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Presentation on "Job-Engineer»
job description : Engineering profession - the most popular professions of skilled labor. In our country, more than a third of specialists with higher education engineers. Engineer is involved in the production of material wealth of society - from food and consumer goods to sophisticated computers and rockets. Modern engineer - a specialist, with high culture and who knows the art techniques and technology, economics and business administration, able to use engineering techniques to solve engineering problems and at the same time having the ability to invent. The specific objectives of engineering work and requirements of the profession depends on the occupational group to which it belongs.
personal qualities Each engineer to some extent has to do with technology, with technical objects and technological processes. Therefore, interest in technology, the propensity to engage with it are one of the conditions for the success of its activities. Important to him, and technical skills, technical observation, technical thinking, spatial imagination. Engineering work is creative. In any area of an engineer to act independently, proactively and creatively. Often an engineer acts as Head of certain group of people. This peculiarity of the engineer requires him manifestations of organizational abilities. Of great importance for the engineer has a sense of responsibility, as from his work, ability, organization often depends on the rational use of funds, technology and labor.
Education (to be aware of? ) During training, students receive thorough general technical, physical, mathematical and other natural preparations, depending on the specialty. The school is well must know physics, mathematics, drawing.
Job and career Engineers work in virtually all sectors of the economy: in the factories, in the mines and construction sites, research institutes, aviation, military affairs, transportation, etc. He may hold positions: master, Art. master, engineer, Art. engineer, enterprise manager, shift supervisor, department, section, laboratories, leading engineer.
risk professions Engineering profession can hardly be referred to as hazardous. Great importance in his work has a sense of responsibility, because of its efficiency and organization often depends on the rational use of labor and equipment. Inherent qualities of a good engineer is creativity, independence, creative work. Typically, engineers - people with a technical mind abilities, but often their work is creative. Often the engineer is the head of a particular group, so it will need work and organizational skills.
Social significance profession in society In our country, the profession of engineer is one of the most common: it represents more than a third of specialists with higher education. It is no accident, because it is an engineer involved in the production of various material goods - from consumer goods and food products to the most complicated technology.