Present Simple.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 14
Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense
Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Теперішній неозначений час • виражає повторювану або постійну дію в теперішньому часі: You learn English. She lives in Kiev. • виражає загальновідомі факти: The Moon goes around the Earth. Cows give milk.
Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Теперішній неозначений час • виражає звички та щоденні дії: I swim twice a week. We play football on Sundays. • характеризує підмет (коли ми говоримо про вміння, якості тощо): You speak English very well. He dances badly.
Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Теперішній неозначений час • виражає розумові та емоційні процеси в момент мовлення: to agree, to believe, to hate, to hear, to know, to imagine, to like, to love, to remember, to see, to understand, to want. • виражає заплановану майбутню дію (здебільшого рух): The train arrives at 6 o’clock. I leave Ukraine tomorrow
Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Теперішній неозначений час to work (працювати) I work. He/she/it You work. He works. We work. She works. They work. It works. s / es
Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense +s: більшість дієслів to run – runs, to write – writes +es: якщо дієслово закінчується на -s, -sh, -ch, -x to wash – washes, to teach – teaches to go – goes, to do – does -o -y міняється на -і (після приголосної) to study – studies, to cry – cries to play – plays, to say – says
Let’s practice: change sentence 1. I walk in the park. – She. . . 2. You like listen to the music. – He … 3. We go to theater. – The man … 4. They cry a lot. – The baby. . . 5. My sisters clean the room. – My sister … 6. Boys play football. – The boy. . . 7. My parents get up early. – My mother …
Let’s practice: change sentence 8. Children grow fast. – A child … 9. My friends study German. – My friend …. . 10. We relax at the beach. – He … 11. They buy books. – She … 12. You cook very well. – Ann … 13. I fly often. – The bird …. 14. I speak French. – Mark …
Let’s practice: change sentence 15. We meet friends. – Emily … 16. Nick and Jane visit Poland. – Nick … 17. They fish on weekends. – He … 18. My cousins want to buy new car. – My cousin … 19. You skate in winter. – Mary …. 20. We watch TV at the evening. – He …
Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Заперечення do /does not + дієслово I do not work. He/she/it You do not work. He does not work. We do not work. She does not work. They do not work. It does not work.
Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Питання Do /does – підмет – присудок Do I work? He/she/it Do you work? Does he work? Do we work? Does she work? Do they work? Does it work?
Let’s practice: ask your neighbor 1. play the piano 2. like dancing 3. run quickly 4. know how to drive a car 5. write letters often 6. take a bus every day 7. go in for sport
Let’s practice: ask your neighbor 8. sing very well 9. study geography 10. wear dresses 11. swim in the lake 12. ski in winter 13. live in Lviv 14. play hockey in summer
Let’s practice: ask your neighbor 15. watch horror movies 16. read morning newspapers 17. grow potatoes 18. travel a lot 19. work at the library 20. drink coffee in the morning 21. remember how to use articles