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Prepare, Propose, Prevail! Enhancing Our Small Businesses’ Competitive Proposals May 27, 2009
Safety and Administrative Information Restrooms can be found in the hallway outside this ballroom Fire Exits Fire Exit Fire exits are the front entrance and side exit doors. In the event of a fire, you must move at least 75 ft. away from the building Please adjust all cell phones and pagers to the “Off” or “Vibrate” setting Fire Exit Restrooms 2
Welcome Message Jeffrey M. Cullen Deputy Director JSC Procurement 3
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! Questions & Answers 4
Topics Covered • Pre-Solicitation – Monica Craft • RFP – Bradley Niese • Proposal – – – – Common Issues with Proposals – Cody Corley SBA Ostensible Contractor Information – Roberta Beckman Key Personnel – Kelly Rubio Past Performance Evaluations – Sheela Logan Total Compensation – Jannette Bolden Cost & Price – Jannette Bolden Proposal Delivery – Rod Etchberger • SEB Process – Rod Etchberger • Safety & Health Requirements - Sergio Leal 5
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! “Pre - RFP” NASA – Johnson Space Center
Pre-RFP Activities • • • Obtain eligibility for federal government contracts Position your company to compete Identify potential opportunities Help JSC create opportunities for small businesses! Create a bid/no-bid strategy 7
Obtain Eligibility for Federal Contracts • Identify your product or service—your company’s core capabilities • Know the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for your products/services – NAICS codes are used by government agencies to do their market research & identify firms that are capable of meeting their requirements – LESSON LEARNED: Some agencies rely on certain NAICS codes, in preference to others, for doing their market surveys. E. g. , some Department of Defense & Veterans Administration procurement offices use the NAICS code for medical/hospital services, not the code for temporary services, for short-term medical personnel requirements. If you list the “wrong” NAICS code instead of the desired one, you won’t be identified as a potential source! Talk to the Small Business Offices of your potential customers to discover 8 these “rules of thumb”!
Obtain Eligibility for Federal Contracts, cont’d. • Request a Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number for your company – In order to do business with JSC, your company MUST have a DUNS number – It’s an important identifier, used for many purposes—including invoice payments—by government agencies – Contact Dun & Bradstreet (www. dnb. com) to obtain a DUNS number (free service)
Obtain Eligibility for Federal Contracts, cont’d. • Request a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) – In order to do business with JSC, your company MUST have a TIN – Used by companies to report income tax and for other related purposes – TIN is provided by the IRS (www. irs. gov)
Obtain Eligibility for Federal Contracts, cont’d. • Register your business in the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) – In order to do business with JSC, your company MUST be registered in CCR – Register at www. ccr. gov – LESSON LEARNED: Keep your profile current! Government agencies use CCR capability descriptions, references, etc. for their market research, to verify bonding capacity, and to identify potential sources!
Obtain Eligibility for Federal Contracts, cont’d. • Complete the On-Line Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) – In order to do business with JSC, your company MUST have completed its ORCA statements – This replaces the paper “reps & certs” that were required with the submission of bids and proposals – Access ORCA at https: //orca. bpn. gov/
Position Your Company to Compete You should be doing a number of things now! • Develop a company Safety & Health Plan (details later in this training) • Consider pursuing certifications, such as ISO, LEED, CMMI, etc. —make your company eligible and/or stand out from the competition • Consider SBA certifications—WOSB, SDVOSB, 8(a), etc. • Develop a relationship with the local SBA and SBDC/PTAC offices (Small Business Development Center/Procurement Technical Assistance Center—the local office is a joint venture with the SBA and the University of Houston—it offers free, knowledgeable advice, low-cost or no-cost training, help with company business issues and procurement strategies, etc. )
Things to Be Doing Now, cont’d. • Know the customer’s priorities, needs, & decision making factors – Surf JSC’s websites, read our management policies and directives, review our contracts and Statements of Work, ask for and read our Source Selection Statements to see what we look for in successful proposals, examine our buying trends
Things to Be Doing Now, cont’d. • Become familiar with the JSC aerospace community – Get involved with professional organizations like NCMA, IEEE, AIAA, SCE, NMA, JSC Small Business Roundtable • MARKETING OPPORTUNITY: Offer to do a free lunchtime presentation or workshop on a hot topic or a technical subject. It shouldn’t be an “infomercial”, but it’s a chance to show yourself as a source of expertise.
Things to Be Doing Now - cont’d. • Participate in JSC procurement events—attend the Industry Day, Pre-Proposal Conferences, and One-on. One Meetings, even for procurements you don’t plan to bid on – Learn the rules and the players – Chance to give feedback to us on how helpful these events are, so we can improve them for the procurements you are interested in! – LESSON LEARNED: Send the right people to represent your company at JSC procurement events—to ask & answer the right questions, recognize teaming opportunities – LESSON LEARNED: Submit questions! Use the specified format (written or oral), but don’t be afraid to ask!
Identify Potential Opportunities Sources of Information • • • The JSC Procurement website NAIS/NENS JSC Acquisition Forecast GSA’s Federal Supply Schedules Other Sources 17
Identify Potential Opportunities, cont’d. • JSC’s Procurement Website direct link is at http: //procurement. jsc. nasa. gov/ – Also accessible via the main NASA website, select “JSC”, then select “Doing Business with JSC” – Extensive information on how to do business with JSC, small business information, information and status regarding ongoing competitive procurements, and links to helpful websites
Access JSC Procurement from the NASA Website 19
Direct Link to JSC Procurement 20
Identify Potential Opportunities, cont’d • The NASA Acquisition Internet Service (NAIS) – Delivers acquisition documents over the Internet to slash lead -times, paperwork, and to save money – Provides competitive RFPs over $25, 000 and a host of other procurement-related information – In addition to synopses and RFPs, NAIS provides award notices, acquisition forecasts, regulations, small business assistance and links to other Federal procurement sites on the Internet • Other federal agencies use the Vet. Biz. gov and Fed. Biz. Opps (https: //www. fbo. gov/index? cck=1 andau=andck) systems to post procurement information 21
Identify Potential Opportunities, cont’d NAIS (cont’d) • Browsing on-line, companies can quickly identify acquisitions of interest. For fast and easy access place a bookmark on your favorite pages. 22
Identify Potential Opportunities, cont’d. NAIS E-Mail Notification System • The NAIS E-mail Notification System (NENS) allows you to receive notifications on NASA acquisition opportunities of interest to you • Register to receive E-mail notifications of new acquisitions and updates • Track acquisition postings by product / service class / NAICS Code, NASA center, a combination of the two, by specific acquisition number, or by Recovery Act designation 23
Sign up for NENS
Identify Potential Opportunities, cont’d JSC’s Acquisition Forecast • Lists procurement opportunities over $100, 000 that we anticipate releasing during the current fiscal year • For planning purposes only; the procurements are subject to revision or cancellation • Published twice a year (October & April) • For planned procurements your company might be interested in, you can call the listed point of contact for more information 25
Acquisition Forecast – cont’d 26
Identify Potential Opportunities, cont’d. • Investigate Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) Contracts • Contact the General Services Administration (GSA) for information on how to obtain a Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contract. Many NASA purchases are orders on FSS contracts. • http: //www. gsa. gov/
Identify Potential Opportunities, cont’d There are costs to holding a FSS contract— • Preparing & submitting an offer • Managing the contract • Producing GSA Advantage files, & updating them with each modification • Tracking “Most Favored Customer” discounts • Submitting an EEO plan, complying with various labor laws • Accepting credit card payments • Participating in E-Buy Despite these costs—an FSS contract can be worthwhile
More Potential Opportunities • Other possibilities: – Large Business Prime Contractors and Major Subcontractors • For lots of small businesses, the fastest & easiest route to joining the JSC Team is as a subcontractor under one of our ongoing or new contracts – Teaming Arrangements with other small business – Investigate what JSC buys on an ongoing basis 29
How to Find Out What JSC Buys • All federal contracts over $25, 000 are listed in the Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation (FPDS-NG) – Access them at www. fpds-ng. gov • NASA contracts are also listed in the NASA Procurement Data View (see the NAICS website, the NPDV tab) • OR—ask the JSC Industry Assistance Office for a download in an Excel spreadsheet. Free, of course!
Find Out What JSC Buys HOW-TO TIP: JSC has on-going needs for supplies & services. Typically our contracts are let for 3 -5 year periods of time. – Take our list of contracts, do a keyword search on the contract description for work you’re interested in, & sort by contract completion date. – Focus on the contracts that will come to an end 12 -18 months from now—those are your targets of opportunity! – Request copies of the contract, source selection information from the contract award, what companies submitted proposals the last time, the JSC technical organization that manages the contract & what its mission and goals are, etc. – Position your company to plan for the follow-on procurement before we even start our acquisition planning!
Help JSC Create Small Business Opportunities • Respond to RFI’s—supply the information requested— even if you can’t perform the entire contract Lesson Learned: We use the industry responses to decide 2 important things: whether or not we can set aside a contract for small business, and if not, what the small business subcontracting goals should be. If there’s significant small business interest/capability, based on the RFI responses, we can insist on high small business participation goals. Help us help you! • Review & comment on Draft RFP’s—tell us if the technical specs or the terms are too restrictive • Market your company (judiciously!) to the technical points of contact in the Acquisition Forecast— especially for the procurements that list “TBD” on a small business set-aside decision.
Propose or Not Lots of factors go into a bid/no-bid decision Bid No-Bid • You’ve pre-sold the customer • You know the procurement history & have a good feel for your chances of success, based on what you know about how prior selections were decided • You’ve got the people, skills, management to handle the work— or a solid plan on getting them • You’ve got the budget and time to prepare a high-quality proposal • The contract would give you important experience and an edge in winning future work • It’s a blind bid—you don’t know anything but what’s in the RFP • You have to stretch your capabilities & qualification to meet the requirements • A strongly-positioned low cost bidder is competing for the work • The contract terms aren’t acceptable to your company • You don’t think your company would make a reasonable profit on the contract 33
Propose or Not, cont’d. • The amount of lead-time, information gathering, and prep work you put in to a procurement can push the win probability from a low of ~5% for a blind bid on a new market for your company, to 75% (according to some proposal advisors) on a re-competition with a satisfied client • See NCMA’s Contract Management Magazine, “Bid/No -Bid Decision-Making: Tools & Techniques”, April 2007, for an opportunity/risk assessment grid that can help you make the decision
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! “Request for Proposal” (RFP) NASA – Johnson Space Center
RFP • • CCR Draft Request for Proposal (DRFP) Final RFP or Request for Proposal (RFP) Compliance matrix
Central Contractor Registry (CCR) • http: //www. ccr. gov/ – CCR is the primary registrant database of businesses that desire to obtain government contracts for the U. S. Federal Government – CCR collects, validates, stores and disseminates contractor data in support of agency acquisition missions 37
Draft Request for Proposal (DRFP) • The purpose of the DRFP is to solicit your input and questions – This is your opportunity to: • • Raise questions on the requirement Raise questions on terms and conditions Clarify proposal instructions Suggest improvement to the RFP • Start outlining your initial proposal • Use all available resources
Technical Reference Library • Take advantage of all resources that are made available to Industry by the government – In addition to the interchanges listed above, often times a “Technical Reference Library (TRL)” is available that provides a wealth of pertinent information related to the procurement, such as technical specifications, historical procurement plans and processes, etc. • Lesson Learned – NASA has looked at why some offerors fail to understand our requirements and found that offerors who submit poor proposals often fail to access the “TRL” 39
When in Doubt - Ask Questions! Glug. . I’d love to ask a question but I’m afraid it would sink our chances! Cost Form Instructions? Page Limits? Conflicting Requirements? Draft RFP? Ambiguous Requirements? 40
DRFP vs. RFP • Changes will be made between the DRFP and the RFP – Thoroughly read the entire RFP to ensure all requirements are understood – If any part of the RFP is not understood, ambiguous, conflicts with another section of the RFP, etc. , ask questions – Questions may also be asked anonymously 41
Compliance Matrix • Create a “compliance matrix” to ensure all RFP requirements are adequately addressed in your proposal – A compliance matrix is a cross-reference table that traces all RFP requirements to the offeror’s proposal section that addresses the requirement – Can include the compliance matrix with your proposal submission to provide the government evaluators with insight where to quickly find your responses to specific RFP requirements – An example is provided on the following page 42
Compliance Matrix 43
RFP • Lesson Learned Continued – Offerors should not allow communication outside of the SEB/C to influence their proposal strategy – Strictly adhere to the RFP in development of their proposal 44
Section L - Instructions • Instructs offerors how to respond to the RFP • Structures information requested of offerors and thereby expedites the evaluation • Establishes proposal page limits • Provides a proposal outline • Correlates with Section M (Evaluation Factors) 45
Section M - Evaluation Factors • Sets forth evaluation factors/subfactors • Describes how evaluation factors/subfactors will be used • Establishes: – Relative importance of Mission Suitability, Cost/Price and Past Performance – Identifies the importance of Cost/Price as specifically related to the other two factors – Provides “point weightings” for each of the Mission Suitability subfactors 46
Follow the Proposal Preparation Instructions! Count the Pages Correctly! Don’t Put Technical Information in the Cost Volume! 14 + 7 = 20 We Count the Pages - Anything over the limit, we send it BACK! 47
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! Common Issues with Proposals 48
Writing the Proposal. . . Clear The Five C’s Concise Consistent Conforming to RFP Comprehensive 49
Common Issues with Proposals • • Ensuring your offer is complete Statement of Work (SOW) Basis of Estimate (BOE) Associate Contractor Agreements (ACAs) Management Plans Staffing Plans Representations and Certifications
Common Issues with Proposals • Ensure your proposal addresses all RFP requirements and instructions • Lesson Learned – Failing to include all RFP requirements has resulted in proposals being determined unacceptable in accordance with NASA FAR Sup. 1815. 305 -70
Statement of Work (SOW) Uniform Contract Format: Section A B C D E F G H I J K L M Title RFP/Contract Form Supplies or Services and Prices/Cost Descriptions/Specifications/Work Statement Packaging and Marking Inspection and Acceptance Deliveries or Performance Contract Administration Data Special Contract Requirements Contract Clauses List of Attachments Representations, Certifications and other statements of Offerors Instruction, conditions and notices to Offerors 52 Evaluation Factors for Awards
Statement of Work (SOW) Purpose of SOW: • To describe the Government’s need and associated requirements for the resultant contract RFP: • In the Technical Approach in Section L, the Offeror will be requested to describe its technical approach, with rationale, for accomplishing the SOW. Specifically, the Offeror will be required to demonstrate their technical understanding of the work. 53
Basis of Estimate (BOE) Purpose of BOE: • The purpose of the Basis of Estimate is to provide the offeror’s rationale for the skill mix, number of employees, and hours proposed. Offeror should demonstrate how the effort will be successfully accomplished using the proposed estimate RFP: • In the Technical Approach in Section L, the Offeror will be requested to state how they plan to staff and allocate resources to accomplish the SOW. The BOE in the technical volume must match the narrative technical approach as well as the resources proposed in the cost volume. 54
Illustration: RFP for Building a Home Government’s needs: • 2 Story home with 4 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths • Site currently uncleared • Must protect inhabitants from elements • Cooling and heating provided • Will be located on Gulf Coast Offeror’s response must address technical requirements and the basis of estimate for the work being performed 55
Good Technical Approach Clearing the Land • Research on location shows it is a former rice field • Land needs to be leveled with sand packed down • BOE: Estimate 5 truckloads of sand, bulldozing/packing down of sand for 3 days, settling requirement for sand 1 week Foundation / Cement Pour • • • Forms placed, trenches dug, plastic and rebar installed BOE: Estimate 3 days with 4 workers forms, trenches, plastic and rebar – subcontractor to perform work Requires inspection of work by city Permit approved within 3 days of inspection request Based upon foundation and garage dimensions size, 5 truckloads of concrete will be required BOE: Estimated resources for cement work - 7 workers to coordinate pour and smooth the surface for 1 full day 56
Good Technical Approach Framing • • • Wood ordered for framing upon initial approval of design Reinforced walls and first floor ceiling required due to load of second floor. Fireplace located on first floor Hurricane straps and other protective measures to be used to ensure it will withstand Gulf Coast uncertainties BOE: 2 weeks with crew of five to complete the framing Inspection required by city – additional 2 days necessary Plumbing • • • Concurrent with final framing activity plumbing will be underway Per SOW – 2 ½ baths are required – per approved plan – 1 ½ downstairs, 1 upstairs Plumbing for kitchen and laundry room will be accommodated on first floor Subcontractor estimates 3 weeks from initial installation to completion with some additional refitting anticipated as water is activated BOE: Two workers, 3 days a week for the three week period 57
Good Technical Approach Roofing / Windows Due to Gulf Coast location double paned windows will be necessary – ordered upon initial design approval • BOE 4 workmen, one day to install windows with one day for windstorm certification inspection • Roof will be a shingle composite with a 20 year warranty • BOE: 5 workmen for three days to complete • Bricking / Exterior • • • Final stage includes bricking and painting of exterior Home is two stories, scaffolding will be necessary to ensure safety of workers while bricking BOE: three workmen over one week to complete the bricking Painting will be the final step after bricking is complete BOE: 3 workmen will take 2 days to complete exterior 58
Insufficient Technical Approach • Technical Response: – We have reviewed the SOW and we are capable of supporting your requirements – We have done this type of work before and will ensure that the home meets all of the requirements of the SOW – There will be four exterior walls which will protect inhabitants from the elements – There will be sufficient bedrooms and baths to meet the SOW – Heating and cooling will be provided – Our personnel have built homes over the past 20 years in the Gulf coast area and will more than satisfy your needs – Trust us, we will do a great job for you 59
Insufficient Technical Approach • Basis of Estimate: – We will use the estimate provided by the Government in the RFP (No other explanation provided) – We will use 3 people (a supervisor and 2 builders) to build the house (No rationale as to how only 3 people can complete the work on time and fulfill all roles – plumbing, electrical, etc. )
Insufficient Technical Approach Is this what we are getting? 61
Associate Contractor Agreements (ACAs) Purpose: – The success of JSC is dependent on all contractors and civil servants working together for a common purpose. Contractors must be able to demonstrate how they will interact, engage, and partner with other NASA Contractors in order to accomplish the mission RFP: – RFP’s will often discuss Associate Contractor Agreements (ACAs) in Section C, Statement of Work and in Section H, Special Contract Requirements. Section L will instruct the offerors what specifically is required to be submitted relative to ACA’s Illustration: RFP for Building a Home: Assume the city building inspector is a separate prime contractor 62
Good Response for ACA • Our goal is to develop ACAs which will allow for effective working relationships with the other contractors at the center • We have initiated contact with the other contractor(s) and have begun documenting the interfaces necessary with the other contract(s) - City building inspector will be required throughout the process Has been contacted and notified of our intent to pursue an ACA documenting roles and responsibilities of the inspector in our home build 63
Good Response for ACA • Our schedule, as follows, for ACA implementation shows that we will be able to have ACAs approved at or shortly after contract start • The below shows the elements deemed to be critical to implement under the ACAs by contract - City Building inspector - need inspection and approval of various phases to continue and complete project • We expect significant benefits by implementing the ACAs with the other contractor - Improved communication throughout phases of project Improved quality / cost control Increased speed of completion 64
Insufficient Response for ACA • We will diligently work with all contractors listed in Clause H. #, Associate Contractor Agreement to ensure that requirements are met and schedules are maintained • Specifically, we will work with the city inspector to make sure an ACA is developed 65
Management Plan Purpose: • The purpose of the Management Plan is to provide an overall description of how the contractor will manage and implement the SOW and ensure acceptable performance. • Items such as organization structure, key positions and lines of authority may be requested in the RFP 66
Management Plan RFP: • RFP’s may request a Management Plan be submitted with the Offeror’s proposal • Often the Management Plan will become a part of the contract upon award • Section L/Section J DRD’s will instruct the Offeror what to specifically address in their management plan Note: Management plans may be proprietary if marked as such in your submission 67
Good Response for Management Plan • Our organization structure will allow direct communication with the JSC organization we are supporting. Responsibility for managing specific portions of the effort has been pushed down to the lowest levels which tie directly to the JSC organization. (can include an organization chart mapped to the Government organization chart) • Our Program Manager has full authority for activity on the contract and also has a direct line of communication to our corporate CEO and VP ensuring that any corporate help/interaction necessary will be sent to the highest levels. (additional details follow) 68
Good Response for Management Plan • Our team understands the importance of performance monitoring and ensuring contract deliverables, including DRD’s, are met. Pursuant to that goal, the following internal reviews are planned. (can write or present table with review such as weekly staff meeting, contract status meeting, etc) • Our accounting system allows us to track our employees time in accordance with DCAA requirements. Sufficient controls are in place to ensure unauthorized changes to time and resources are not able to be authorized by a single user. 69
Good Response for Management Plan • We have reviewed the SOW and determined the following to be key positions for this contract. (The Program Manager will have a minimum of 10 years of technical and supervisory experience in residential construction) 70
Insufficient Response for Management Plan • We will manage the work and ensure that our customer’s needs are addressed and the lines of communication kept up • We will utilize the plan of the current contractor as it has already been approved by the Government and is working well • We will structure our organization to meet the requirements of this contract – No org chart or additional details provided • We are using MS Excel to keep track of employees time, accounts receivable and all other financial requirements 71
Staffing Plan Purpose: • The purpose of the Staffing Plan is to provide an overall description of how the contractor will fill the key personnel positions; hire, maintain, and retain qualified employees; and manage workload fluctuations RFP: • RFP’s may request a staffing plan. Key personnel resumes and commitment level may be requested 72
Staffing Plan Good Example of a Staffing Plan Response: • Key Personnel Resume demonstrates the proposed personnel’s experience in similar efforts and commitment to this effort • Our crew builders are contract employees. We use a construction hiring service to find qualified employees in a timely manner • We work multiple projects, so we are able to move employees from one site to another as workload shifts thus insuring the critical path of construction is maintained 73
Staffing Plan • Our electrician and plumbers are subcontractors we work with on a regular basis and have standing contracts allowing mobilization within two business days Insufficient Example of a Staffing Plan Response: • We will hire qualified employees once we receive notification of contract award. Their names and experience will be provided to you at a later date • Once the contract is underway we will begin searching for suitable subcontractors to augment our skills (electrical, plumbing) 74
Representations and Certifications Purpose: • The purpose of the Representations and Certifications is for the offeror to provide information required by federal regulations on its business. RFP: • RFP’s will request that all offeror’s complete and submit the representations and certifications 75
Representations and Certifications Note: Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) may be required to be filled out by the offeror if FAR 52. 204 -7, Central Contractor Registration, is in the RFP Pay attention to the NAICS code as this will determine if you are considered a large business or small business for the procurement and impact your ORCA/Section K response 76
Be Old Fashioned - Proofread! This page refers to a chart in Volume 4… There is no Volume 4! This is a Proposal to the Air Force…not NASA! Are these folks proposing to Subcontract with XYZ Corporation? 77
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! 10 Minute Break
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! “SBA Ostensible Subcontractor Rule” Criteria (new) BD/JSC
What is the “Ostensible Subcontractor” Rule? ØThe Ostensible Subcontractor Rule makes a small business ineligible for award of a contract if: Ø they are proposing a subcontractor that is a large business or proposing a teaming arrangement with a large business and Ø this large business will perform the primary and vital requirements of the contract (i. e. , a large subcontractor or team member will perform the majority of the main work that a contract requires) (13 C. F. R. § 121. 103(h)) The SB prime must perform the primary/vital requirements
Does the “Ostensible Subcontractor” Rule Apply to Me? ØIf you, as an offeror, are not proposing a subcontracting or teaming arrangement, it does not. Ø If you, as an offeror, are proposing a subcontracting or teaming arrangement with a small business, it does not. Ø If you, as an offeror, are proposing a subcontracting or teaming arrangement with a large business and you will be performing the primary and vital requirements of the contract, it does not. Ø If you, as an offeror, would be subject to the Ostensible Subcontractor Rule*, reconsider how or if you’re proposing. *Refer to the SBA’s Ostensible Subcontractor Factors.
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! SBA OSC Factors : 1. Who will manage the contract? 2. Which party possesses the background and expertise necessary for contract performance? 3. Which party pursued the contract? 4. The degree of collaboration employed in preparation and submission of the competitive proposal? 5. The discrete tasks to be performed by each of the teaming partners, or whethere is commingling of personnel and resources?
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! 7. The relative amount of work to be performed by each teaming partner? 8. Which party will perform the more complex and costly contract functions? 9. The business size of the other parties? 10. Which of the parties possess the qualifications relevant to the contract requirements? 11. Describe how the Offeror will ensure compliance with FAR 52. 219 -14, Limitations on Subcontracting? 12. Is an 8(a) joint venture being proposed? Consider these factors when building your proposal.
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! “Key Personnel” Criteria (new) 84 BD/JSC
Key Personnel (KP) • • The Key Personnel clause varies from one RFP to another In general an RFP with the Key Personnel clause will: – – – • Identify the key positions Require resumes of the proposed key persons Require letters of commitment from the key personnel Do not misrepresent the status of the key persons proposed to work on the project 85
Key Personnel • Ensure Key Personnel have current & relevant licenses/certifications (if required) • Ensure Key Personnel have updated resumes and references (verify telephone numbers, and all contact information) • Key Personnel experience should closely match and tie to the contractual requirements and job descriptions in the RFP – If not, show experience can supplement apparent shortfalls • Non-current information, non-available information, and inaccuracies may have a negative impact on your evaluation 86
Key Personnel Don’t Leave us Guessing! • Provide Commitment Letters • Provide Rationale for Why “Key” • Provide rationale supporting why each Individual is appropriate for the proposed position 87
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! Past Performance Evaluations
Past Performance Evaluations • The past performance evaluation is an assessment of the Government’s confidence in the offeror’s ability to perform the RFP requirements, based on relevant past performance • Past performance evaluation shall be in accordance with FAR 15. 305(a)(2) and NFS 1815. 305(a)(2) 89
Overview of Changes • New Past Performance ratings – – – Very High Level of Confidence Moderate Level of Confidence Low Level of Confidence Very Low Level of Confidence Neutral 90
Past Performance Evaluations • Emphasis on relevant, previously-awarded contracts – Relevance includes dollar value, contract type, complexity, and technical content, and within a recent timeframe • Demonstrate how each past performance experience cited in your past performance volume is germane to the RFP’s requirements. • Quality is better than Quantity: A few relevant contracts with favorable past performance evaluations is better than many irrelevant contracts with equivalent or better past performance evaluations 91
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! “Total Compensation”
Total Compensation Templates In order for the Government to do a fair and consistent evaluation of each contractor’s compensation plan, each contractor proposing on a competitive procurement is required to submit Total Compensation templates which will aid the Government in the evaluation and provide visibility into the following: – Salaries and Wages for exempt and non-exempt personnel. – Each offeror’s compensation package for exempt, nonexempt nonunion, and non-exempt union. – Personnel policies and fringe benefits which shall be in effect at the time of contract award. – Any incumbency assumption proposed by each offeror pertaining to incumbency labor rates and seniority rights for fringe benefit purposes. 93
Total Compensation • During evaluation, there has been a great deal of inconsistency between the offeror’s narrative (Management and Staffing Plans) and their Total Compensation Templates – Salaries – Paid-time off policy/accruals (normally provide general statements) – Number of proposed personnel 94
Total Compensation • Some offerors tend to group their vacation and sick leave cost. Vacation and sick leave cost should be broken out on separate lines as indicated on the template • Pay close attention to the fringe benefit requirements listed in the Department of Labor wage determination • Some offerors include taxes and workers compensation cost on their Total Compensation Template. Taxes and workers compensation cost should be shown on the Overhead Template and not the Total Compensation Template 95
“Overhead” Template 96
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! “Cost & Pricing” NASA – Johnson Space Center
Cost & Pricing • Pricing Instruction are tailored for each RFP and contract type – Maximize the benefit of Pre-proposal meeting Pricing Breakout Sessions • Bring the person responsible for the touch labor to the Pricing Break-out session • Ask questions • Your pricing narrative for Fixed Price Competitions should address why your prices are reasonable
Tell a Consistent Story! For Example…Compensation Plan • Basis of Proposed Salary Levels • Fringe Benefit Contents • Health Benefits • Sick/Annual Leave Policies • 401 K Technical Volume Cost Volume 99
Test the Electronic Cost Proposal Disk Before you Submit It! Uh-Oh. . . Failed 100
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! “Delivery” NASA – Johnson Space Center
Recognize Today’s Security Environment at JSC Expect Delays at the Gate! 102
Delivery of Proposal 103
Delivery of Proposal 104
Delivery of Proposal 105
Delivery of Proposal 106
Delivery of Proposal 107
Delivery of Proposal 108
Delivery of Proposal 109
Delivery of Proposal 110
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! “Source Evaluation Board” SEB NASA – Johnson Space Center
Objectives of the Evaluation Process • Fairness - Ensures level playing field • Comprehensiveness - If we ask for it, we evaluate it • Consistency - Evaluate against Evaluation Factors – Same depth & breadth • Confidentiality - Debriefings only time findings are mentioned outside the SEB area 112
SEB Organization SSA SEB Ex-Officio Members & Advisors Chair Other Voting Members Recorder Management Committee Technical Committee Evaluators 113
SEB - Flow of Major Events SEB appointed Initial SEB official meeting; Milestones & staffing plans set SOW finalized. SEB develops Risk Assessment. RFP finalized, concentrating on Sections L & M Draft RFP Reviewed and Issued for Comment. Industry briefing held. Comments to Draft RFP Dispositioned. RFP reviewed and approved. RFP Issued Proposals received & processed in accordance with Sections L & M Initial evaluations conducted; any unacceptable proposals eliminated Competitive range determination briefing to the SSA* Discussions letters drafted, reviewed & issued. See Next Chart * If applicable
SEB - Flow of Major Events (Continued) Discussions held with all offerors in the competitive range* SEB Final SSA Briefing prepared Selection statement signed & offerors notified Discussions concluded & FPRs Requested* FPR’s received* FPRs evaluated* SSA briefed SSA makes decision; provides selection rationale External notifications made Debriefings Conducted SEB transfers or safeguards all documentation & disbands Contract awarded * If applicable 115
Source Selection Decision • SSA considers: Evaluation Information Pyramid – SEB findings – Advice of staff, line management & ex-officio officials • SSA decision based on: – Evaluation factors – Evaluation adjectival ratings and point scores – Independent judgment 116 Selection Statement SEB Briefing Charts SEB Ratings Consensus Findings Individual Findings
Section M - Evaluation Factors • Sets forth evaluation factors/subfactors • Describes how evaluation factors/subfactors will be used • Establishes: – Relative importance of Mission Suitability, Cost/Price and Past Performance – Identifies the importance of Cost/Price as specifically related to the other two factors – Provides “point weightings” for each of the Mission Suitability subfactors 117
MISSION SUITABILITY ADJECTIVE RATINGS / SCORING ADJECTIVE RATING NUMERICAL EQUIVALENT (%) DEFINITION Excellent 91 -100 A comprehensive and thorough proposal of exceptional merit with one or more significant strengths. No deficiency or significant weakness exists. Very Good 71 -90 A proposal having no deficiency and which demonstrates overall competence. One or more significant strengths have been found, and strengths outbalance any weaknesses that exist. Good 51 -70 A proposal having no deficiency and which shows a reasonably sound response. There may be strengths or weaknesses, or both. As a whole, weaknesses not offset by strengths do not significantly detract from the Offeror’s response. Fair 31 -50 A proposal having no deficiency and which has one or more weaknesses. Weaknesses outbalance any strength. A proposal that has one or more deficiencies or significant Poor 0 -30 weaknesses that demonstrate a lack of overall competence or would require a major proposal revision to correct.
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! “Safety & Health Requirements” Guidelines for responding to Safety Requirements 119
Agenda • • Overview of the NASA Safety Program Purpose of your safety and health plan What will be expected of you at JSC The Safety & Health Plan – Dos and Don’ts • References 120
Overview of the NASA Safety Program • NASA safety objective is – To avoid loss of life, personal injury and illness – To avoid property loss or damage – To avoid environmental harm resulting from any of its activities – To ensure safety and healthful conditions for persons working at or visiting NASA facilities • NASA complies with all applicable regulations – NASA safety and health requirements – Other: • Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • Department of Transportation (Do. T) 121
Overview of the NASA Safety Program • NASA requires every employee to report workplace hazards – NASA ensures that there is no reprisal to personnel for reporting unsafe or unhealthy conditions • JSC safety and health program is an integrated system of NASA and contractor safety and health programs
Overview of the NASA Safety Program • NASA Safety Policy stresses: – Individual responsibility of each employee for their own safety and that of co-workers – Management of hazards for effective compliance/risk reduction and continuously improved workplace conditions • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recognized JSC as a leader in health and safety by awarding it the “Star” designation in its Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) 123
Overview of the NASA Safety Program • As a VPP Star Site, JSC: – Has a comprehensive and successful safety and health program – Is below the national average for the industry in injury/illness rates – Has demonstrated good faith in dealing with OSHA, and – Serves as a safety & health mentor to regional industry
Purpose of your Safety & Health Plan • To put a system in place to protect your workers and assets – Every onsite contractor shall have and conform to a written safety and health plan • Plan your work, work your plan • Includes subcontractors • Contractual tasks which may be hazardous to anyone on and off contract • Nearby operations which may be hazardous to your workforce and contractual operations 125
What will be expected of you at JSC • Starts dialogue that allows NASA and other contractors to protect themselves from hazards you will introduce into workplace as you perform your contractual tasks • All contractors performing work at JSC shall comply with all applicable safety and health requirements – OSHA regulations – JPR 1700. 1, JSC Safety and Health Handbook – NASA 14100, Contractor Safety and Health Program (Construction applicable) – Your company’s safety and health requirements 126
What will be expected of you at JSC • JSC does not assume the responsibility of the “employer” for contractor employees – Contractor employer is responsible for the safety of its own employees • Failure to comply with safety and health requirements may result in contract termination, lower award fee, and exclusion from future contract awards
Your Safety & Health Plan – Dos and Don’ts Do: • Tailor your Safety & Health plan according to the work you will be performing • Read and comprehend the requirements (JPR 1700. 1) and let us know how you will implement the requirements • Show us how you will perform the work, not what you will do • Describe how your approach will be more efficient and effective – Compliance is expected, improvement is a plus 128
Your Safety & Health Plan – Dos and Don’ts Do NOT respond by: • Saying you will comply with JPR 1700. 1 requirements (be specific – give us the how) • Saying you will (quote the requirements) • Omitting any sub-elements without explanation • If you do not explain, leaves us wondering whether you missed it or deliberately omitted it for cause • Including hazards and controls that are not related to the SOW • Including inconsistent approaches, methods in different sections of the plan • Sending us your safety handbook without correlating it to the DRD sub elements – Provide a correlation matrix 129
Your Safety & Health Experience • Demonstrated safety and health capability (or past performance) – OSHA logs for last three years at establishments you identified as evidence of past performance • Includes OSHA Form 300 and 300 A (or equivalent data if not required to maintain log – tabular format ok) – Experience Modifier Rate (EMR) history for last three years on all policies related to your examples – preferably as a letter from your workers’ compensation carrier (broker or underwriter) • To be accompanied by loss runs from underwriter or broker for same periods and policies – If exempt from OSHA logs, give rationale and provide 130 equivalent data (table form ok)
Your Safety & Health Experience • Your workers compensation information needs to include both loss runs and experience modifier rates and must cover the sites you identify as examples – A letter from your insurance carrier or broker summarizing your modifier rate performance is preferred • OSHA and EPA violations – list them, where occurred, date of the violation, and status • You will be compared to your peers as published by the BLS for the NAICS code identified on your 300 A and checked against public OSHA and EPA records
Construction – S & H Plan Requirements • Specified in NASA 01411 – Requires the following S&H Plan submittals: • Contractor's General Safety and Health Plan - describes the Contractor’s overall Safety and Health Program. – This Plan shall be submitted with the proposal and approved prior to contract award. • Contract (Site) Specific Safety and Health Plan - describes how the Contractor’s General Safety and Health Program will be tailored to the activities on this contract. – This Plan shall be submitted and approved prior to work being started 132
Construction – Subcontractor S & H Plan • Specified in NASA 01411 - The Contractor shall submit detailed, written Subcontractor Safety and Health Plans to the Contracting Officer. Requirements are in NASA FAR Supplement – Subcontractor plans shall be approved prior to subcontractor work being started – Minimum contents of each of the safety and health plans are listed in NASA 01411
References • NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplements (NFS) http: //nais. nasa. gov/FAR/ NFS 1852. 223 -70 - Safety and Health NFS 1852. 223 -73 - Safety and Health Plan NFS 1852. 223 -75 - Major Breach of Safety or Security • NASA General Safety Requirements http: //specsintact. ksc. nasa. gov/masters/nasa%20 masters/nasa/pdf/01411. pdf • General NASA information http: //www. nasa. gov/ • Occupational Safety & Health Administration http: //www. osha. gov/ • Department of Labor-OSHA (VPP website) http: //www. osha. gov/dcsp/vpp/index. html • JSC Safety and Health handbook (JPR 1700. 1) http: //jschandbook. jsc. nasa. gov/ 134
Prepare, Propose, Prevail! Questions & Answers Questions may be submitted to JSC-Industry-Assistance@mail. nasa. gov Answers will be posted @ http: //procurement. jsc. nasa. gov/sbseminar. html 135