Presentation on a subject.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 14
PRESENTATION ON A SUBJECT: ABOUT MY SELF I executed I made 11 A classes MBOUSOSH № 34 Uvarova Elena
My name is Uvarova Elena I was born on July 17, 1996 in the city of Tula
MY FAMILY. v I grew up in a full family. v In the childhood mother sent Mother call Irina, the father me to the pool, but it didn't turn Alexander. All of them my out, on a state of health. As went childhood cared of me though I to school, gave to dances, there I very often was ill. Mother works as was occupied year and I left the accountant, the father the because didn't manage to do driver homework
MY DOMESTIC PET v. In 4 years to me bought a cat and we him called Cher. This is the most loyal and devoted friend in my life, we 13 years together. When I was ill it always lay with me. Without it my life would be boring.
MY SCHOOL LIFE. v To the first class me sent to study in the 144 th school. School with a mathematical bias. Having studied there 3 years, I passed into the 34 th school from which I in 2014 and graduate. I am very glad to appear at this school, after all here I met many friends and good people.
MY HOBBY Skates Volleyball v In the childhood I very much fell in v And here other sport with which I fell in love with the skates and to go every day carried out on Kotka. Now I didn't give love recently. Approximately a year ago I started playing at school volleyball. I very much liked this sport. I want to play nearly an up this occupation, but already I want every day in park in it. I am not a to ride less often. This sport very much professional, and the fan. I like it that there is is pleasant to me, after all it tempers an a command spirit, people who are more organism, gives many emotions and good mood. senior, give advice, insure. I consider that without collective work and a sprochennost not to understand this sport.
MY LIFE AT SCHOOL v At the end of the 9 th class the director divided us into profile classes, that having mixed us. Took place 2 years, and in a class such friendly atmosphere that seems so as though from the first class we together. Each person is beautiful on the. I made friends with good and people and opened in them talents which I didn't see earlier. These two years changed a lot of things in my life. I understood that such friendship. Now there is no wish even to leave school, after all it is the best years in life of each person and they will never be forgotten.
MY FAVORITE SUBJECTS AT SCHOOL v I very much love mathematics and social science. The mathematics is pleasant to that there is over what to reflect over what to think. After all this that subject without which it is impossible to live now. Social science in an itself simple subject, it is necessary to listen carefully simply at lessons and not to distract. After all this subject surrounds us all life. Thanks to it we learn the world and we learn life laws without which we can't do
WHOM I WANTED TO BECOME v Since the childhood I wanted to help people, wanted to become the doctor. I played in hospital, I treated dolls and it was pleasant to me. In a couple of years I understood that I won't be able to assume such big responsibility as life of people and with problem chemistry at me began.
Now I want to go in the footsteps of mother. I liked its profession and understand that in life it too is useful. From the 9 th class I decided to become an accountant. I very much want to be similar to mother, after all she clever and at her everything turns out. It is my standard.
11 "A" COOLEST CLASS v With these children it is connected anything. With them we went through difficult times and the happiest. Everyone in a class has a person the individual qualities. I sit with the most cheerful children with Vova, Pasha, Grisha and Andrey. I am so glad that it appeared with them on one row. They are the coolest and cheerful people. As though we didn't swear, all quarrels came to an end always with laughter or a joke. It is necessary to look for such children still. I described a close circle of the communication
AND NOW ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND! v Probably as I only came to the 34 th school (it was in the 3 rd class) I got acquainted with Lela. And to this day we are on friendly terms with it looking on what. This person understands me and helps with everything. I am grateful to it most of all. She is the faithful, sympathetic, kind and best friend. I don't want to leave it, after all she will go to study to other city. It won't suffice to me!
ABOUT TEACHERS v I would like to tell special gratitude to our teachers! After all the majority of them at us conduct with the 5 th class. These people helped us with everything, supported, didn't take offense at us when we weren't right. They deserve special respect. After all everything that we know, they gave us. They love us looking on what. I on you will miss. And if it is honest, not really there is a wish to leave school, after all we very much fell in love with you. We will always remember you!
Presentation on a subject.pptx