Скачать презентацию Presentation and Management of Raised Intracranial Pressure Amro Скачать презентацию Presentation and Management of Raised Intracranial Pressure Amro


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Presentation and Management of Raised Intracranial Pressure Amro Al-Habib MD, FRCSC, MPH Neurosurgery Presentation and Management of Raised Intracranial Pressure Amro Al-Habib MD, FRCSC, MPH Neurosurgery

Basics n Components of cranium n Brain 1400 ml n CSF 75 -100 ml Basics n Components of cranium n Brain 1400 ml n CSF 75 -100 ml n Blood 75 ml Monro-Kellie Doctrine n n n These contents are incompressible Therefore, change in volume of the brain is associated with change in CSF or blood volume

Pressure-Volume n Increase in volume in one compartment leads to change in volume in Pressure-Volume n Increase in volume in one compartment leads to change in volume in the other ones. n n E. g. brain tumor ---> CSF volume then blood volume For how long could this go on?

Raised ICP Laurence T Dunn, J neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2002 Raised ICP Laurence T Dunn, J neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2002

Can somebody walk around with a raised ICP? Can somebody walk around with a raised ICP?

Raised ICP and brain shift A. B. C. D. E. Cingulate herniation Uncal herniation Raised ICP and brain shift A. B. C. D. E. Cingulate herniation Uncal herniation Central herniation Outside herniation Tonsillar herniation

ICP waveform ICP waveform

Normal ICP Raised ICP Laurence T Dunn, J neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2002 Normal ICP Raised ICP Laurence T Dunn, J neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2002

n Cerebral autoregulation n Ability of cerebral vessels to maintain cerebral perfusion within strictly n Cerebral autoregulation n Ability of cerebral vessels to maintain cerebral perfusion within strictly determined limits n n n Rise in SBP ----> Constriction of cerebral arteries Low SBP ----> cerebral vessels dilate to accommodate Loss of autoreglation: Change in cerebral blood flow with the change in BP

Cerebral Autoregulation Raised ICP Laurence T Dunn, J neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2002 Cerebral Autoregulation Raised ICP Laurence T Dunn, J neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2002

BP and CBF n If ICP goes up, how does the brain get perfusion? BP and CBF n If ICP goes up, how does the brain get perfusion? n n n Process of autoregulation CPP = MAP - ICP If: n n n MAP=85 mm. Hg ICP=15 mm. Hg CPP ?

n CPP 50 -140 mm. Hg n CPP 50 -140 mm. Hg

n 20 year old man. Had car accident (MVC) as unrestrained driver. He presented n 20 year old man. Had car accident (MVC) as unrestrained driver. He presented with BP 75/30, HR 125 bpm. Unconscious, with right hemiplegia. What is going on?

Possible Causes n n VITAMEN D Other: Possible Causes n n VITAMEN D Other:

Clinical Presentation of raised ICP n Headache, vomiting, papilloedema n Headache n n Early Clinical Presentation of raised ICP n Headache, vomiting, papilloedema n Headache n n Early morning Throbbing / Bursting sneezing, coughing Papilleodema n n Reliable but may take several days Associated fundal hge indicates acute and severe rise in ICP

GCS Decreased Level of Consciousness GCS Decreased Level of Consciousness

n Neurological: n n n Pupillary dilation Hemiplegia Cranial nerve deficit n Neurological: n n n Pupillary dilation Hemiplegia Cranial nerve deficit

missinglink. ucsf. edu/. . . / Herniation. Gross. jpg missinglink. ucsf. edu/. . . / Herniation. Gross. jpg

missinglink. ucsf. edu/. . . / Tentorial. Notch. Blum. jpg missinglink. ucsf. edu/. . . / Tentorial. Notch. Blum. jpg

Trans-tentorial herniation: - Ipsilateral dilated pupil - Contra-lateral weakness Trans-tentorial herniation: - Ipsilateral dilated pupil - Contra-lateral weakness

missinglink. ucsf. edu/. . . / tonsillar%20 hern-2 a. jpg missinglink. ucsf. edu/. . . / tonsillar%20 hern-2 a. jpg

False localization n Kernohan’s notch False localization n Kernohan’s notch

n Systemic: n Raised BP (recall: CPP=MAP-ICP) n Respiratory change: n Cheyne-Stokes breathing: n n Systemic: n Raised BP (recall: CPP=MAP-ICP) n Respiratory change: n Cheyne-Stokes breathing: n n Oscillating periods of apnea-tachypnea Respiratory centers compromise

Raised ICP in infants n n Widened sutures Increased Head circumference Dilated head veins Raised ICP in infants n n Widened sutures Increased Head circumference Dilated head veins “Sun set” eyes

Investigations n n URGENT CT head NO Lumbar Puncture Investigations n n URGENT CT head NO Lumbar Puncture

What is the treatment of high ICP? n General measures: n n n n What is the treatment of high ICP? n General measures: n n n n Head elevation (30 degrees) No neck compression Mannitol for patients who have decreased LOC (or Furosemide) Steroids (Dexamethazone) for tumors Hyperventilation: controlled to PCO 2 35 -40 mm. Hg Sedation, muscle relaxants Hypothermia Barbiturates: terminal option

What is the treatment of high ICP? n Specific treatment: n Depends on the What is the treatment of high ICP? n Specific treatment: n Depends on the cause n VITAMEN D

Vascular - SAH / ICH www. musc. edu/. . . /Fall 2003/ Theodosha/brain 31. Vascular - SAH / ICH www. musc. edu/. . . /Fall 2003/ Theodosha/brain 31. gif www. learningradiology. com/ archives 2007/COW%20. . radiology. rsna. org/ content/244/3/923/F 1. large. jpg

Infection - Abscess Infection - Abscess

Trauma n Localized Epidural Hematoma Subdural Hematoma Trauma n Localized Epidural Hematoma Subdural Hematoma

Trauma n Diffuse www. learningradiology. com/. . . /cow 315 -1 arr. jpg Trauma n Diffuse www. learningradiology. com/. . . /cow 315 -1 arr. jpg

Tumor Meningioma Glioblastoma Multiformi Tumor Meningioma Glioblastoma Multiformi

Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus

Can we monitor ICP? forum. interes. ge/index. php? showtopic=564&st=20 Can we monitor ICP? forum. interes. ge/index. php? showtopic=564&st=20