Presentation Famous Mathematics Ukrai
George Voronoy Feodosiyovyc (1868 -1908) GF Voronoy belongs to the cohort of the most famous Ukrainian mathematicians of the past. Acknowledged as one of the brightest talents in the field of number theory on the boundary of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, GF Voronoy for his life had printed only twelve articles. They gave impetus to the development of several new trends in analytical number theory, algebraic number theory, geometry of numbers, which are now being actively developed in many countries.
Victor Glushkov (1932 -1982) Unleashed a fifth generalized Hilbert problem, one of the most difficult in modern algebra. Important results got in theory of digital machines, in applications of computer technology in the production process and economy. He has directed and created universal electronic computers "Kyiv", "Dnepr" and other computers.
Myron Onufrievich Zaritsky (1989 -1961) Name MO Zaritsky - a gifted mathematician, a gifted teacher and popularizer of mathematical knowledge, almost unknown in Ukraine, although his time at the Ukrainian scientist works cited or quoted their provisions French mathematician Fresh, German mathematician Hilbert, professor of Warsaw Sierpinski and others.
Michael Pylypovych Kravchuk (1892 -1942) Kravchuk - by more than 180 works, including 10 books on various branches of mathematics ( algebra and number theory, theory of functions of real and complex variable theory of differential and integral equations , probability theory and mathematical statistics, history of mathematics , etc. ). These scientific labor came to the world of science. Now there are pages of research Kravchuk polynomials , moments Kravchuk oscillator Kravchuk. But from 2001, thanks to finding John Kachanovsky , Ukrainian scientist with the U. S. , it appears that scientific works Kravchuk prysluzhylysya to the invention of the first electronic computer in the world !
Vladimir I. Levitsky (1872 -1956) Levitsky great merit was that he put together and order the materials from Ukrainian mathematical terminology, which was published in 1903. The main portion of the scientific work of Professor V. Levitsky was theory of analytic functions. He worked as geometry, algebra, differential equations and the history of mathematics.
Mikhail Ostrogradsky (1801 -1862) Many theorems and formulas Ostrogradskiy entered into various mathematical courses. It is well known to mathematicians around the world Ostrogradskiy method of integration rule Ostrogradski formula Ostrogradskiy more. Unfortunately his name is not always mentioned. During his nearly 40 -year scientific career Mikhail written about 50 scientific works on the most diverse branches of mathematics and mechanics: differential and integral calculus, higher algebra, geometry, probability theory, number theory, analytical mechanics, mathematical physics, ballistics etc. .
Prepared by: the 1’st year students of mechanics and mathematics faculty: Oxana Sidenko, Sofia Umrysh Checked by: the assistant profession of foreign languages. Mykhailyshyn Kh. Z.