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Presentation on the Mid-Atlantic Hydrogen Coalition (MAHC) at the Hydrogen Workshop Metropolitan Washington Council Presentation on the Mid-Atlantic Hydrogen Coalition (MAHC) at the Hydrogen Workshop Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments May 23, 2006 Andre W. Van Rest

MISSION The Mid-Atlantic Hydrogen Coalition (MAHC) is an Initiative of the International Center for MISSION The Mid-Atlantic Hydrogen Coalition (MAHC) is an Initiative of the International Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD). This Initiative’s mission is to promote the deployment of hydrogen-energy and fuelcell technologies in the Mid-Atlantic Region (DE, DC, MD, NJ, PA, VA, WVA).

STRATEGY • Facilitate cooperation of pertinent public and privatesector organizations in the Mid-Atlantic Region STRATEGY • Facilitate cooperation of pertinent public and privatesector organizations in the Mid-Atlantic Region in developing a region-wide hydrogen-energy and fuel-cell infrastructure, and in undertaking region-wide activities in the areas of hydrogen codes and standards, project financing, training and information sharing; • Facilitate this in a manner that, especially from the perspective of private industry, will showcase the Region as the premier opportunity and best geographic area for the first full-scale commercialization of hydrogen-energy, fuel-cell vehicles, and stationary fuel-cell applications in the country; • Promote alternative fuels as a stepping stone to the hydrogen economy.

Objectives ⑴ Advocate and publicize the strengths and experiences of the Mid-Atlantic Region in Objectives ⑴ Advocate and publicize the strengths and experiences of the Mid-Atlantic Region in the hydrogen energy and fuel cell areas; ⑵ Assist State Energy Offices and other organizations in the Region in obtaining Federal, foundation, privatesector and other funding for hydrogen energy and fuel cell research, demonstration, development and commercialization projects; ⑶ Promote and coordinate hydrogen energy and fuel cell activities, codes and standards development, and information sharing in the Region; ⑷ Facilitate the development of a Mid-Atlantic Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Corridor that includes alternative fuels delivery

Priority Activities Objective 1: • • Develop a MAHC web site and newsletter; Develop Priority Activities Objective 1: • • Develop a MAHC web site and newsletter; Develop a regional commercial characterization of all aspects and components of hydrogen production, transmission, distribution, storage and use; Develop a regional commercial characterization of all aspects and components of fuel cell production and use; Identify all research, development and demonstration activities in the Region in the hydrogen-energy and fuel cell area. Objective 2: • • Develop a Regional Advocacy Program for funding hydrogen energy and fuel cell projects in the Mid-Atlantic Region; Provide assistance to the State Energy Offices and other organizations in the Region in identifying and applying for Federal, foundation and privatesector funding for hydrogen-energy and fuel-cell-related activities.

Priority Activities (continued) Objective 3: • • Identify, implement and coordinate early-product and early-adoption Priority Activities (continued) Objective 3: • • Identify, implement and coordinate early-product and early-adoption opportunities for hydrogen energy and fuel cell technologies in the Region, including ICE and hythane systems; Promote extensive regional information sharing and coordination of training and education programs on hydrogen energy and fuel cell issues, including system maintenance and repair; Provide technical assistance for hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology deployment, feasibility study implementation, and codes and standards development; Identify potential regional applications of fuel cells as cost-effective distributed energy resources.

Priority Activities (continued) Objective 4: • • • Develop a Vision of what a Priority Activities (continued) Objective 4: • • • Develop a Vision of what a Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Corridor in the Mid-Atlantic Region should look like; Develop an Implementation Strategy for this Vision; Facilitate public/private sector partnerships to implement this Strategy and set the stage for extensive hydrogen energy and fuel cell commercialization in the Corridor; Quantify and monitor the environmental and economic benefits of the Mid. Atlantic Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Corridor; Identify potential economies of scale in areas involving hydrogen supply, fuel cell servicing and maintenance, and other related commercial activities.

Organizational Structure • • • Executive Committee Board of Advisors State Energy Directors Advisory Organizational Structure • • • Executive Committee Board of Advisors State Energy Directors Advisory Council Executive Director/Deputy Director States Initiatives Committee – – – – Delaware District of Columbia Maryland New Jersey Pennsylvania Virginia West Virginia • Ad Hoc Committees – Codes and Standards – Commercialization – Others TBD • Support Staff

Organizational Structure (continued) • General Membership – – – – Private Sector State & Organizational Structure (continued) • General Membership – – – – Private Sector State & Local Governments Utilities Technical Centers NGOs Universities Federal Agencies

CONTACT Andre W. Van Rest Executive Director Mid-Atlantic Hydrogen Coalition Tel: 410 -547 -0033 CONTACT Andre W. Van Rest Executive Director Mid-Atlantic Hydrogen Coalition Tel: 410 -547 -0033 Fax: 410 -547 -9332 Cell: 703 -328 -6801 Email: avr 1743@msn. com www. h 2. energy. org