Preparation for ENT — 2014 Passive Voice 9

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Preparation for ENT — 2014 Passive Voice 9 -11 grades
1. Страдательный залог в Future Indefinite образуется при помощи a) am, is, are + Participle 2 b) was, were + Participle 2 c) will be + Participle 2 d) have, has + Participle 2 e) will be + Participle
2. Выберите верный перевод : She is supposed to be clever and honest a) Считают, что она умный и честный человек. b ) Она думала, что она умный и честный человек. c ) Все думали, что она умный и честный человек. d ) Она собирается быть умным и честным человеком. e ) Она думает, как стать умным и честным человеком.
3. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге. Makpal Isabekova … ( to recognize ) as a brilliant singer by all. a) is recognized b) were recognized c) was recognize d) recognized e) is recognize
4. Дополните предложение в Past Indefinite Passive: The museum … built in 1850. a) are b) is c) will be d) was e) are
5. Выберите верный перевод : He is known to be a good president. a) Известно, что у него хорошая поддержка b ) Он знает, как быть хорошим президентом. c ) Ему известно, что значит быть хорошим президентом. d ) Известно, что он хороший президент. e ) Ему известно, что он хороший глава.
6. Выберите верный перевод: Они сказали, что их ждут. a) They said they waited for. b) They said they were being waited for. c) They said they were waited for. d) They said him was waited for. e) They said were being waited for.
7. Переведите в Passive voice: He invites me to his birthday party every year. a) I am invited to his birthday party every year. b) Me is invited to his birthday party every year. c) I was invited to his birthday party every year. d) I to be invited to his birthday party every year. e) I invited to his birthday party every year.
8. Выберите верный перевод: Ежегодно в Алматы строятся новые здания. a) New buildings are built in Almaty every year. b) New buildings are building in Almaty every year. c) Every year new buildings are built in Almaty. d) New buildings built in Almaty every year. e) Every year new buildings are building in Almaty.
9. Переведите в Passive voice: A cartoon … ( to watch ) by the children at the moment. a) are watched b) is watched c) are being watched d) is being watched e) is being watch.
10. Выберите правильную форму сказуемого в Passive voice : Silence ! Exams … ( to hold ) now. a) are been hold b ) is being hold c ) have been holding d ) are holding e ) are being held
11. Выберите верный перевод : The song was learnt by the whole group. a) Песня была выучена для целой группы. b ) Песня была выучена в группе. c ) Песня была написана целой группой. d ) Песня была выучена для целой группы. e ) Вся группа выучила песню. .
12. Выберите Passive voice: a) I can’t become tomorrow. b) The lesson was had by us. c) I haven’t been to Astana. d) He is told to be an honest man. e) They played chess well.
13. Выберите верный перевод : He was said to be back soon. a) Говорили, что он не скоро вернется. b ) Ему было сказано не возвращаться. c ) Говорят, он скоро вернется. d ) Он сказал, что скоро вернется. e ) Сказали, что он скоро вернется.
14. Выберите верный перевод : He was said to be waiting for her. a) Ей сказали ждать его. b ) Говорили, что она ждала его. c ) Сказали, что он ждал ее. d ) Ему приказали ждать ее. e ) Он сказал, что будет ждать ее.
15. Определите форму глагола. To be written a) Participle 2 b ) Gerund c ) Indefinite Infinitive Passive d ) Indefinite Infinitive Active e ) Participle
16. Употребите глагол в страдательном залоге. We ___ ( to exhaust ) by our hard work. a) is exhaust b) have exhausted c) was exhausted d) are exhausted e) was exhaust
17. Выберите верный перевод. The train is reported to have arrived on time. a) Сообщают, что поезд прибыл вовремя. b ) Поезду сообщили, что он прибыл вовремя. c ) Сообщили, что поезд прибывает вовремя. d ) Поезд сообщил, что он прибыл вовремя. e ) Поезду сообщили, что он прибудет вовремя.
18. Выберите правильный эквивалент. The letter has been delivered this week. a) Письмо имеет быть доставленным на этой неделе. b ) Письмо доставлено для этой недели. c ) Письмо будет доставлено на этой неделе. d ) Письмо доставлено на этой неделе. e ) Письмо имели для доставки на этой неделе.
19. Переведите в пассивный залог. They invited the doctor to the patient a) They were invited the doctor to the patient. b) The doctor invited to the patient. c) The doctor was inviting to the patient. d) The doctor was been invited to the patient. e) The doctor was invited to the patient.
20. Переведите в пассивный залог. I shall give him the book tomorrow. a) I will be given a book him tomorrow. b) The book will given him tomorrow. c) The book will be gived him tomorrow. d) The book will be given tomorrow. e) The book will gave him tomorrow.
21. Переведите в пассивный залог. They punished the boy for his bad behavior. a) The boy is punished for his bad behavior. b) The boy will be punished for his bad behavior. c) The boy had been punished for his bad behavior. d) The boy punished for his bad behavior. e) The boy was punished for his bad behavior.
22. Укажите правильный вариант пассивного залога. How much will you … at your new job? a) have to be paing b) has been paid c) to pay d) being paid e) be paid
23. Выберите правильную форму сказуемого в страдательном залоге. The streets … every morning ( to clean ). a) is cleaned b) be cleaned c) are cleaned d) are being cleaned e) are cleaning
24. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге. Every day a lot of questions ( to ask ) during the lectures. a) has been asked b) is asked c) are asked d) was asked e) will asked
25. Поставьте глагол в предложении в Future Indefinite Passive: This question ( to discuss ) at the meeting. a) is discussed b) shall be discussed c) to be discussed d) will be discussed e) will discussed
26. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге. He ( to send ) for the doctor. a) is send b) are send c) was sent d) have been sent e) are sent
27. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге. The window ( to leave ) open by somebody. a) was leaved b) has been leaved c) has been left d) was leave e) were left
28. Выберите правильный вариант перевода в страдательном залоге. Ему показали дорогу. a) Him was shown the way b) He was shown the way c) He was show the way d) He was showed the way e) He showed the way
2 part Passive Voice
1. Выберите эквивалент для следующего предложения: Children are taught kindness. a) Дети учат взрослых добру b ) Детям трудно без доброты. c ) Доброта присуща детям. d ) Детей учат доброте. e ) Необходимо учить детей.
2. Отметьте правильный вариант перевода : Ей задавали много вопросов. a) She was being asked a lot of questions. b) She asked a lot of questions. c) She was asking a lot of questions. d) She has asked a lot of questions. e) She is being asked a lot of questions.
3. Страдательный залог FUTURE INDEFINITE образуется с помощью: a) Am, is, are + Participle 2. b) Was, were + Participle 2. c) Will be + Participle 1. d ) Have, has + Participle 2. e ) Will be + Participle 2.
4. Укажите правильный вариант пассивного залога. Somebody is using the computer at the moment. The computer . . . al the moment. a) used b) has to be used c) is used d) is being used e) has been used
5. Выберите соответствующие формы глагола : Nobody ( to expect ) that the expedition ( to be found ). a) is expected/ will find b) expected/ would be found c) expect would find d) expected/ will be found e) expects/ had found
6. Выберите правильный ответ, обращая внимание на залог глагола. Look! My dictation … by the teacher, now. a) is checking up b) checked up c) is being checked d) was checked up e) checked up
7. Выберите вариант близкий по смыслу: Документы уже отосланы в лабораторию. a) The documents had been already sent when they asked b) The documents will be sent to the lab. c) The documents were sent to the lab. d) They have already sent the documents to the lab. e) The documents have been already sent to the lab
8. Выберите вариант близкий по смыслу: Документ был написан печатными буквами. a) The documents has been written in block letters. b) They wrote the documents in block letters. c) The document was written in block letters. d) The documents had been written in block letters. e) The documents is written in block letters
9. Выберите вариант: Яблоки моют перед едой. a) Apples have washed before eating. b) Apples have been washed before eating. c) Apples are washed before eating. d) Apples have been washing before eating. e) Apples will wash before eating.
10. Выберите подходящий вариант. The train … arrive at 11. 30 but it was an hour late. a) was supposed to. b) has been supposed to. c) is supposed to. d) is being supposed to. e) supposed to.
11. Дополните предложение. The things … when you come home. a) are packing b) shall be packed c) will be packed d) will pack e) shall pack
12. Выберите английский эквивалент: Минутная стрелка сломалась. a) The minute hand was broken. b) The minute hand isn’t enough. c) Both hands were broken. d) My watch is a bit slow. e) The minute hand is much longer.
13. Выберите правильный ответ. I . . . two hours to make my decision. a) was given b) am giving c) was gave d) were given e)was giving
14. Выберите подходящий вариант. We . . . by a loud noise during the night. a) are woken up b) wake up c) woke up d) were waking up e) were woken up
15. Выберите вариант : Эту статью переводили вчера в 7 часов. a) This article was being translated at seven o’clock yesterday. b) They translated the article every hour yesterday. c) They were translating the article at seven o’clock yesterday. d) This article was translated in seven hours. e) They had translated the article by seven o’clock yesterday.
16. Назовите время пассивного залога в предложении: Many roads are opened to the students. a) Present Perfect Passive. b) Past Simple Passive. c) Present Simple Passive. d) Future Simple Passive. e) Present Continuous Passive
17. Выберите подходящий вариант. Somebody is using the computer at the moment. a) The computer has been used at the moment. b) The computer is used at the moment. c ) The computer is being used at the moment. d ) The computer is been using at the moment. e ) The computer is using at the moment.
18. В каком предложении 3 форма глагола является частью сказуемого в страдательном залоге: a) Не has made his housework. b) I enjoyed your home-made cake. c) He made his bed and went to school. d) These jeans are made in the USA. e) She made many mistakes in the dictation.
19. Выберите вариант близкий по смыслу, обращая внимание на залог глагола: Дома строят сейчас в центре города. a) Houses are being built now in the centre of the town. b) Houses have been built in the centre of the town. c) Houses will be built in the centre of the town. d) Houses are built in the centre of the town. e) Houses were built in the centre of the town.
20. Подберите подходящий по смыслу английский эквивалент. Детей следует учить уважать взрослых. a) Childs are teached to respect their ciders. b) Children should be taught to respect their elders. c) Children should teach to respect their elders. d) Children is being taught to respect their elders. e) Children are taught to respect their elders.
21. Выберите предложение в пассивном залоге My grandfather built this house in 1930. a) This house is being built in 1930. b) This house was building in 1930. c) This house was built in 1930. d) This house is built in 1930. e) This house has been build in 1930.
22. Выберите вариант. Письма сейчас печатают в офисе. a) They have typed the letters in the office. b) They are typing the letters in the office now. c) The letters are being typed now in the office. d) The letters were typed in the office. e) The letters are typed in the office.
23. Выберите вариант близкий по смыслу, обращая внимание на залог глагола: Дом строили в прошлом году. a) The house is being built now. b) The house is built behind the hill. c) The house was built last year. d) The house was being built when I arrived. e) The house has been built by the time they returned.
24. Выберите подходящий вариант. There is somebody walking behind us. I think . . a) we are being followed. b) we are being following. c) we being followed. d) we are followed. e) we are following.
25. Укажите правильный вариант пассивного залога. Has anybody shown you what to do? Have you … what to do. a) are shown b) been shown c)are being shown d) to be shown e) being shown
26. Назовите время пассивного залога в предложении : Many roads are opened to the students. a) Present Simple Passive. b) Present Perfect Passive. c) Past Simple Passive. d) Future Simple Passive. e) Present Continuous Passive.
27. Выберите предложение в пассивном залоге They are going to build a new supermarket next year. a) A new supermarket was going to be built next year. b) A new supermarket is built next year. c) A new supermarket has been built next year. d) A new supermarket is going to be built next year. e) A new supermarket is going to be build next year.
28. Выберите правильный вариант. A great number of new schools . . . in our country every year. a) were built b) built c) will be built d) are built e) are building