лицей 6 Ессентуки Андреева Дарья.pptx
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Presentation on the city of Bath { Completed the work Apprentice 9 V class MBOU of the lyceum № 6 Yessentuki Andreeva Daria
Bath- city in England, the seat of the bishop and the main city of Somerset County, on the river Avon. Since antiquity is famous for its curative springs as a balneological resort. Monuments of the era of classicism are listed in the World Heritage List. The birthplace of Batsk buns. The population is 94 782 people.
History of the city Bath-resort town in the south of England, is part of the county of Somerset and is considered a «healing source of Somerset» . This city is famous for its famous natural thermal springs, the temperature of which is always within 35 -45 degrees Celsius. The healing properties of the sources are due to the high concentration of minerals in the water. It is thanks to these soures that the city is visited all year round by both the people of England tourists from different countries, acquainted with the cultural and customs of old Britain. Like most English settlements, located near rivers, Bath was lain by the River Avon. During the Roman conquest of Britain, it was the hot springs of Bath and the proximity of the river avon that were of great interest for the creation of a fortified settlement in the area. The name of the city of Bath is translated as a bathhouse.
"Royal Crescent" The most striking of these is the building of the Royal Crescent (1774) is a complex consisting of 30 buildings located in the form of a Crescent, designed in the Georgian style. The composition of the buildings is breathtaking for its vast space and unusual shape. At the same time surprised by the elegance of the facade, and the fact that the building serves as housing for many hundreds of people. An interesting story happened with this structure, since the building is a cultural heritage of England, but at the same time is a residential complex, has led to rules concerning the appearance of the complex. According to the rules doors must be painted only in white and brown. In this regard was only the wife of the Duke of Wellington. Her desire to be different from everyone led her to break the rules. She painted my door yellow light. This has led to such a public response that this issue was raised at the meeting of Parliament. In the end this whole story, the door remained yellow until now, but this case showed that, contrary to all the rules and laws of society, to preserve its uniqueness.
Large pool (large bathtub) with numerous sculptures and bas-reliefs looks very unusual in the "shadow" of the Church to the Catholic community, but it also gives it extra charm. You can also visit located in the Northwest corner of the property, the drinking room (pump room, 1789 -1799. ) of the same restaurant and columns in Ionian style, several utility rooms and two chapels.
the Abbey of Saints Peter and Paul The hallmark of the city is undoubtedly the famous Abbey of Saints Peter and Paul (The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Bath), lying in the center of the vast Peninsula formed by the great bend of the Avon. Founded in the second half of the VII century as a women's Benedictine monastery in the X century when Edgar the Peaceful reorganized it with the addition of a Norman Church with a length of 101 meters - a whopping at the time of construction, and then again rebuilt (the last reconstruction took place in the 1860 s under the direction of sir George Gilbert Scott), becoming a major center of spiritual life of the country. The modern building of the main Church was built on the site of the Norman Cathedral in 1495 -1611 years and today is one of the largest (height-52 m, capacity - about 1, 200 parishioners) and the most famous Gothic constructions of southern England. Its unusual interior with low galleries of the nave and very high arches the work of Robert and William Werth (the authors of such architectural solutions used in the chapel of Henry VII Westminster Abbey) is decorated with 52 Windows, occupying about 80% of the space of the wall, which gives the entire structure an impression of lightness special. And all the outside walls are richly decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures. At the end of XX century was made a thorough cleaning of the external surfaces of the temple, restored to its original yellow color of the "bath stone" (a yellowish limestone, used as building material for churches and public buildings everywhere in England around the city is still a lot of pits), before hidden under centuries-old layers of soot. Interestingly, the replacement of the old gas chandelier modern electric lighting took place here in 1979.
Links https: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/Бат_(Англия)#. D 0. 98. D 1. 81. D 1. 82. D 0. B E. D 1. 80. D 0. B 8. D 1. 8 F http: //damy-gospoda. ru/gorod-bat/ http: //guide. travel. ru/united_kingdom/england/bath/
лицей 6 Ессентуки Андреева Дарья.pptx