1 - порядок слов.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 10
Предложение (The Sentence) Общие сведения
Члены предложения Главные • подлежащее (the Subject) • сказуемое (the Predicate) Второстепенные • дополнение (the Object) • определение (the Attribute) • обстоятельства (the Adverbial Modifiers)
Порядок слов The Subject – the Predicate – the Object – the Adverbial Modifiers The sun rises in the east.
Структура Простые The sun rises in the east. Сложные • Сложносочиненные: The agreement was signed, and the delegation left Moscow. • Сложноподчиненные: After the goods had been unloaded, they were taken to the warehouse.
Цели высказывания • Повествовательное (declarative sentence): – The library is on the second floor. • Вопросительное (interrogative): – When did you come? • Повелительное (imperative): – Open the window, please. • Восклицательное (exclamatory): – How well she sings!
Глагол The Verb простые to do to call to talk производные to disappear to resell to unload to shorten to simplify составные to broadcast to come in to go on
Формы глаголы • Личные: лицо, число, наклонение, время, залог – I live in Moscow – She liked it – Close the door, please • Неличные: инфинитив, герундий, причастие – Infinitive: I have come here to speak to you – Gerund: We discussed this method of teaching foreign languages – Participle: The book lying on the table belongs to him
Основные формы глагола 1. Infinitive 2. Past Indefinite 3. Past Participle По способу образования: • Правильные: to work – worked • Неправильные: to begin – began - begun
Значение и роли глагола • Смысловые: to speak, to do, to call • Вспомогательные: to be, to have, to do, shall (should), will (would) • Глаголы-связки: to be, to become, to grow, to get, to turn, to look • Модальные: can, may (might), must, ought, should, need
Залог • Действительный (Active voice) – He plays football. – They launched this project. • Страдательный (Passive voice) – The radio was invented by Popov. – The matter will be discussed.
1 - порядок слов.ppt