Скачать презентацию Presentation 16 WALL TYPE IDENTIFICATION 1 Walls Скачать презентацию Presentation 16 WALL TYPE IDENTIFICATION 1 Walls


  • Количество слайдов: 22


Walls versus Partitions • Walls – A general term for a vertical building component Walls versus Partitions • Walls – A general term for a vertical building component used to support loads and divide up living spaces – Also a term used exclusively to describe exterior vertical surfaces • Partitions – Interior walls 2

Types of Walls • Partitions and walls may each be loadbearing (LB) or non-load-bearing Types of Walls • Partitions and walls may each be loadbearing (LB) or non-load-bearing (NLB). • With these combinations, there are four possible types of walls and partitions. 3

Th bu ey Types of Walls ilt are in of th te is n Th bu ey Types of Walls ilt are in of th te is n 1 LBW – Load-Bearing Wall • or de r. 2 NLBW – Non-Load-Bearing Wall • • 3 LBP – Load-Bearing Partition • 4 NLBP – Non-Load-Bearing Partition 4

Virtual Construction A portion of a typically framed house. 5 Virtual Construction A portion of a typically framed house. 5

Virtual Construction begins on a floor system. 6 Virtual Construction begins on a floor system. 6

Virtual Construction 7 Virtual Construction 7

Virtual Construction These are exterior, thus they are walls. 8 Virtual Construction These are exterior, thus they are walls. 8

Virtual Construction They are also load-bearing. LBW 9 Virtual Construction They are also load-bearing. LBW 9

Virtual Construction LBW 10 Virtual Construction LBW 10

Virtual Construction This wall is exterior, but is not load-bearing. LBW NLBW 11 Virtual Construction This wall is exterior, but is not load-bearing. LBW NLBW 11

Virtual Construction This is an interior wall (partition) and can be load-bearing. LBP LBW Virtual Construction This is an interior wall (partition) and can be load-bearing. LBP LBW NLBW 12

Virtual Construction The others are interior and non-load-bearing. NLBP LBW NLBW 13 Virtual Construction The others are interior and non-load-bearing. NLBP LBW NLBW 13

Virtual Construction 14 Virtual Construction 14

Virtual Construction Removing the Construction isroof systematic 15 Virtual Construction Removing the Construction isroof systematic 15

Virtual Construction and the upper plates and studs NLBP LBW NLBW 16 Virtual Construction and the upper plates and studs NLBP LBW NLBW 16

Sole Plates A close look at the plate intersections will show these walls are Sole Plates A close look at the plate intersections will show these walls are laid out differently. (4) NLBP (3) LBP (2) NLBW (1) LBW 17

(1) LBW Plate Note that end of plate is also where the dimensions begin. (1) LBW Plate Note that end of plate is also where the dimensions begin. LBW Dim en sio n to NLBW Ce nte r lin e OC 18

(2) NLBW Plate Note that end of plate is NOT where the dimensions begin. (2) NLBW Plate Note that end of plate is NOT where the dimensions begin. LBW NLBW e rlin te n n sio e o. C t n OC e im D 19

(3) LBP Plate Note that end of plate is NOT where the dimensions begin. (3) LBP Plate Note that end of plate is NOT where the dimensions begin. LBP Dim en sio nt o. C NLBW en ter lin e OC 20

(4) NLBP Plate Note that centerlines are not from end of plate, but OC (4) NLBP Plate Note that centerlines are not from end of plate, but OC may be. LBW OC NLBP e lin ter n n sio e o. C t n e im D 21

Conclusions • Walls are exterior, partitions are interior. • Each may be load-bearing or Conclusions • Walls are exterior, partitions are interior. • Each may be load-bearing or non-load-bearing. • Layout of centerlines and OC studs varies. Measure to OC Measure to Centerlines LBW From end of plate NLBW Include width of abutting LBW and sheathing thickness Include width of abutting LBW LBP Include width of abutting NLBW NLBP From end of plate Include width of abutting LBW 22