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- Количество слайдов: 34
Prehistoric Art { We have learnt nothing Pablo Picasso
Origins of human faculty of the iconic representation Introduction into historical dating. Chronological framework of prehistory Scientific methods of dating, dating calibration Paleolithic art: venus figurines and cave art Neolithic art: megalithic edifices
The Makapansgat pebble, ca 3, 000 BP A manuport
{ 35, 000 BP { Northern France The Roche-Cotard mask
Homo sapiens, ca. 200, 000 BP
Prehistoric = before the invention of writing (ca. 3, 500 BCE)
Dating Terms BP – before present (1950) BCE - before the Common era BC – before Christ AD – Anno Domini (the year of the Lord) CE - Common Era
Invention of writing: 5, 500 BP = 3, 500 BC or BCE
Paleolithic (“old stone age”): - Middle Paleolithic: 200, 000 -50, 000 BP - Upper Paleolithic 50, 000 - 20, 000 PB 50, 000 - Mesolithic (“middle stone age”) 20, 000 – 10, 000 BP Neolithic (“new stone age”) 10, 000 -5, 500 PB
{ Three-age system: Christian Jürgensen Thomsen Denmark, 1788 – 1865 Stone – Bronze – Iron Age
Relative chronology Absolute chronology
{ Radiocarbon dating { Dendrochronology (tree-ring dating)
Paleolithic (Stone Age) Art
Lion man of the Hohlenstein Stadel (Germany), ca. 40, 000 BP
{ The Venus of Hohle Fels Between 40, 000 and 35, 000 BP { The Venus of Willendorf Ca. 25, 000 BP Venus figurines
Limestone, ivory, ceramics
Painted with ochre
Cave Art
The Cave of Altamira, between 18, 550 and 14, 000 BP
The Cave of El Castillo, ca. 40, 800 BP
The panel of hands
The Chauvet Cave, 30, 000 -32, 000 BP
The Lascaux Cave, 17, 300 BP
The process
Interpretation - hunting rituals? - star charts? - hallucinations of shamans?
Rhinoceros scene (Lascaux cave), the earliest known example of a visual narrative
Neolithic Art 10, 000 -5, 500 BP
Warmer climate – end of Ice Age First settlements Domestication of animals and plants Social stratification Crafts and trade Architecture: corbelled vault, post-andlintel system, megaliths (large stones)
Megalithic constructions
{ Corbelled vault { Post-and-lintel system Megalithic architectural constructions
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