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Presentation on the topic: my favorite book Mikhail Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"
"The Master and Margarita" - a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov. Genre of the novel is difficult to determine if the multi-layered, and because the product contains a set of elements of genres such as satire, farce, fantasy, mystery, romance,
The novel (it is also called bulgakovedy menippea and free menippea) "The Master and Margarita" at the author's life has not been published. He first came to light only in 1966, 26 years after Bulgakov's death, with cuts, in an abridged version of the magazine. The novel gained significant popularity
As preserved in the archives of numerous excerpts from the book shows that the sources of information on demonology to Bulgakov served as articles devoted to this topic Encyclopædia Britannica, Ephron, the book by Mikhail Orlov, "The history of
Plot Satan, who introduced in the product as Woland, travels the world with the goals, one known to him from time to time, stopping in various towns and villages. During the spring full moon journey leads him to Moscow of the 1930 s - the time and place where no one believes in Satan, nor in God, deny the existence in the history of Jesus Christ. In Moscow, however, lives a man (Master), who wrote a novel about the last days of
Margaret, wife of "well-known engineer, " Master's mistress, who lost track of him after he got into a mad house, wants only one thing - to find and return it. Hope for the fulfillment of this dream gives Margarita Azazello - for this it needs to perform a service for Woland. Margaret did not immediately, but agrees, and becomes acquainted with Woland his entire entourage. Woland asks her to become queen of the ball, which gives it that night. In the night from Friday to Saturday, a grand ball at the Satan. Among the guests at the ball does not fall just sinners - they are only true, ideological villains. NKVD (the
Another storyline of the novel, which develops parallel to the first - just the novel about Pontius Pilate, was written by a master. It tells the story of Pontius Pilate, who did not dare to speak out against the Sanhedrin, and condemned to death to save Yeshua Ha-Notsri (the so-called character in the novel, the basic prototype of which was Jesus Christ). At the end of the novel the two lines intersect: Master frees the hero of his novel, and Pontius Pilate, after the death of so much time tomivshiysya on a stone slab with his
Location and time of the main events of the novel All events in the novel (in its main story) takes place in Moscow on 30's, in May, from Wednesday evening till night on a Sunday, and on those days had a full moon. Year in which the action takes place is difficult to establish, as in the text there are conflicting indications of the time - perhaps, conscious, and perhaps as a consequence of the author's unfinished edits. In earlier editions of the novel (1929 -1931 years), the novel pushed into the future, referred to 1933, 1934 and even 1943 and 1945, the events occur at different times of the year - from early May to early July. Initially, the author attributed to the action of the summer. However, most likely, to observe the distinctive outline of the story, the time was moved from summer to spring (see Sec. A novel "One spring day. . . " And there, again: "Yes, it should be noted first oddity of this dreadful May evening").
In the epilogue of the novel New Moon, during which the action is, named public holidays, at the same time suggests a version of what a holiday is meant Easter, the most likely - Orthodox Easter. Then the action must begin on Wednesday of Holy Week, which fell on May 1, 1929. Proponents of this version put forward the following arguments: May 1 st - a day of international solidarity of workers, is widely celebrated at the time (despite the fact that in 1929 coincided with Holy Week, that is, with the days of strict fasting). Seen some bitter irony in the fact that Satan arrives in Moscow on this day. In addition, the night of May 1 - Walpurgis Night, the time of the annual coven on Mount Brocken, where, then, Satan himself and came. Master of the novel - "a man of about thirty-eight years. " Bulgakov turned thirty-eight May 15, 1929.
It should, however, indicate that the May 1, 1929 the moon was already on the decline. Paschal Full Moon never occurs in May. In addition, the text contains direct references to a later time: mentioned in the novel trolley, which was started on the Arbat in 1934, and the Garden Ring - in 1936. architect's Congress, mentioned in the novel, in June 1937 (I Congress of the Architects of the USSR). very warm weather is established in Moscow in early May 1935 (spring full moon, then fell to mid-April and mid May). In 1935, the action takes place in the film adaptation in 2005. The events of "The Story of Pontius Pilate, " taking place in the Roman province of Judea during the reign of Emperor Tiberius and management on behalf of the Roman power Pontius Pilate, the day before the Jewish Passover and the subsequent night, that is, 14 -15 Nisan on the Jewish calendar. Thus, the time of action - presumably the beginning of April 29 or 30, AD. Oe.
Monument to the Heroes of Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" has appeared in Moscow. He was found not at the Patriarch's Ponds, and Marina. Grove, on the initiative of local authorities. Now, Koroviev and Behemoth the Cat, made of polymer on the draft of the capitalof art school students can be seen in the yard of a house on the street of the Soviet Army. This place has become popular with many fans of Bulgakov, who willinglyphotographed with the characters of the book.
A philosophical treatment of In this interpretation of the novel stands the basic idea the inevitability of punishment for the offense. It is no accident proponents of this treatment indicate that a central place in the novel take actions before the ball Woland's retinue, whenpenalties are bribetakers, libertines, and other negative characters, and the court itself Voland, when everyone pays according to his faith.
Mikhail Bulgakov (3 (15) May 1891, Kiev, Russian Empire March 10, 1940, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet Russian writer, playwright and theater director. The author of novellas, short stories, humorous anecdotes, plays, dramatizations, film scripts and opera libretti.
people still have this novel
The work carried out of college student KNUTD 0 -9 -2 Didenko Bogdan
Presentation книга.pptx