- Количество слайдов: 42
Curitiba 1. 828. 092 inhabitants Population Growth Rate: 1, 8% (8 years) GDP Annual Growth Rate: 3, 8% (5 years) GDP 2007 (estimated): R$ 35, 6 bi (US$ 20 bi) 4 th GDP in Brazil Per Capita GDP : R$ 19, 788 (U$ 11, 116) Business Units: 144. 694 IDH: 0, 856 IDH: 0, 842 0, 841 0, 839 0, 800 (Rio de Janeiro) (São Paulo) (Belo Horizonte) Metropolitan Region 3, 260, 292 INHABITANTS Population Growth Rate: 2% (8 years) – IBGE IDH: 0, 824 26 municipalities
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil per capita GDP Curitiba per capita GDP: R$ 19. 800 (US$ 11. 116). Historically superior to Paraná and Brazil.
LOGISTICS AND INFRASTRUCTURE Privileged city as regards Logistics and Infrastructure Important factor in the decision-making process for the installation of business units in town Study performed by Simonsen Associates and Revista Exame (Infrastrucure Annual Report – 2006) - “Champions in Infrastructure”, indicates Curitiba as the third best in the country, after São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro
INFRASTRUCTURE: STRATEGIC LOCATION Mercosul Within a 1, 500 km radius – the main Latin American cities, concentrating approximately 200 million potential consumers a GDP that surpasses U$ 1, 0 trillion. Markets in Brazil Curitiba is near the great consumer centers in Brazil (São Paulo: 400 km, Rio de Janeiro: 800 km, Belo Horizonte: 1000 km).
Infrastructure: Road Mesh Main roads: • BR 116 • BR 376 • BR 277 • BR 476
Infrastructure: Railway system State Railway System 2, 466 km of railways, operated by ALL and Ferrovia Paraná S. A.
Infrastructure: Seaports Paranaguá and Antonina, distant 100 km from Curitiba, and near the São Francisco (182 km) and Itajaí ports (192 km), both in the State of Santa Catarina
Infrastructure – Customs Paraná has 6 “dry ports” and one customs facility, representing, all together, 682, 000 sq. m of total area and 50, 300 sq. m of storehouse facility. Curitiba offers the facility of two “dry ports” and one distribution center
52 sq. m of green area / inhabitant
Tourism • • Hotels: 135 places for events Events: • 150 international and national • 18 thousand beds FLOW OF TOURISTS IN CURITIBA - 2000 A 2007* (MILLION) Fonte: Secretaria de Estado de Turismo/ 2000 - 2007 Elaboração: Curitiba S. A. /Diretoria de Fomento e Desenvolvimento Empresarial/GFE-1 * Estimativa
BEST CITY FOR BUSINESS IN BRAZIL • 2 nd best city in Brazil and the 5 th best in Latin America for business – Revista América Economia (2006 – 2006); • 2 nd Technological Innovation site in Brazil – research by IPEA 2005 • 2 nd Automotive Polo (site) in Brazil • Best Destination for Business – Revista VEJA - 2007 • 2 nd best city in Brazil to work – Revista VOCÊ S. A. – 2005 • IDB Award: Curitiba among the 5 best economic development projects, Latin America and the Caribbean – October, 2007 • X FINEP / MCT Technological Innovation Award – placed among thee best projects - Category: Social Innovation, Southern Region • Watson Wyatt’s Brazilian Cities Database – Dec. 2007 edition; “Curitiba has become one of the most appealing locations for investors in Brazil…”
CURITIBA – INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT • The Curitiba Industrial City – CIC • • Creation - January 19, 1973 Implanted in an area of 43, 7 sq. km Creation of the Connecting Sectors Interlinked to the Structural Sectors • • • . . . 5, 201 business units 923 industries 2, 021 commercial 1, 491 services 766 other activities
Multinational Companies in Brazil
Tecnology Companies in Curitiba
The company’s 12 month figures, as of Sept/207 showed revenues of R$ 5, 3 billion. Number of employees: 10, 700 Bosch registered in 2006 a net revenue of R$ 3, 7 billion with investments totaling R$ 113, 0 million: Four production units in Brazil: two in Campinas– SP, one in Aratú – BA and one in Curitiba. Number of jobs: 11, 500 The industry’s 2007 annual revenue summed U$ 388, 5 billion, an evolution of 64% in comparison with 2006 Number of employees: 2, 465 Brazil’s major computer manufacturer, Positivo Informática is the country’s number one in educational technology. Positivo generates 2, 190 jobs and the 2006 net revenues summed U$ 645, 0 million, and EBtida of U$ 83, 0 million Renault’s revenues in 2007 in Brazil summed 800, 0 million Euros (the company’s world’s figures for the year is of 1, 4 billion Euros). In 2006, revenues amounted 600, 0 million Euros, including exports to Mexico and Argentina
CITIZENSHIP AND EDUCATON 55 HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS 3 24 13 3 7 5 University Centers Colleges Technology Colleges Integrated Colleges Higher Education Institutes Universities
Fiscal Incentives - Municipal Laws/Decrees • Lei Complementar nº 22/98 – Parque de Software • Lei Complementar nº 39/01 – ISS Tecnológico − Decreto nº 976/2007 – ISS Tecnológico • Lei Complementar nº 58/05 – ISS - Call Center • Lei Complementar nº 66/07 – ISS - Construção Civil • Lei reduz de 5% para 3% – ISS Corretores de Seguros
Municipal Development Programs Strategic Programs – Local Economic Development • Bom Negócio (The Good Business) • Parque de Incubadoras Empresariais (The Entrepreneurial Incubators Park) • International Relations Investiment Attraction • Socioeconomic Information • The Technological Curitiba - ISS Tecnológico (incentive on technological services) • Parque de Software (The Software Park) • Curitiba Tecnoparque (The Curitiba Technological Park)
Purpose: Strengthen the city’s entrepreneurial basis. Provide business units to invest on company improvement, increase profits and create new job opportunities. Eligibility: Service-rendering companies located in Curitiba Eligible expenses: . equipment (except vehicles). technical books and magazines. human resources capacitation. consulting services. purchase of new software units. travel expenses. physical infrastructure Mandatory 80% of the incentive - Curitiba
BUSINESS UNITS AND JOBS - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITIES IN CURITIBA / SÃO PAULO Description of the Activities Curitiba Business Units São Paulo Jobs Business Units Jobs Manufacturing of data processing equipment 33 2. 357 93 3. 008 Manufacture of peripheral for computer equipment 17 46 142 1. 628 388 461 4. 971 7. 118 48 130 342 628 Development and licensing of non-customizable computer programs 219 186 1. 936 4. 585 Consulting in information technology 511 917 2. 605 9. 417 Technical support, maintenance and other services in information technology 527 1. 007 4. 187 11. 698 Data processing, suppliers of application services and services of hosting in the Internet 950 3. 359 8. 721 12. 396 13 10 57 80 365 416 3. 017 3. 785 48 13 271 676 496 8. 348 2. 056 44. 709 3. 615 17. 250 28. 398 99. 728 Computer programs development under order Development and licensing of customizable computer programs Portals, content providers, and other information services in the Internet Repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment Repair and maintenance of communication equipment Other activities TOTAL SOURCE: MTE / RAIS – 2006
AVERAGE REMUNERATION OF MAIN JOB OCCUPATIONS IN THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AREA - CURITIBA AND SÃO PAULO - 2006 Curitiba Description of Occupations São Paulo Average Remuneration (R$) Directors of information technology services 8. 962, 44 15. 897, 01 Managers of information technology 5. 968, 48 8. 772, 48 Engineering and technology researchers 4. 994, 80 7. 264, 15 Computing engineers 4. 419, 04 8. 078, 77 Networks, systems and database administrators 3. 071, 39 4. 207, 74 Computer systems analysts 3. 801, 91 4. 062, 52 Development technicians of systems and applications 1. 977, 87 2. 567, 75 Technicians in computers operation and monitoring 1. 420, 74 1. 954, 60 912, 57 1. 154, 95 Operators of equipment for entry and data transmissions SOURCE: MTE / RAIS - 2006
Technology Incubators 8 Incubators in Curitiba
THE GREEN LINE Average 45. 000 vehicles/ day
The Green Line Extention / total: 18 Km 23 city districts covered 287. 000 persons
CURITIBA TECHNOPARK An inter-institutional cooperation program conducted by the City of Curitiba Administration, involving the governmental, scientific and entrepreneurial segments; Urban environment concentrating public and private technological assets, suitable for innovation; Favourable physical space for the attraction of productive opportunities of high added-value and great competitiveness
CURITIBA TECHNOPARK COMPRISED ACTIVITY SEGMENTS I. Telecommunication Systems: equipment and services II. Computer Equipment: hardware and peripherics; III. Computer Services: software development, consulting on hardware and software, data management and electronic distribution of information; IV. Research and Development; V. Design VI. Laboratories of analysis and quality tests; VII. Industrial Automation and Precision instruments; VIII. New Technologies: Biotechnology, nano-technology, environment and Health.
Physical Structure • Logistic Ring – comprising the Technical/entrepreneurial nucleous • • UFPR, PUC-PR, LACTEC, FIEP • Structural axis – Av. Marechal Floriano/ The Green line; 40. 000 students/3. 000 professors and 500 researches groups; • CIC – North Sector – comprising The Software Park; • Central Sector -Rebouças – comprising the Technological University and the Convention Center. • CIC – South Sector – comprising Tecpar
Physical Structure
Entrepreneurial Nucleus
Entrepreneurial Nucleus
Carlos Alberto Richa Prefeito Juraci Barbosa Sobrinho Diretor Presidente Roberto Santoro Diretor Técnico Heraldo Alves das Neves Diretor Administrativo e Financeiro
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