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Present perfect or simple past? Present perfect or simple past?

SIMPLE PAST TENSE We use it when the action in the PAST is DEFINITE SIMPLE PAST TENSE We use it when the action in the PAST is DEFINITE Last Monday, I had a difficult test. When I was a child, I studied at that school.

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE We use it when the action in the PAST is INDEFINITE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE We use it when the action in the PAST is INDEFINITE ? ? ? - We have studied at Al-Wajba School. NO TIME!!! ? ? ? - I have gone to Brazil many times. NO TIME!!!

had - I _____ an interesting class last night. (have) Did you see - had - I _____ an interesting class last night. (have) Did you see - _______ that new dress Susan bought last week? (you/see) hasn’t bought - Saif _________ that new house on the beach yet. (not/buy) - Edward _______ his keys again. (lose) has lost stopped - The police _____ me on my way home last night. (stop)

went - I _______ to the movies three times last didn’t like week, but went - I _______ to the movies three times last didn’t like week, but I ______ any of the films. (go) (not/like) haven’t talked - I ________ to Louis for a long time. (talk/not) Have you just got up - __________ ? (you/just/get up ) - “Is Mr. Anderson in? ” “No, he has already gone _________ home. (already/go) learned - When I was 18, I ________ how to drive. (learn)

- ________ to Japan? (he/be) Has he been - Peter _______ to Spain on - ________ to Japan? (he/be) Has he been - Peter _______ to Spain on his last vacation. traveled (travel) - Can you believe Mona ________ the sea? has never seen (never/see) didn’t travel - Monica ________ to California last year because she _______ to stay home. (not/travel) (prefer) preferred - Sally ______ to memorize the alphabet, but it’s has tried too difficult for her. (try)

- Aisha ______ us some chocolate for Eid bought last class. (buy) studied - - Aisha ______ us some chocolate for Eid bought last class. (buy) studied - Sally _____ over 20 hours for her Midterm exam last week. (study) - “ ________ skydiving in his life? ” Has Ali ever gone have gone Yeah, he and Rashid ______ skydiving together. (Ali ever/go) (go)

Present perfect or simple past? Present perfect or simple past?

Choose the correct tense verb: present perfect or simple past. Choose the correct tense verb: present perfect or simple past.

a) I drove / have driven a car last Saturday night b) Meg has a) I drove / have driven a car last Saturday night b) Meg has bought / bought clothes for her this afternoon.

c) Yesterday Mike broke/has broken his leg. d) They knew / have known each c) Yesterday Mike broke/has broken his leg. d) They knew / have known each other since they were fifteen.

e) We haven’t seen/didn’t each other since last year. f) She has been /was e) We haven’t seen/didn’t each other since last year. f) She has been /was married for five years.

g) He worked /has worked hard last summer. h) You have already arned/learned it. g) He worked /has worked hard last summer. h) You have already arned/learned it.

RUTH RENDELL Many people call Ruth Rendell `the new Agatha Christie´. She ______ (be RUTH RENDELL Many people call Ruth Rendell `the new Agatha Christie´. She ______ (be born) in London in 1930. When she _____ (leave) school, she _____ (work) as a journalist. In 1950 she _____ (get) married to another journalist and they had a son. In 1973, after twenty-three years together, they got divorced, but four years later they re-married. Ruth Rendell _____ (publish) her first novel in 1964. It _____ (be) an immediate success. Since 1964 she _____ (write) many more novels, and is still writing today. Her famous detective is a middle-aged policeman, Inspector Wexford. She _____ (publish) other books under the pen name of Barbara Vine, and she _____ (win) many prizes for her novels. Since 1986 she _____ (live) in a sixteenth-century farmhouse. In her novels, Ruth Rendell is more interested in the characters than the crimes. Her detective novels, short stories, and psychological thrillers are international best-sellers. She´s now the sixth highest-earning woman in England.

a) Write questions on Ruth Rendell: 1. How long ___________ a writer? Since 1964. a) Write questions on Ruth Rendell: 1. How long ___________ a writer? Since 1964. 2. ________________ married? Since 1977. 3. ________________ farmhouse? Since 1986. b) What happened to Ruth Rendell in. . . - 1930? -1950? -1964? - 1973? -1977? -1986?

Girly Gossip Mrs Present Perfect and Ms Past at their favourite café Girly Gossip Mrs Present Perfect and Ms Past at their favourite café

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Boss I / just / meet / the new boss Oh, what / he Boss I / just / meet / the new boss Oh, what / he / say? He / say hello/ and invite/ me for a coffee. He / be the friendliest boss I / ever / meet I’ve just met the new boss. Oh, have you? What did he say? He said hello and invited me for a coffee. He is the friendliest boss I’ve ever met.

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