ° ESIEA, Paris/Ivry/Laval ° ENAC, Toulouse ° ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers ° IPB/ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Bordeaux ° ENSTA, Brest ° EISTI, Cergy ° ESEO, Angers ° ESME, Sudria ° ESIGELEC, Rouen ° Telecom St. Etienne Illinois Institute of Technology

 la devise d’iit Illinois Institute of Technology la devise d’iit Illinois Institute of Technology

MAJOR IIT INVENTIONS BY ILLINOIS TECH’S ALUMNI (ANCIENS ELEVES) Magnetic tape data storage CELL MAJOR IIT INVENTIONS BY ILLINOIS TECH’S ALUMNI (ANCIENS ELEVES) Magnetic tape data storage CELL PHONE IIT alumnus Marty Cooper BAR CODE PRINTER IIT alumnus Ed Kaplan Illinois Institute of Technology MAGNETIC TAPE IIT Alumnus Marvin Camras

Marty Cooper ( Ancien élève d’ IIT (B. S. EE 1950; M. S. EE Marty Cooper ( Ancien élève d’ IIT (B. S. EE 1950; M. S. EE 1957) Inventeur du téléphone portable 1 st Cell Phone – 1973 ( « The Brick » ) –weighed 2. 5 pounds!! Named one of the best inventors of all time for his work on the first personal cell phone in the "Best Inventions of the Year" article in the October 30 Time Magazine 2007 2 nd invention – A new wireless Internet system called i. BURST Illinois Institute of Technology that puts high-speed data transmission at your fingertips!!

Ed Kaplan (Ancien élève d’ IIT) (B. S. ME 1965) Inventeur de l’imprimante du Ed Kaplan (Ancien élève d’ IIT) (B. S. ME 1965) Inventeur de l’imprimante du Code Barres • CEO and Chairman, Zebra Technologies • Ed Kaplan, one of Chicago's most successful technology entrepreneurs, studied at IIT, where he graduated with a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering • At 26 years old, Kaplan he co-invented the Bar Code printer called the « Zebra » and also created the first thermal transfer printer to print barcodes directly on products Illinois Institute of Technology

Marvin Camras IIT B. S. EE 1940; M. S. EE 1942 Inventeur de la Marvin Camras IIT B. S. EE 1940; M. S. EE 1942 Inventeur de la bande magnétique Born in Chicago in 1916, Camras was known to his family as an "inventor" by the age of five In the late 1930 s, Camras was studying electrical engineering at the Armour Institute of Technology (now the Illinois Institute of Technology). • • Camras spent a fifty-year career at Illinois Institute of Technology, where he taught until 1994. By the time of his death in 1995, he had earned over 500 US and international patents for his work. He was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1985, and in 1990 he won the National Medal of Technology. Illinois Institute of Technology

Calendrier academique Semestre d’automne (Fall Semester) Fin août – mi-décembre ( Date limite conseillé– Calendrier academique Semestre d’automne (Fall Semester) Fin août – mi-décembre ( Date limite conseillé– 15 avril) * * * Semestre de Printemps (Spring Semester) Mi-janvier – mi-mai (Date limite conseillé– 15 octobre) http: //www. iit. edu/registrar/important_dates/academic_calendar. shtml Illinois Institute of Technology

Statistics • • • Undergraduates 2, 858 Master’s 3, 253 Ph. D’s 615 J. Statistics • • • Undergraduates 2, 858 Master’s 3, 253 Ph. D’s 615 J. D. ’s 888 Non-degree 236 Total 7, 850 Illinois Institute of Technology


Departments @ IIT Armour College of Engineering Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering School Departments @ IIT Armour College of Engineering Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering School of Applied Technology Dept of Information Technology & Management Stuart School of Business College of Science Department of Computer Science Department of Applied Mathematics Illinois Institute of Technology

Département de Génie Electrique & Informatique (engineering. iit. edu/ece) Master of Science in Electrical Département de Génie Electrique & Informatique (engineering. iit. edu/ece) Master of Science in Electrical Engineering ( 32 c. h. ) Master of Science in Computer Engineering ( 32 c. h. ) Master of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering (45 c. h. ) Master of Biomedical Imaging & Signals ( 30 c. h. ) Master of Electricity Markets ( 30 c. h. ) Master of Network Engineering ( 30 c. h. ) Master of Power Engineering (30 c. h. ) Master of Telecommunications & Software Engineering ( 30 c. h. ) Master of VLSI & Microelectronics ( 30 c. h. ) N. B. - Le département a un programme doctorant Illinois Institute of Technology

Département d’Information Technology et Management (appliedtech. iit. edu/itm) 1. Master of Cyber Forensics & Département d’Information Technology et Management (appliedtech. iit. edu/itm) 1. Master of Cyber Forensics & Security (30 c. h. ) 2. Master of Information Technology & Management (30 c. h. ) with Specializations: - Web Design Systems Analysis Management Information Systems Digital Systems Technology Data Center Operations & Mgmt Software Development Systems Administration Computer & Network Security Technologies Data Management Information Technology Management & Entrepreneurship Web Design & Application Development Voice & Data Comm Tech N. B. - Le département n’a pas de programme doctorant Illinois Institute of Technology

Département de Physique (science. iit. edu/physics) • Master of Science in Physics ( 32 Département de Physique (science. iit. edu/physics) • Master of Science in Physics ( 32 c. h. ) with upto 6 c. h. towards research • Master of Science in Applied Physcis ( 32 c. h. ) for those with an engineering background • http: //science. iit. edu/programs/graduate/master-science-applied -physics Illinois Institute of Technology

Department of Applied Math (www. iit. edu/csl/am) Master of Science in Applied Math ( Department of Applied Math (www. iit. edu/csl/am) Master of Science in Applied Math ( 32 c. h. ) Illinois Institute of Technology

Réputation. Département d’Informatique à IIT • Parmi les 10 premiers aux Etats-Unis pour les Réputation. Département d’Informatique à IIT • Parmi les 10 premiers aux Etats-Unis pour les Masters ( Ref. Computing Research News) • Plus grand et le plus ancien à Chicago ( >600 étudiants) • Recherche de renommée mondiale Illinois Institute of Technology

Département d’Informatique La différence entre MCS et MS CS ü MCS - plus appliqués Département d’Informatique La différence entre MCS et MS CS ü MCS - plus appliqués ü MSCS - pour les étudiants qui veulent suivre un doctorat après - les étudiants peuvent suivre certains cours dans le programme MCS Illinois Institute of Technology

Département d’Informatique science. iit. edu/computer-science Master of Data Science (33 c. h. ) http: Département d’Informatique science. iit. edu/computer-science Master of Data Science (33 c. h. ) http: //iit. edu/csl/programs/professional_masters/ds_academics. shtml • Master of Science in Computer Science (32 c. h. ) • Master of Computer Science with different specializations ( 30 or 33 c. h. ) Computational Intelligence Finance Cyber-Physical Systems Business Data Analytics Networking & Comm Database systems Distributed & Cloud Computing Education Information Security & Assurance Software engineering Illinois Institute of Technology N. B. - Le département a un programme doctorant

Département d’Informatique • Il faut avoir réussi les pre-requis ( CS 201, 401, et Département d’Informatique • Il faut avoir réussi les pre-requis ( CS 201, 401, et 402) avant partir • Pour les “transfert de credits” – il faut les identifier bien avant avec vos professeurs Illinois Institute of Technology

New majors for Fall 2018 – Graduate Level • Master of Energy Systems ( New majors for Fall 2018 – Graduate Level • Master of Energy Systems ( 30 c. h. ) https: //engineering. iit. edu/programs/graduate/master-engineering-energy-systems 3 tracks: 1. Conservation & Buildings ( CAE) 2. Generation & Sustainability ( MMAE) 3. Transmission & Markets (ECE) • Master of Urban Systems Engineering (30 c. h. ) https: //engineering. iit. edu/programs/graduate/master-engineering-urban-systems -engineering 3 tracks: 1. Monitoring & Control of Urban Systems 2. Urban Transportation Systems 3. Urban Building Systems Illinois Institute of Technology

New Majors for Fall 2018 - Graduate • Master of Computational Engineering (30 c. New Majors for Fall 2018 - Graduate • Master of Computational Engineering (30 c. h. ) https: //engineering. iit. edu/programs/graduate/master-computationalengineering 4 Tracks: 1. Computational Chemical Engineering (CHBE) 2. Computational Mechanics ( MMAE) 3. Biomedicine ( BME) 4. Optimization Machine Vision & Decision-Making (ECE) • Master of Engineering Management ( 30 c. h. ) https: //engineering. iit. edu/programs/graduate/master-engineeringmanagement 2 Tracks: 1. Product Design & Development (MMAE) 2. Project Management (CAE) Illinois Institute of Technology

New Majors for Fall 2018 - Graduate • Master of Engineering in Advance Manufacturing New Majors for Fall 2018 - Graduate • Master of Engineering in Advance Manufacturing ( 30 c. h. ) https: //engineering. iit. edu/programs/graduate/master-engineering-advanced -manufacturing 3 Tracks: Additive Manufacturing ( MMAE) Digital Manufacturing (MMAE) Automation & Control Sytems (ECE) • Master of Pharmaceutical Engineering (30 c. h. ) https: //engineering. iit. edu/programs/graduate/master-pharmaceutical-engineering Illinois Institute of Technology

Double Diplôme (Ingénierie/Science/Math) Grande Ecole IIT Master’s degree Diplôme d’Ingénieur Illinois Institute of Technology Double Diplôme (Ingénierie/Science/Math) Grande Ecole IIT Master’s degree Diplôme d’Ingénieur Illinois Institute of Technology

MASTER’S DEGREE Ø Pre-sélection par votre école - obligatoire Ø La décision finale faite MASTER’S DEGREE Ø Pre-sélection par votre école - obligatoire Ø La décision finale faite par IIT Master’s Degree = 30, 32 ou 33 crédits (Chaque cours vaut 3 crédits i. e. 3 heures par semaine avec un professeur) e. g. 32 crédits = ~11 cours Dispense de deux cours (cours Grande Ecole validés par IIT) = moins 6 crédits Master’s à IIT pendant 1 an (2 semestres) = 30/32/33 – 6 = 24/26/27 crédits Illinois Institute of Technology

Master of Science 21 à 25 crédits = ~7 - 8 Cours 1 à Master of Science 21 à 25 crédits = ~7 - 8 Cours 1 à 5 crédits selon le département = Projet de recherche 24/26/27 crédits = Master’s degree Illinois Institute of Technology

Département d’Informatique – PRE-REQUIS • Il faut avoir réussi ( 12 sur 20) les Département d’Informatique – PRE-REQUIS • Il faut avoir réussi ( 12 sur 20) les pré-requis ( CS 201, 401, et 402) avant partir INF 1031 INF 1032 INF 2031 INF 2032 LAB 1413 INF 1414 LAB 2412 LAB 2414 INF 3034 INF 3043 INFO 4043 INF 4033 LAB 3034 SYS 3041 Illinois Institute of Technology

Département d’Informatique – TRANSFERTS DE CREDITS Ø Pour les “transferts de crédits” – il Département d’Informatique – TRANSFERTS DE CREDITS Ø Pour les “transferts de crédits” – il faut identifier les cours ( 2 cours – equivalent à 12 ECTS ), que vous avez validés ( 12 sur 20), bien avant, avec la descriptions des cours, en anglais, avec vos professeurs, avant partir Ø Niveau 5 xx ( 500 -level pour IIT) Ø Liste des cours ‘ 500 -level à IIT https: //science. iit. edu/computer-science/courses Illinois Institute of Technology

La recherche - PFE Ø Projet de recherche avec un professeur à IIT dans La recherche - PFE Ø Projet de recherche avec un professeur à IIT dans un laboratoire Ø Informer votre professeur de votre intention de faire un projet dès le début de l’année Ø Vous commencez la recherche à mi- temps le semestre d’automne (mi-aôut –mi-décembre) et continuer le 2èm semstre (jusq’au mi-mai) ou commencez le semestre de printemps (Mi-janvier-Mi-mai) et plein temps de mi-mai – fin septembre/octobre selon votre école Ø La durée est 6 mois ( 35 h par semaine) et l’étudiant doit identifier le sujet de la recherche à IIT Ø Le nombre d’heures, et la durée doivent être spécifier par votre école et communiquer directement à IIT Illinois Institute of Technology

TOEFL ou IELTS Non-admissible <70 ; <5. 5 Admissible 70 – 89 ; 5. TOEFL ou IELTS Non-admissible <70 ; <5. 5 Admissible 70 – 89 ; 5. 5 – 6. 0 avec IIT PESL assessment Admissible 90+ ; 6. 5+ ( no IIT PESL assessment) Coût (France) : 2017: 245 USD - TOEFL 230 Euros - IELTS Siteweb: http: //appliedtech. iit. edu/english-languageservices/graduate-faqs-assessments Illinois Institute of Technology

TOEFL or IELTS & GRE IIT’s test score requirements: TOEFL minimum score 90 ibt TOEFL or IELTS & GRE IIT’s test score requirements: TOEFL minimum score 90 ibt www. toefl. org – IIT Institution code 1318 Admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/english-proficiency-requirements OR IELTS – minimum score 6. 5 www. ielts. org AND GRE – minimum score provided per department at IIT http: //www. ets. org/gre/ - IIT Institution code 1318 admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/gre-requirements/ Illinois Institute of Technology

TOEFL & IELTS TEST DATES & LOCATIONS IN FRANCE TOEFL TEST DATES & LOCATIONS TOEFL & IELTS TEST DATES & LOCATIONS IN FRANCE TOEFL TEST DATES & LOCATIONS IN FRANCE https: //www. ets. org/bin/getprogram. cgi? url. Source=toefl&new. Reg. URL=&test=TOEFL&gre. Close d=new&gre. Closed. Country=China&browser. Type=&toefl. Type=&redirect=&t_country 1=group_Fr ance Cost: $245 - Year 2017 IELTS TEST DATES & LOCATIONS IN FRANCE https: //www. britishcouncil. fr/en/exam/ielts/dates-locations Cost: 230 Euros – Year 2017 ~ 271 USD ( 1. 175 USD= 1 Euro 0 ct. 17, 2017) Illinois Institute of Technology

TOEFL or IELTS IIT English Proficiency Requirements: http: //admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/english-proficiencyrequirements PESL: http: //pl. TOEFL or IELTS IIT English Proficiency Requirements: http: //admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/english-proficiencyrequirements PESL: http: //pl. iit. edu/pesl-assessment/faq. pdf Illinois Institute of Technology

The GRE General Revised Exam 3 sections: 1. Verbal (multiple choice) 130 -170 scale The GRE General Revised Exam 3 sections: 1. Verbal (multiple choice) 130 -170 scale score 2. Quantitative (multiple choice) 130 – 170 scale score 3. Analytical (essay) out of 6 Analytical score range 2. 5 – 3. 5/6 Illinois Institute of Technology

GRE General MINIMUM Requirements per department at IIT (Master’s Level) Department of Information Tech GRE General MINIMUM Requirements per department at IIT (Master’s Level) Department of Information Tech Mgmt V+Q = 295 ( 151 Q; 144 V), A = 2. 5 Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering V+Q= 304 ( 159 Q), A = 3. 5 Department Of Computer Science V+Q= 295/300 , A = 2. 5/3. 0 admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/gre-requirements/ Illinois Institute of Technology

GRE General MINIMUM Requirements per department at IIT (Master’s Level) Department of Physics V+Q GRE General MINIMUM Requirements per department at IIT (Master’s Level) Department of Physics V+Q = 304, A = 2. 5 Master of Data Science V+Q = 304, A= 2. 5 Department of Applied Math V+Q = 304: A = 2. 5 admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/gre-requirements/ Illinois Institute of Technology

TOEFL OR IELTS (Engineering/Science/Info Tech Mgmt) http: //admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/english-proficiencyrequirements Attention: DO NOT UPLOAD TOEFL OR IELTS (Engineering/Science/Info Tech Mgmt) http: //admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/english-proficiencyrequirements Attention: DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR TRANSCRIPTS NOR COMPLETE THE APPLICATION TILL YOU HAVE ACHIEVED THE MINIMUM TOEFL/IELTS AND GRE GENERAL SCORE REQUIREMENTS FOR IIT • Students with an i. BT OVERALL SCORE OF 90+ or IELTS score of 6. 5+ or PTE score of 63+ may be unconditionally admitted ( if all other elements meet IIT’s admission requirements) • Students with a TOEFL i. BT score of less than 70, or IELTS less than 5. 5 or PTE less than 53 will NOT be admissible • Students with a TOEFL i. BT overall score of 70 – 89, IELTS 5. 5 -6. 0 or PTE of 47 - 62 will be required to take an assessment in each section that falls below the minimum score -TOEFL ibt for each section below 20, PTE below 53, IELTS below 6. 5 • For updated information regarding the assessment exam please visit the PESL Assessment FAQs page - http: //appliedtech. iit. edu/english-language. Illinois Institute of Technology services/graduate-faqs-assessments

Coût pour un étudiant d’une Grande Ecole en Ingénierie ou Info Tech Mgmt (Coût Coût pour un étudiant d’une Grande Ecole en Ingénierie ou Info Tech Mgmt (Coût août 2017 – mai 2018) Frais d’inscription pour un Masters (32 crédit heures) à I. I. T. ($1, 470 par crédit) = $47, 040 Dispense 6 crédits (2 cours) Bourse d’I. I. T. ( de 12 crédits) - - $ 8, 820 - $ 17, 640 Total à payer = $ 20, 580 ou € 17, 515 *(Taux de change: 1 Euro = 1. 175 USD Oct. 17, 2017) * (Les frais d’inscription va changer à partir d’août 2018) Illinois Institute of Technology

IIT Master’s degree -32 credits (ECE/Applied Math/Physique) – IIT Coût – août 2017 – IIT Master’s degree -32 credits (ECE/Applied Math/Physique) – IIT Coût – août 2017 – mai 2018 IIT Coût août 2017 -mai 2018 2017 -2018 26 c. h. $38, 220 Illinois Institute of Technology BOURSE 12 c. h. $17, 640 2017 -2018 Coût $20, 580(€ 17, 515)

IIT Master’s Degree ( 30 credits) (ITM, ECE/MMAE) Coût – août 2017 – mai IIT Master’s Degree ( 30 credits) (ITM, ECE/MMAE) Coût – août 2017 – mai 2018 IIT Coût août 2017 -mai 2018 2017 -2018 24 c. h. $35, 280 Illinois Institute of Technology BOURSE 12 c. h. $17, 640 2017 -2018 Coût $17, 640(€ 15, 013)

Master of Computer Science with Specialization in Business/Finance • 33 credit hours • 24 Master of Computer Science with Specialization in Business/Finance • 33 credit hours • 24 credit hours in CS (~6 courses) and 9 credit hours in Business (~ 3 courses) • At least 20 CS courses must be at the 500 -level • GRE general required • Application to CS department is sufficient • Cost for Business courses will be EXTRA. At the Stuart School of Business the cost is 1, 725 USD per credit hour ( Aug. 2017 -May 2018) • IIT Paris International Alliance scholarship will NOT APPLY TO STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COURSES • Weblink: http: //www. iit. edu/csl/cs/programs/grad/mcs_bus. shtml Illinois Institute of Technology

Master of Computer Science with Business/Finance Specialization – IIT Tuition cost – August 2017 Master of Computer Science with Business/Finance Specialization – IIT Tuition cost – August 2017 – May 2018 IIT Cost August 2017 -May 2018 2017 -2018 18 c. h. + 9 c. h. (Bus) SCHOLARSHIP 12 c. h. $26, 460+ $15, 525 = $41, 985 $17, 640 Illinois Institute of Technology 2017 -2018 Cost $24, 345(€ 20, 719)

Autres Frais(2017 -2018) (Ingénierie/Science) août 2017 – mai 2018 (Pour 1 an - 9 Autres Frais(2017 -2018) (Ingénierie/Science) août 2017 – mai 2018 (Pour 1 an - 9 mois) Assurance ( Health) $1, 441 Service Fee $864 U-Pass (Transport) $270 Activity Fee $250 New Student Fee $250 ( one time only ) Graduation Fee $331 (one time only) Total $3, 406 ( 1 an ~ € 2, 899) Mise à jour – frais d’inscription - fév/mars 2018 pour août 2018 -mai 2019): https: //web. iit. edu/student-accounting/tuition-fees/current-tuition/main-campusgraduate Taux de change: 1. 175 USD = 1 Euro ( Oct. 17, 2017) Illinois Institute of Technology

Double diplôme (Ingénierie/Info Tech Mgmt) ü Sélection par la Grande Ecole ou l’établissement partenaire Double diplôme (Ingénierie/Info Tech Mgmt) ü Sélection par la Grande Ecole ou l’établissement partenaire est obligatoire ü TOEFL 90 i. BT minimum ou IELTS 6. 5 ou PTE 63 ( score officiel) admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/english-proficiency-requirement ü GRE général ( score officiel – envoyé à IIT directement par l’ETS) admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/gre-requirements ü Formulaire d’inscription(IIT Graduate International application http: //admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/degree-seeking-checklist ü 1 ou 2 lettre(s) de recommandation ( selon le département) ü Lettre de motivation (Professional statement) ü Un document équivalent à un Bachelor’s de l’ESIEA certifié en anglais ü Bulletins de notes certifiés en français et en anglais (sans Classes Prepas) ü 1 Copie de la page d’identité de votre passeport ü Date limite d’envoi conseillé: 15 avril (semestre d’Automne) et 15 octobre ( semestre de printemps) ou le plus tôt possible Illinois Institute of Technology

Procedure for the Master’s double degree program Ø Pre-selected by ESIEA Ø M 2 Procedure for the Master’s double degree program Ø Pre-selected by ESIEA Ø M 2 at Illinois Tech Ø TOEFL min. 90 ibt or IELTS min. 6. 5 Ø GRE general revised exam score minimum for the department Ø Application deadlines: Fall semester: April 15, or, Spring semester: October 15 Ø Final decision made by Illinois Tech Illinois Institute of Technology

OUTCOME ü 5 th year at Illinois Tech ü Master’s in 1 year (12 OUTCOME ü 5 th year at Illinois Tech ü Master’s in 1 year (12 months) ü Research project included ü 2 degrees ( IIT Master’s and ESIEA Master’s equivalent) Illinois Institute of Technology

UPON GRADUATION - POSSIBILITIES v Work in the U. S. under F 1 OPT UPON GRADUATION - POSSIBILITIES v Work in the U. S. under F 1 OPT for 12 months v Possible extension if STEM-related to 24 months in addition under OPT v Median salary : 64, 000 USD (55, 000 Euros) according to specialization v Ph. D. (Doctorate) in the U. S. or elsewhere v Work in Europe or elsewhere Illinois Institute of Technology

t o c http: //www. mastersportal. eu/articles/1609/from-novice-to-chief-engineer-6 -best-paying-careersh for-engineering-graduates-in-the-us. html i e f e t o c http: //www. mastersportal. eu/articles/1609/from-novice-to-chief-engineer-6 -best-paying-careersh for-engineering-graduates-in-the-us. html i e f e n g i n e e r 6 b e s t p a y i n g c a r Illinois Institute of Technology e Average annual salary in the U. S. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AVG ANNUAL SALARY = 96, 000 USD COMPUTER ENGINEERING AVG ANNUAL SALARY = 110, 000 USD MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AVG ANNUAL SALARY = 87, 000 USD ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AVG ANNUAL SALARY = 96, 000 USD CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AVG ANNUAL SALARY = 96, 000 USD CIVIL ENGINEERING AVG ANNUAL SALARY = 96, 000 USD

 Post- Spécialisation 6ème année Grande Ecole PFE Illinois Institute of Technology Spécialisation M Post- Spécialisation 6ème année Grande Ecole PFE Illinois Institute of Technology Spécialisation M 3 ( 30, 32 ou 33 crédits) Pas de Dispense de Deux cours

Département d’Informatique • Il faut avoir réussi les pré-requis ( CS 201, 401, et Département d’Informatique • Il faut avoir réussi les pré-requis ( CS 201, 401, et 402) avant partir • Les “transferts de crédits” ne sont pas disponibles pour les étudiants déjà diplômés de l’ESIEA ( Post-specialization/Post-Diplôme) Illinois Institute of Technology

Testimony de Ms. Chaimaa JAAFARI (MS CAE – IIT 2017 – INSA Lyon chaimaa. Testimony de Ms. Chaimaa JAAFARI (MS CAE – IIT 2017 – INSA Lyon chaimaa. jaafari@insa-lyon. fr) “Le Double Diplôme a été pour moi un jalon essentiel pour la concretization de mon projet professionnel que je poursuis actuellement par un Doctorat au Laboratoire SMSID à l’INSA L. Il m’a permis: Ø De travailler an collaboration avec des professeurs exceptionnels tells que le Prof. Mohammadi qui a bien voulu encadrer mon projet de Master de recherche et quie est également le co-auteur de mon premier article de recherche “Serviceability Requirements in Floor Systems: A review of current starndards and practices”, qui sera publié prochainement dans le journal Amméricain “ASCE’s Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction” Ø D’acquérir les bases méthodioligiques et les standards de conduite des projets de recherche Ø D’acquiérir des connaissances pointues dans les domaines de la conception et du calcul des structures, en validant avec succes les course approfondis suivants: Seismic Design, Advanced Structural Analysis, . . Au cours de mon année à IIT Chicago, j’ai eu également l’opportunité d’assister à des conferences et à des séminaires scientifiques de renoms dans le domaine des structures tels que le 14 th Annual Bridge Symposium organisé par “The American Illinois Institute of Technology Structural Engineering Association”.

Testimony de M. Hamza SEKKAK (MS CAE IIT 2017 – INSA Lyon) Hamza SEKKAK Testimony de M. Hamza SEKKAK (MS CAE IIT 2017 – INSA Lyon) Hamza SEKKAK (INSA L-IIT M. S. 2017 CAE) Best features: “IIT’s location in Chicago. . Great studying environment. . proximity to offices of the biggest corporations in the U. S. opens access to face-to-face networking opportunities” What is its worth? “. . for students studying in France, it allows them to broaden their knowledge by getting familiar with American codes and design methods – one of the most used design & constructions standards in the world” Financially – affordable and possible with IIT ‘s scholarship & other Illinois Institute of Technology scholarships from the regional council in “It was a great experience because I was able to interact with people with different backgrounds and get education from highly competent and experienced professors”

Les bénéfices Voiture neuve = € 23, 000 Master’s d’IIT : € 23, 000 Les bénéfices Voiture neuve = € 23, 000 Master’s d’IIT : € 23, 000 Sortie du garage = -20% Sortie d’IIT = Salaire: € 50, 000 (+30% aux US ) Illinois Institute of Technology

Programme II : La recherche ( Stage d’été ) Ingénierie/Informatique Stage d’été: Ø Pre-sélection Programme II : La recherche ( Stage d’été ) Ingénierie/Informatique Stage d’été: Ø Pre-sélection par votre école obligatoire Ø Il ne faut pas contacter les professeurs d’IIT directement Ø Pas de frais d’inscription Ø Durée: 3 mois minimum (possible entre mi-mai et mi-août) Ø Niveau d’anglais: Intermediate Ø Visa: J 1 short-term research scholar Ø Date limite: 1 er février Illinois Institute of Technology

Programme II : La recherche ( PFE/SFE) Ingénierie/Informatique Projet/Stage de fin d’études: Ø Pre-sélection Programme II : La recherche ( PFE/SFE) Ingénierie/Informatique Projet/Stage de fin d’études: Ø Pre-sélection par votre école obligatoire Ø Il ne faut pas contacter les professeurs d’IIT directement Ø Frais d’inscription ( 3 crédits = 4, 410 USD ( août 2017 -mai 2018) Ø Durée: 6 mois (possible mi-fév au mi-août) Ø Niveau d’anglais: Intermediate Ø Visa: J 1 short-term research scholar Ø Date limite: 1 er février Illinois Institute of Technology

Program II - Research Procedure: • • • Selected by school – name submitted Program II - Research Procedure: • • • Selected by school – name submitted to IIT France Send required docs (incl certified copy of transcript in english only, VIA EMAIL to IIT France office IIT France will distribute the dossier to the 3 professors you are asked to identify within 1 department at IIT Chicago MUST CHOOSE ONLY ONE DEPARTMENT AT IIT IF APPROVED BY THE PROFESSOR AT IIT, IIT France OFFICE will inform you, after which you will send your certified transcripts in the native language and english, and the Financial support form IN ORIGINAL BY POST, directly to the Department coordinator at IIT. Applicants will be informed where to send the documents once approved. DO NOT SEND ANY DOCUMENTS TO THE GRADUATE ADMISSION OFFICE NOR TO THE PROFESSORS, AS THEY DO NOT PROCESS RESEARCH APPLICANTS Illinois Institute of Technology

 Centres de recherche @ IIT Ø Ubiquitous Security & Privacy Research Lab Ø Centres de recherche @ IIT Ø Ubiquitous Security & Privacy Research Lab Ø Electric Power & Power Electronic Center Ø Future Networking Research lab Ø Computational Design & Manufacturing Lab Ø Medical Imaging Research Center Ø Embedded Capacity & Signal Processing Research Ø Electric Drives & Energy Conversion La Ø Fluid Dynamics Research center National Center of Excellence Ø Thermal Processing Technology Center Ø Advanced Thermal & Environmental Systems Research Lab –(ATESR) Ø Robotics Lab Ø Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research Ø Particle Test & Crystallization Center Ø Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation Illinois Institute of Technology

IIT’s STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS (www. stuart. iit. edu) ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PROGRAMS IIT’s STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS (www. stuart. iit. edu) ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PROGRAMS OFFERED BY IIT’S STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ? ? IF YES, the next 10 slides provide pertinent information Illinois Institute of Technology

IIT STUART’S SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Ø Ranked 5 th in the U. S. and IIT STUART’S SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Ø Ranked 5 th in the U. S. and 42 nd globally by Financial Times 2017 Ø Ranked 20 th by The Financial Engineering 2016 Illinois Institute of Technology

PROGRAM OFFERED BY IIT STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • Weblink: www. stuart. iit. edu PROGRAM OFFERED BY IIT STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • Weblink: www. stuart. iit. edu • Master’s programs – 33 credit hours • Possibility to receive transfer credit of 2 courses ( ~6 credit hours i. e. 33 -6 c. h. = 27 credits= $46, 575) • Cost of tuition is higher ( Aug 2017 -May 2018 – 1, 725 USD per credit hour - 33 ch = $56, 925) • Admission degree requirements: admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply • TOEFL 85 ibt or IELTS 7. 0 ü http: //www. stuart. iit. edu/programs/pca_faq_pros pective. shtml • GRE/GMAT • Scholarships of upto $3, 000 OR $4, 000 OR $5, 000 per semester, if eligible Illinois Institute of Technology

PROGRAMS OFFERED BY IIT STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • Weblink: www. stuart. iit. edu PROGRAMS OFFERED BY IIT STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • Weblink: www. stuart. iit. edu • Master’s programs – 33 credit hours • Possibility to receive transfer credit of 2 courses ( ~6 credit hours) • Cost of tuition is higher ( Aug 2017 -May 2018 – 1, 725 USD per credit hour) • Admission degree requirements: Admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/degree-seeking-checklist ü TOEFL 85 ibt or IELTS 7. 0 ü http: //www. stuart. iit. edu/programs/pca_faq_prospective. shtml. S tuart’s PCA is required of all who qualify for admission) • GRE/GMAT admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/gre-requirements Illinois Institute of Technology

GRE General MINIMUM Requirements for SSB at IIT (Master’s Level) STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS GRE General MINIMUM Requirements for SSB at IIT (Master’s Level) STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS M. S. Finance V + Q = 310 or GMAT 600 M. S. Sustainability Mgmt V+Q = 298 or GMAT 500 M. S. Marketing Analytics V+Q 298 or GMAT 500 Master of Mathematical Finance V+Q = 310, A = 2. 5 or, GMAT 600 Illinois Institute of Technology

Master’s programs offered SSB-IIT Master of Science in Sustainability Management (33 ch) ( 1 Master’s programs offered SSB-IIT Master of Science in Sustainability Management (33 ch) ( 1 year) https: //stuart. iit. edu/programs/ms-environmental-management-and-sustainability Master of Science in Finance ( 33 ch) ( 1 year) https: //stuart. iit. edu/programs/ms-finance Master of Science in Marketing Analytics ( 33 ch) ( 1 year) https: //stuart. iit. edu/programs/ms-marketing-analytics Illinois Institute of Technology

IIT Application Procedure- Double degree Master’s (Stuart School of Business • Submit online application IIT Application Procedure- Double degree Master’s (Stuart School of Business • Submit online application – application fee of 75 USD waived for IIT Europe partner schools admissions. iit. edu/graduate/apply/degree-seeking-checklist • Upload certified transcripts in the native language (where applicable) and in English • Professional Statement/ESSAY and 2 letters of recommendation must be completed ONLINE with ID number • TOEFL 85 ibt or IELTS 7. 0 and GRE/GMAT scores – ask ETS to send them directly to IIT Chicago – Institution code 1318 • GRE/GMAT – Finance 310 GRE or 600 GMAT; Marketing Analytics & Comm 298 GRE or 500 GMAT; Sustainability Mgmt 298 GRE or 500 GMAT; Math Fin 310 GRE or GMAT 600 • Financial support form • Resume or Curriculum Vitae • Certified proof in English only, of 3 -yr Bachelor’s degree equivalent Illinois Institute of Technology

Stuart School of Business ü SSB’s English Language & Communication ü Program ü All Stuart School of Business ü SSB’s English Language & Communication ü Program ü All admitted students take the Professional Communication Advancement program (PCA) ü Not based on the TOEFL/IETLS/PTE scores ü Upon arrival, students take a series of tests to assess their English Language proficiency and per the assessment results are then placed in a customized course plan based on their language needs ü http: //www. stuart. iit. edu/programs/pca_faq_prospective. shtml (cost for one PCA course of 1. 5 credits = 1, 725 USD Illinois Institute of Technology

IIT Stuart School of Business : Coût – août 2017 – mai 2018 IIT IIT Stuart School of Business : Coût – août 2017 – mai 2018 IIT Coût août 2017 -mai 2018 2017 --2018 27 c. h. $46, 575 BOURSE (pour août 2017 -mai 2018 ) ($6, 000 ou $8, 000 ou $10, 000 (2 semestres) Les bourses ne sont pas un garantie Illinois Institute of Technology 2017 -2018 Coût ($40, 575 ou $38, 575 ou $36, 575

Autres Frais(2017 -2018) (Stuart School of Business) août 2017 – mai 2018 (Pour 1 Autres Frais(2017 -2018) (Stuart School of Business) août 2017 – mai 2018 (Pour 1 an - 9 mois) Assurance ( Health) $1, 441 Service Fee $ 864 U-Pass (Transport) $ 270 Activity Fee $ 250 New Student Fee $ 250 ( one time only ) Graduation Fee $ 300 (one time only) Professional Co-Curric $ 250 Total $3, 625 ( 1 an ~ € 3, 085) Mise à jour – frais d’inscription - fév/mars 2018 pour août 2018 -mai 2019): https: //web. iit. edu/student-accounting/tuition-fees/future-tuition/stuart-schoolbusiness Taux de change: 1. 175 USD = 1 Euro ( Oct. 17, 2017) Illinois Institute of Technology

HOUSING - IIT (LOGEMENT) August 2017 -May 2018) ROOM FEES: https: //web. iit. edu/sites/web/files/departments/housing/pdfs/Housing. HOUSING - IIT (LOGEMENT) August 2017 -May 2018) ROOM FEES: https: //web. iit. edu/sites/web/files/departments/housing/pdfs/Housing. Rn. B_2 016 -17%20 x 2. pdf BOARD ( MEALS) FEES: https: //web. iit. edu/sites/web/files/departments/housing/pdfs/20162017%20 Board%20 Rate%20 Sheet. pdf Illinois Institute of Technology

HOUSING – IN CHICAGO In the city : ~ min. $1, 000 on average HOUSING – IN CHICAGO In the city : ~ min. $1, 000 on average (€ 426 shared) or € 852 (studio) – meals not included Exchange rate: 1 Euro = 1. 175 USD (Oct. 17, 2017) Illinois Institute of Technology

On-campus Housing – State Street Village (SSV) designed by Helmut Jahn Illinois Institute of On-campus Housing – State Street Village (SSV) designed by Helmut Jahn Illinois Institute of Technology

On-campus Housing @ IIT Mc. Cormick Student Village Illinois Institute of Technology On-campus Housing @ IIT Mc. Cormick Student Village Illinois Institute of Technology

On-campus Housing @ IIT Gunsaulus Hall Illinois Institute of Technology On-campus Housing @ IIT Gunsaulus Hall Illinois Institute of Technology

Les Sites Web des Départements ARMOUR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING engineering. iit. edu COLLEGE OF Les Sites Web des Départements ARMOUR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING engineering. iit. edu COLLEGE OF SCIENCE science. iit. edu STUART SCHOOL OF BUSINESS www. stuart. iit. edu SCHOOL OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY appliedtech. iit. edu Illinois Institute of Technology

Les Sites Web M. Patrick Bourbon President de l’UFEC (L’Union des Français de l’Etranger Les Sites Web M. Patrick Bourbon President de l’UFEC (L’Union des Français de l’Etranger de Chicago) www. ufechicago. org www. chicagoaccueil. com Illinois Institute of Technology

Websites IIT www. iit. edu TOEFL www. toefl. org GRE general http: //www. ets. Websites IIT www. iit. edu TOEFL www. toefl. org GRE general http: //www. ets. org/gre/ IELTS www. ielts. org Pearson Test of English - www. pearsonpte. com Illinois Institute of Technology

Illinois Institute of Technology Pour tous renseignements: misquita@iit. edu ou iitparis@aol. com Attention: v Illinois Institute of Technology Pour tous renseignements: misquita@iit. edu ou iitparis@aol. com Attention: v Vérifier tous les liens donnés dans ma présentation, sur le site web d’IIT pour les mises à jour Illinois Institute of Technology

Your journey to Illinois Tech begins! Illinois Institute of Technology Your journey to Illinois Tech begins! Illinois Institute of Technology