Скачать презентацию Preparing Your Johns Hopkins CV for Academic Promotion Скачать презентацию Preparing Your Johns Hopkins CV for Academic Promotion


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Preparing Your Johns Hopkins CV for Academic Promotion Argye Hillis, MD, MA, Professor of Preparing Your Johns Hopkins CV for Academic Promotion Argye Hillis, MD, MA, Professor of Neurology, Executive Vice Chair of Neurology, and Past Chair, Medical School Council Fred Askin, MD, Professor of Pathology, Past Chair of the Associate Professor Promotions Committee, and Interim Chief of Pathology, Bayview Medical Center Lisa Heiser, MA, Assistant Dean for Faculty Development and Equity, JHSOM

Welcome and Agenda n n n n CV Structure for Promotion Avoiding Mistakes and Welcome and Agenda n n n n CV Structure for Promotion Avoiding Mistakes and Common Problems How Chairs’ and Referees’ Letters Relate to Your CV Distinguishing Your CV for Your Career Pathway Do’s and Don’ts from the Past APPC Chair Differing Features of CVs for JHSOM Promotion vs. External Purposes CV Examples Further Resources

A Few Rules (not just suggestions) n Stick to the format precisely ¨ Promotion A Few Rules (not just suggestions) n Stick to the format precisely ¨ Promotion committees will not accept CVs in the wrong format ¨ Be sure to use the 2006 format n n In the Silver Book Downloadable from the Web ¨ ¨ ¨ n n MSC website Faculty website PPC website Keep it complete and updated Sign and date

Format n n n No need to make it unique, as suggested for businesses Format n n n No need to make it unique, as suggested for businesses White paper, standard fonts Do not add your personal goals, spouse’s or children’s names, etc. Your personal goals will be part of your letter from the Department Chair to the promotions committees Evaluative data regarding your education and clinical care can be added to your Educator’s Portfolio (not CV) Exclude sections that are not applicable

Sections of CV Verbatim from Silver Book n Ask questions about any parts, terms, Sections of CV Verbatim from Silver Book n Ask questions about any parts, terms, etc. , that are unclear as we go along!! n

Demographic and “Personal” Data n Current appointments ¨ University (primary, joint appointments) ¨ Hospital Demographic and “Personal” Data n Current appointments ¨ University (primary, joint appointments) ¨ Hospital ¨ Other n Personal data ¨ Business address, phone, fax, email ¨ Not DOB, home address, etc.

Education and Training n n n In chronological order List year, degree, institution, discipline Education and Training n n n In chronological order List year, degree, institution, discipline Undergrad Graduate degrees Post-doctoral ¨ Internship ¨ Residency ¨ Fellowships ¨ etc

Professional Experience In chronological order (earliest first) n End with current appointments n List Professional Experience In chronological order (earliest first) n End with current appointments n List dates, positions, institutions n

Research Activities n Research Publications ¨ List ONLY peer-reviewed, original research Articles and reviews Research Activities n Research Publications ¨ List ONLY peer-reviewed, original research Articles and reviews of your research n Not invited reviews of an area (these are included later as educational scholarship) n ¨ List only published or in press ¨ Show ALL authors ¨ Bold or underline your name ¨ Chronological order

Standard Reference Style n Kleinman KT, Newhart M, Heidler-Gary, J, Gottesman R, Barker PB, Standard Reference Style n Kleinman KT, Newhart M, Heidler-Gary, J, Gottesman R, Barker PB, Aldrich E, Llinas R, Wityk R, Chaudhry P, Hillis AE, Restoring cerebral blood flow reveals neural regions critical for naming. J Neurosci 2006; 26: 8069 -8073.

Inventions, Patents, Copyrights Include pending & awarded n List date awarded/submitted and title n Inventions, Patents, Copyrights Include pending & awarded n List date awarded/submitted and title n Those that have impact on academic or clinical field will be counted as scholarship that leads to national and/or international recognition and leadership n

Extramural Funding n n List current, then pending, then previous grants, contracts, etc. (each Extramural Funding n n List current, then pending, then previous grants, contracts, etc. (each section in chrono. order) Include ALL of the following information: ¨ Dates, title ¨ Identification # (if available; e. g. NS RO 1 257308) ¨ Sponsor (e. g. NIH: NINDS; AHA) ¨ Total direct cost ¨ PI ¨ Your role and percent effort n Should agree with your effort report and your “other support”

Research Program Building/ Leadership Recall that national recognition is required for promotion to Assoc Research Program Building/ Leadership Recall that national recognition is required for promotion to Assoc Prof n National Leadership and, in most cases, international recognition are required for Professor n List dates, names of research program, role (e. g. Director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center) n

Educational Activities Educational Publications n Peer-reviewed, original educational research manuscripts (list first) ¨ e. Educational Activities Educational Publications n Peer-reviewed, original educational research manuscripts (list first) ¨ e. g. effects of intensive training using actors on residents’ effectiveness in discussing end of life decisions n Other peer-reviewed publications ¨ e. g. submitted review articles, consensus statements, expert opinions, case reports ¨ Peer-reviewed internet publications

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications May be about your research domain n n n Invited review Non-Peer Reviewed Publications May be about your research domain n n n Invited review articles Editorials, letters, correspondence Book chapters Monographs Books Other media (curricula, films, videos, CD ROMs, slide sets, etc. ) Educational because they disseminate knowledge ¨ not your newly generated knowledge

Teaching n Classroom instruction ¨ Dates, course titles, your role, location ¨ Include lectures Teaching n Classroom instruction ¨ Dates, course titles, your role, location ¨ Include lectures you give annually in a specific course n Clinical instruction ¨ Dates, course titles, your role, location ¨ Include Clinical Skills, Clerkship lectures, clerkship supervision CME instruction (dates, titles, etc. ) n Other workshops (dates, titles, etc. ) n

Mentoring n Advisees ¨ Dates, names, degree advisee received under your direction, present position, Mentoring n Advisees ¨ Dates, names, degree advisee received under your direction, present position, awards, grants with you, +/- articles with your advisees ¨ Do not include every fellow in your division; only those for whom you were the primary mentor for substantive projects or degrees Thesis Committees (dates, name, title, role) n Training Grant Participation (dates, program) n

Educational Program Building/ Leadership Dates, name of program, your role n Examples: n ¨ Educational Program Building/ Leadership Dates, name of program, your role n Examples: n ¨ Clerkship director ¨ Residency Program Director or Co-Director ¨ Fellowship Director ¨ Director of CME

Educational Extramural Funding n n List current, then pending, then previous grants, contracts, etc. Educational Extramural Funding n n List current, then pending, then previous grants, contracts, etc. (each section in chrono. order) Include ALL of the following information: ¨ ¨ ¨ Dates, title Identification # (if available) Sponsor (e. g. AMA) Total direct cost PI Your role and percent effort n Should agree with your effort report and your “other support”

Clinical Activity n Board & Subspecialty Certification ¨ Dates, n Licensure ¨ Dates, n Clinical Activity n Board & Subspecialty Certification ¨ Dates, n Licensure ¨ Dates, n certificate # # Clinical responsibilities (dates, service, role, time commitment) ¨ e. g. ½ day neurology clinic per week ¨ 2 weeks/year of consultation service (average 6 hours per day), 4 weeks/year of inpatient EMU attending, read 25 EEG’s per week (4 hours/week, 9 months/yr)

Clinical Program Building/ Leadership Dates, name of clinical program, role n Examples: n ¨ Clinical Program Building/ Leadership Dates, name of clinical program, role n Examples: n ¨ Director and founder of pediatric sleep clinic ¨ Co-director of NCCU ¨ Director of inpatient services

Clinical Extramural Funding n n n List current, then pending, then previous grants, contracts, Clinical Extramural Funding n n n List current, then pending, then previous grants, contracts, etc. (each section in chrono. order) Grants or contracts obtained to support a clinical initiative Include ALL of the following information: ¨ Dates, title ¨ Identification # (if available) ¨ Sponsor (e. g. AMA) ¨ Total direct cost ¨ Clinical director ¨ Your role and percent effort n Should agree with your effort report and your “other support”

Percent Effort Percent of your employed time that you spend on a particular activity Percent Effort Percent of your employed time that you spend on a particular activity n If your total hours of work per week increase because of increased hours in one area, your percent effort in other areas must decrease n

Organizational Activities n Demonstrates citizenship to SOM or academic field +/- recognition/impact ¨ important Organizational Activities n Demonstrates citizenship to SOM or academic field +/- recognition/impact ¨ important n Institutional administrative appts ¨ Dates, titles of cmte or project, role ¨ Includes departmental appts, such as Division Director (may not include extra salary), SOM and dept committees n Consultantships ¨ Dates, organization/agency, role

Organizational Activities (within and beyond SOM) n Editorial Activities ¨ Editorial board appts (dates) Organizational Activities (within and beyond SOM) n Editorial Activities ¨ Editorial board appts (dates) ¨ Journal peer review activities (invited reviewer) Advisory Committees, Review Groups, Study Sections (dates, sponsor, role) n Professional Societies n ¨ Dates, n committees, role Conference Organizer, Session Chair ¨ Dates, conference/sponsor, role

Recognition n Awards, Honors ¨ Dates, n Invited Talks, Panels ¨ Dates, n titles, Recognition n Awards, Honors ¨ Dates, n Invited Talks, Panels ¨ Dates, n titles, description, sponsor titles, venue, sponsor Other Professional Accomplishments ¨ Might include published abstracts and/or submitted presentations here (typically not at professor level) ¨ Congressional acts, laws, etc. you have had a role in, and many other substantive accomplishments

Avoid Common Errors n n n Wrong format Mixing abstracts in with manuscripts Incomplete Avoid Common Errors n n n Wrong format Mixing abstracts in with manuscripts Incomplete citations of publications “Padding” invited presentations with submitted abstracts Omitting program building accomplishments Unclear relationship to mentees

CVs for External Purposes STANDARD HEADINGS: n n n n Header Education Experience ¨ CVs for External Purposes STANDARD HEADINGS: n n n n Header Education Experience ¨ Research ¨ Teaching ¨ Clinical ¨ Administrative Honors/Awards Professional Associations Publications Presentations References ADDITIONAL HEADINGS: n n n n Qualifications Profile Leadership Experience Academic Service Research Interests Fellowships Languages Consulting Committee Leadership Patents Editorial Appointments Summary of Technical Skills Areas of Expertise Professional Service Etc.

Differences in CVs for JHSOM Promotion vs. External Purposes JHSOM Promotion External Purposes (e. Differences in CVs for JHSOM Promotion vs. External Purposes JHSOM Promotion External Purposes (e. g. , Business/Industry) Chronological order Reverse chronological order Standard JHSOM format Targeted format based on relevance to position Uniform headings (e. g. , Demographic Information, Education and Training, Professional Experience) Variable headings to emphasize strengths (e. g. , Header, Education, Leadership Experience, Research Experience, etc. ) Straightforward listing of activities (descriptive/evaluative info in Chair’s letter) Use of action verbs & qualifiers to show accomplishments and skills Publications earlier in the format Publications at end Narrative descriptions to highlight program building accomplishments (a paragraph) Brief accomplishments statements using the PAR method (Problem, Action, Result)

Converting Descriptive Paragraph to Accomplishment Statements Johns Hopkins Adult Hydrocephalus Program Created the Johns Converting Descriptive Paragraph to Accomplishment Statements Johns Hopkins Adult Hydrocephalus Program Created the Johns Hopkins Adult Hydrocephalus Program as a Center for Excellence supported by the Johns Hopkins Hospital. § Demonstrated outpatient and inpatient volumes that increased by nearly 200% in three years. § Generated substantial profits of $1. 3 million per year by implementing auditing practices and developing enhanced hospital coding systems. § Established cutting-edge clinical research program by initiating new collaborative relationships and cultivating industry support.

Converting Descriptive Paragraph to Accomplishment Statements Johns Hopkins Adult Hydrocephalus Program Created the Johns Converting Descriptive Paragraph to Accomplishment Statements Johns Hopkins Adult Hydrocephalus Program Created the Johns Hopkins Adult Hydrocephalus Program as a Center for Excellence supported by the Johns Hopkins Hospital. § Demonstrated outpatient and inpatient volumes that increased by nearly 200% in three years. § Generated substantial profits of $1. 3 million per year by implementing auditing practices and developing enhanced hospital coding systems. § Established cutting-edge clinical research program by initiating new collaborative relationships and cultivating industry support.

Examples of JHSOM CVs n Basic Scientist ¨ Carol n Clinician Educator ¨ Julia Examples of JHSOM CVs n Basic Scientist ¨ Carol n Clinician Educator ¨ Julia n Mc. Millan, MD; Charlie Wiener, MD Program Builder ¨ Peter n Pronovost, MD, Ph. D “Triple Threat” ¨ n Greider, Ph. D; Cynthia Wolberger, Ph. D Link Andrea Corse, MD; Argye Hillis, MD, MA; Janet Serwint, MD; Mike Williams, MD

Getting Your CV Reviewed n n n Give your CV to your mentors, advisors, Getting Your CV Reviewed n n n Give your CV to your mentors, advisors, department director/division chief, senior colleagues, etc. , for suggestions Sign up for peer review today after the program Ask for input Respond to input Beware of errors that spell check won’t catch

What kind of mistake can one make? Real life examples: Leadership development: curses in What kind of mistake can one make? Real life examples: Leadership development: curses in delegation and influence skills. n Disposed of $2. 5 million in funding. n Able to work in high-stress environments while maintaining composer. n

Further Resources n n Silver Book Curriculum Vitae Format JHSOM Office of Faculty Development Further Resources n n Silver Book Curriculum Vitae Format JHSOM Office of Faculty Development Website for Sample CVs ¨ n Professorial Promotions Committee Website ¨ n n http: //www. jhu. edu/news_info/reports/ppc/ Associate Professor Promotions Committee Website ¨ n http: //www. hopkinsmedicine. org/fac_development/ http: //www. hopkinsmedicine. org/som/faculty/appc/ Credentialing Specialists Departmental Promotions Committees

Further Resources, continued n n n Department Directors, Vice Chairs, Associate Chairs, Division Chiefs Further Resources, continued n n n Department Directors, Vice Chairs, Associate Chairs, Division Chiefs Peer Review Teams from Today’s Program CVs for External Purposes ¨ ¨ n Karen Parkent, Office of the Dean, Assistant to the PPC (Professorial Promotions Committee Handout) ¨ n Professional Development Office, 410 -502 -2804, jhmipdo@jhmi. edu JHU Career Management Program, 443 -997 -4992, careermail@jhu. edu (CV Guide - http: //hrntdev. jhu. edu/cmp/web. PDFs/CVforweb. pdf) For CV format questions, call 410 - 955 -3180 or email kparkent@jhmi. edu Lisa Heiser, Assistant Dean for Faculty Development, Office of Faculty Development ¨ For additional support: call 410 -502 -5521, email lheiser@jhmi. edu, or stop by 2024 E. Monument, 1 -1400

Questions/Answers & Discussion n What questions or comments do you have? Questions/Answers & Discussion n What questions or comments do you have?

Closing Thanks for Attending! Best Wishes in preparing your CV n Please contact us Closing Thanks for Attending! Best Wishes in preparing your CV n Please contact us with any remaining questions: ¨ Argye Hillis, argye@jhmi. edu ¨ Fred Askin, faskin@jhmi. edu ¨ Lisa Heiser, lheiser@jhmi. edu