Present Perfect Tense.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 15
Present Perfect Tense (Теперішній доконаний час) yet for ever lately recently so far since just Past Present Future
Present Perfect Tense Теперішній доконаний час • виражає дію, що відбувалася до моменту мовлення і має результат у теперішньому часі: I have locked the door. Mary is not at home. She has gone to theatre. • в центрі уваги результат дії, а не час: You have read more than I.
Present Perfect Tense Теперішній доконаний час • виражає дію, що тривала певний час до моменту мовлення: Up to now we have read three English books. • ключові слова: up to now / up to the present (до сьогодні) lately / recently (нещодавно, останнім часом) so far (до цього часу) since (відтоді) yet (досі) / not yet (ще не)
Present Perfect Tense Теперішній доконаний час • виражає частоту дії, що відбувалася: I have often heard this story from him. Have you ever been to New York? • ключові слова: ever (коли-небудь) never (ніколи) often (часто) seldom (рідко) already (вже) just (щойно)
Present Perfect Tense Теперішній доконаний час • виражає дію, що відбувалася до моменту мовлення і все ще триває: My friends have not arrived this week. Have you eat today? I have known her for years. • ключові слова: for (впродовж) for an hour (впродовж години) for a long time (довгий час)
Present Perfect Tense Теперішній доконаний час правильних дієслів have/has + дієслово + ed I have worked. You have worked. He has worked. We have worked. She has worked. They have worked. It has worked.
Present Perfect Tense Теперішній доконаний час правильних дієслів скорочена форма have/has worked = ’ve / ’s worked I‘ve worked. You‘ve worked. He’s worked. We’ve worked. She’s worked. They’ve worked. It’s worked.
Present Perfect Tense Заперечення have / has not + дієслово + ed I have not worked. You have not worked. He has not worked. We have not worked. She has not worked. They have not worked. It has not worked.
Present Perfect Tense Питання Have / has – підмет – присудок Have I worked? Have you worked? Has he worked? Have we worked? Has she worked? Have they worked? Has it worked?
Let’s practice: translate into English We have translated цей текст. 1. Ми вже переклали this text already. 2. Мій friendніколи не вивчав німецьку мову. My друг has never studied German. I ще не тренувався(-лася). 3. Я have not exercised yet. They have planted trees at the parkпарку. for two 4. Вони дві години садили дерева в hours. Oksana has just returned from школи. 5. Оксана щойно повернулася зі the school. John has worked at the hospital since 1997. 6. З 1997 року Джон працював у лікарні. Have you passed all exams? 7. Чи здав ти усі екзамени?
Let’s practice: translate into English They have walked five kilometers. 8. Вони пройшли п'ять кілометрів. My сестра пропустила morning поїзд. 9. Мояsister has missed theранковийtrain. 10. Містер Сміт подорожувавmany countries. Mr. Smith has travelled to у багатьох країнах. We have lived here all our lives. 11. Ми прожили тут усе своє життя. 12. Діти завершили усі завдання іand can go Children have finished all tasks можуть йти додому. home. He щойно phoned you. 13. Він has just телефонував тобі. Have you tasted tacos before? 14. Чи ти куштував такос до цього часу?
Let’s practice: translate into English 15. She has listened to this music recently. Недавно вона слухала цю музику. 16. Яhave helped (-ла)all these ці роки. I допомагав you тобі всі years. He has published only one article статтю. 17. Досі він опублікував лише одну for now. They ніколи не watched «Титанік» . 18. Вони have neverдивилися“Titanic”. 19. Останнімstayed at home in the evening We have часом ми залишалися вдома вечорами. lately. Has Ann tried this dress? 20. Чи міряла Анна це плаття? 21. He has not decided where to go in summer. Він не вирішив, куди поїде влітку.
Present Perfect Tense Теперішній доконаний час неправильних дієслів have/has + 3 форма дієслова • змінюється корінь слова, відповідає третій формі у таблиці неправильних дієслів: to write – written to go – gone to put – put to be – been
Let’s practice: change sentence into Present Perfect 1. I saw this movie long time ago. (recently) 2. I have did not met him recently. (since last She seen this movie last week) She has not met him since last week. 3. They went to theater yesterday. (just) They just have gone to theatre. 4. Children sang a lot. (since afternoon) Children have sung since afternoon. 5. Teachers didn’t give us home task. (never) Teachers have never given us home task. 6. The boy built a sand castle. (just) The boy has just built a sand castle. 7. My parents got up early last Sunday. My parents have gotten up early lately. (lately)
Let’s practice: change sentence into Present Perfect has spoken to me already. 8. Jack spoke to me two hours ago. (already) have to Kyiv for a day. 9. I camecome tolast week. (for a day) has her in winter. (recently) 10. She lost keys recently. 11. The tomatoes have grown quickly this year. grew quickly in 2007. (this year) They have each other at that time(for 12. They knew known each other for ages) Susan has just written letters. 13. Susan wrote letters every Friday. (just) Nick has slept since (since midnight) 14. Nick slept six hours. midnight.