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Precaution Dietary modifications and supplementation often improve high blood pressure, high blood fats, and high blood sugars characteristic of diabetes. Failure to monitor these changes and adjust medications accordingly may result in low blood sugars, low blood pressure, or other undesirable consequences.
The Big Picture • At the current rate of growth some estimate that more than half of all Americans will have type 2 diabetes by 2020. • Both the financial costs and the toll in terms of human suffering are incalculable. “Putting out fires is expensive. Preventing them is cheap. ” • Shallenberger, Frank, The Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough, Laguna Beach, CA. : Basic health Publications, 2006, 15.
The Current Approach to Diabetes • “Among doctors, the death rate from diabetes was reported to be 35 percent higher than that of laymen. ‘If doctors die from diabetes more often than do laymen, ’ reasons Dr. Lowenstein, ‘maybe it is because the accepted methods of treating diabetes are at fault. Since doctors are more likely to follow these methods religiously, maybe that is why they are more apt to die from them than laymen are!’” • Philpott, William, and Kalita, Dwight, Victory Over Diabetes, New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1983, 5.
Types of Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes • Temporary blood sugar problems brought about by pregnancy. • Blood sugar levels need to be monitored so that blood sugar fluctuations do not damage the fetus. • Can usually be controlled by diet.
Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes • Formerly known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus • The body can not manufacture insulin due to destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas early in life. • Currently insulin is required throughout life. • Usually diagnosed before 30 years of age.
Type 2 Adult Onset Diabetes • Formerly known as noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus. • 90% of the diagnosed diabetes cases • The body loses the ability to use insulin efficiently allowing blood sugar levels to rise. • This disorder is characterized by “insulin resistance. ” Insulin is produced, often at excessive levels, but the cells can not respond to it.
Type 2 Adult Onset Diabetes • As the beta cells of the adult onset diabetic are overworked to produce ever more insulin free radical damage begins destroying the ability to produce insulin. • Thus there are two types of adult onset diabetics, those who are producing excessive insulin and those who do not produce enough and are in the process of becoming Type 1 diabetics with an inability to produce insulin. A low insulin condition is much more difficult to treat.
Type 3 Diabetes • The diabetic condition can be triggered by dirty electricity or electromagnetic fields in sensitive people.
Body Signs Associated with Diabetes
Central Adiposity • AKA: Potbelly, beer belly syndrome, dunlop’s disease (the belly lops over the belt), the furniture disease (the chest drops in the drawers. • Insulin levels increase in an attempt to remove glucose from the bloodstream. • Dr. Saverio Stranges and his associates at the State University of New York found that the potbelly is a better predictor of abnormal liver function in both men and women than is body weight. • Stranges, Saverio, et al, Journal of Hepatology, March 2004. “Potbelly: It’s strongly linked to liver damage, ” USA Weekend, Aug. 13 -15, 2004, p. 10.
Diabetic Risk • “Your risk for diabetes goes up when your belt size gets to 40” for men— about 38” for women. ” • Perry, Patrick, “The Emerging Diabetes Epidemic, ” The Saturday Evening Post, March/April 2002, p. 16.
Upper Body Weight Gain • • Weight gain above the waist is characterized by abnormally large fat cells. Weight gain below the waist is associated with abnormal numbers of small fat cells--possibly associated with malnutrition during development. • • Ahmed H. Kissebah of the medical college of Wisconsin has noted a very strong correlation between an upper body weight gain pattern among women and diabetes. One-fourth of the 40% of American women who are overweight will have upper body weight gain. Six out of ten of these manifested preclinical diabetes and 16% had the full-blown disease. Maugh, Thomas, “A New Marker for Diabetes, ” Science, Vol. 215, Feb. 5, 1982, p. 651.
Skin Tags Skin tags are little folds of skin often found on the neck, shoulder and underarm. Dr. Jack Margolis of the Veteran’s Hospital in Big Spring, Texas found that 72% of the patients he examined with skin tags were diabetic. Some of the patients who did not have diabetes went on to develop it several years later. Margolis, Jack, and Margolis, Lawrence, “Skin Tags--A Frequent Sign of Diabetes Mellitus, ” New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 294, No. 21, May 20, 1976, p. 1184.
Skin Tags “Of the 500 patients examined, 47 had single or multiple skin tags. Of the 47 patients with skin tags, 34 had diabetes mellitus as noted by repeat fasting blood sugar of 130 mg per 100 ml or higher and two-hour postprandial sugar of over 150 mg per 100 ml…. One can almost predict that a male patient will have diabetes if the lesions are multiple, large, hyperpigmented and bilateral. ” Margolis, Jack, “Skin Tags—A Frequent Sign of Diabetes Mellitis, ” New World Journal of Medicine, Vol. 294, No. 21, May 20, 1976, p. 1184.
Fish Oils and Neuropathy • 21 diabetics with neuropathy were given 600 mg EPA 3 X a day for 48 weeks. Improvement began in 12 weeks. • Kidney function significantly improved (a common problem with diabetics) as well as blood flow to the feet. • Okuda, Y. , et al, “Long term effects of eicosapentaenoic acid on diabetic peripheral neuropathy and serum lipids in patients with type II and diabetes mellitus, ” J Diab Comp 1996; 10: 280287.
Benefit for Neuropathy • • • B complex Zinc and Vitamin E Lecithin (inositol) Fish Oils Alpha-Lipoic Acid [esp. diabetic] • Avoid toxins including mercury, lead, cadmium and pesticides (eg. Dursban). • Thomke F, et al, “Increased Risk of Sensory Neuropathy in Workers With Chlordane After Exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8 -Polychlorinated Dioxins and Furans, ” Acta Neurol Scand, 1999; 100: 1 -5.
Calluses: Hyperkeratosis Follicularis • Calluses develop from pressure on the skin. Many schoolchildren will have calluses where they hold a pencil. Deficiencies of vitamins A and B 3 can contribute to more calluses— especially on the bottom of the feet where they often splinter and form needles. Vitamin A or essential fatty acid deficiency is often involved with a buildup of skin in the area of the hair follicles (hyperkeratosis follicularis). Calluses are common in diabetics. • Altschule, Mark D. , Nutritional Factors in General Medicine, Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1978, pp. 90 -93. Kauffman, William, “Niacinamide: A Most Neglected Vitamin, ” Journal of the International Academy of Preventative Medicine, Vol. VIII, No. 1, Winter 1983, p. 7. •
Calluses • “In diabetes mellitus…patients show readily visible signs of vitamin A deficiency in the form of perifollicular hyperkeratosis over the trunk and proximal parts of the extremities and also very thick and resistant calluses on the feet and elbows…. vitamin A…is not readily available for body use in zinc deficiency. ” • Altschule, Mark, M. D. , Nutritional Factors in General Medicine, Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, 1978, 93.
Calluses: Hyperkeratosis Follicularis • Calluses develop from pressure on the skin. Many schoolchildren will have calluses where they hold a pencil. Deficiencies of vitamins A and B 3 can contribute to more calluses— especially on the bottom of the feet where they often splinter and form needles. Vitamin A or essential fatty acid deficiency is often involved with a buildup of skin in the area of the hair follicles (hyperkeratosis follicularis). Calluses are common in diabetics. • Altschule, Mark D. , Nutritional Factors in General Medicine, Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1978, pp. 90 -93. Kauffman, William, “Niacinamide: A Most Neglected Vitamin, ” Journal of the International Academy of Preventative Medicine, Vol. VIII, No. 1, Winter 1983, p. 7. •
Diabetic Fingerprint patterns • Professor Robert Davis of the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine believes that the ridge pattern on hands and feet can predict the likelihood of developing diabetes. In a study of 100 patients, half of whom were diabetics, researchers correctly identified the diabetics 81% of the time by looking for a distinctive loop ridge pattern on the index finger (loops greater than or equal to seven) and a triangular loop on the ball of the foot just below the big toe. • • Erlick, Nelson, et al. , “A Dermatoglyphic Predictive Index for Maturity-onset Diabetes Mellitus, ” Journal of the American Podiatry Association, Vol. 73, No. 9, September 1983, p. 467. “Fingerprints may reveal diabetic tendencies, ” The Fresno Bee, March 9, 1983, p. A 11.
Dupuytren’s Contracture • Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition in which the skin shrinks and hardens in the center of the hand. This condition has been helped with supplementation with vitamin E and zinc. Other antioxidants may help. • • • Nikolowski, W. , “Vitamin E in Dermatology, ” Vitamins, Nutley, New Jersey: Hoffman La Roche, 1970, p. 34. Kirk, J. E. , and Chieffi, M. , “Tocopherol Administration to Patients with Dupuytren’s Contracture: Effect on Plasma Tocopherol Levels and Degree of Contracture, ” Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 80, 565 -8 (1952). Spring, Maxwell, and Cohen, Berton D. , “Dupuytren’s Contracture: Warning of Diabetes, ” New York State Journal of Medicine, May 1, 1970, p. 1037.
Dupuytren’s and Diabetes • Dr. Maxwell Spring and Dr. Berton D. Cohen, New York Medical College and the Bronx. Lebanon Hospital Center, found more than a 90% incidence of glucose intolerance in patients who have Dupuytren’s contracture. Not all these patients show full clinical diabetes melitus, but the abnormal glucose tolerance suggests that they may be in the incipient stage. • Leake, Chauncey, “New sign for incipient diabetes, ” Geriatrics v. 23, Oct. 1968.
Discoloration of the Skin of the Lower Leg • Necrobiosis Lipoidica • Discoloration of the skin of the lower leg is both a predictor of the development of diabetes and also sometimes accompanies blood sugar disorders. It is believed to result from deterioration of the circulatory system. • Wright, Jonathan, M. D. , Dr. Jonathan V. Wright’s Nutrition & Healing, Phoenix, AZ: Publishers Mgmt. Corp. , March 1999, p. 5. Kraft, J. , “Detection of diabetes mellitus in situ (occult diabetes), ” Lab Med 1975; (Feb): 10.
Nutritional Causative Factors
Theories Explaining Diabetic Deterioration • Free radical postulate: Oxygen derived free radicals damage the circulatory system and the eyes of diabetics leading to atherosclerosis and cataracts. • Glycation postulate: Sugars irreversibly bind with proteins at increased rates in the body of diabetics. Elevated blood sugars push the glycation process. Once proteins are fused with sugars they cannot function normally. • Sorbitol postulate: Glucose upregulates the synthesis of sorbitol within cells. Sorbitol passes through cell membranes only with great difficulty. Accumulation cause cells to swell, function poorly, and even die. Sorbitol accumulation appears to be involved in damage to the eyes (cataract and retinopathy) and nerves (neuropathy) of diabetics. • Ascorbate postulate: Vitamin C and glucose have the same transport in the body.
Pollution and Diabetes: Bisphenol A • Found in most food containers. • Found in 95% of urine samples. • Administration of tiny quantities to mice for 4 days causes elevated insulin levels and altered glucose tolerance. • Urinary excretion is associated with diabetic risk in a dose dependent manner. • Alonso-Magdalena, P. , et al. , The estrogenic effect of bisphenol A disrupts pancreatic beta-cell function in vivo and induces insulin resistance. Environ Health Perspect 2006; 114: 106 -112.
Pollution and Diabetes: Multiple Pollutants • 10% of population with highest levels of 6 pollutants had 38 X greater likelihood of diabetes. • Obesity did not appear to be a risk factor for diabetes if levels of these pollutants were undetectable in the blood. • Obesity was associated with diabetes when pollutant accumulation was above the 25 th percentile. • Lee, D. H. , et al. , A strong dose-response relation between serum concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and diabetes: results from the National Health and Examination Survey 1999 -2002. Diabetes Care 2006; 29: 1638 -1644. • NOTE: Salmon Oil Plus is tested for over 250 common pollutants.
Sugar Intake • Sucrose and fructose both implicated. • One or more soft drinks a day increased risk 32% over less than one per month. Sugar sweetened fruit punch also increased risk. (A Canadian study found bisphenol A in 85% of 72 canned soft drinks sold. ) • Fructose consumption has increased from ½ lb/year to 62 lb/year between 1970 and 1997. • Large amounts of fructose produce insulin resistance in as little as 6 days. • Long term feeding of rats with modest amounts of fructose results in impaired glucose tolerance. • Amounts in fruits are not a problem due to their antioxidant content.
Insulin Resistance • Excessive insulin levels are damaging to the cells. It is like a loud rock band. To shut out the noise cells remove insulin receptors to turn down the volume. This behavior is natural and normal.
Insulin Resistance • “Endocrine-dependent cells often respond to increases in hormone concentration by a decrease in the number of available membrane receptors. In type II diabetes, there is an inverse correlation between the insulin concentration in the blood and the number of available cell membrane receptors. Therefore it would appear that the increased blood insulin concentration causes the insulin-dependent cells to become less and less responsive to insulin. ” • Groer, Maureen, and Shekleton, Maureen, Basic Pathophysiology, St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Company, 1983, 392.
The Excess Carbohydrate Syndrome • Excessive carbohydrate intake increases insulin production. Cells are overwhelmed with insulin and begin to shut down insulin receptors creating “insulin resistance. ”
Goal: Energy Production & Fat Burning • The body begins to lose its ability to burn fat for energy— the preferred mode of energy production. Energy is reduced. Excess carbohydrates and fats are stored as fat rather than used for energy production. Cravings for carbohydrates create ever higher insulin levels.
Glycemic Response Control n One of the most important means of controlling endocrine disruption is by taking steps to keep blood sugar low and reduce insulin production. One of the tools available for this is a glycemic response control program. n Note that blood glucose does not spike with the use of the GR 2 Meal Replacement. I use the Enjoy-Avoid Booklet to make an attempt to target as many meals as possible with low insulin production and low blood glucose response.
Complications of Diabetes
Triglyceride Level Classification • • • Less than 150 mg/d. L Normal 150 -199 mg/d. L Borderline-high 200 -499 mg/d. L High 500 mg/d. L Plus Very High Levels over 200 mg/d. L are associated with increased risk of heart disease. • The higher the triglycerides, the higher the circulating insulin levels are likely to be. • All blood lipid parameters tend to be unfavorable in diabetics.
Sorbitol Accumulation • • Sorbitol is a toxic waste product of glucose metabolism formed within cells by the enzyme aldose reductase. Non-diabetics convert sorbitol to fructose and excrete it. Diabetics with elevated blood sugar do not convert and excrete sorbitol. Even worse, glucose is shunted into the sorbitol pathway. Sorbitol accumulates in tissues like the lens of the eye drawing water into the cells and causing the release of small molecules like vitamin C, magnesium, niacin, glutathione, inositol, potassium, amino acids, and other protective molecules. The result is abnormalities such as cataracts.
Sorbitol Accumulation • The cells most susceptible to sorbitol damage are the lens of the eye, peripheral nerves, the kidneys, pancreas, and the retina of the eye. • Reduction of sorbitol levels is a key concern in preventing diabetic complications: reduce sugar intake and supplement with vitamin C complex
Glycosylation • “One serious problem for the diabetic is the extra molecules of sugar that are floating around in the blood. They will attach themselves to molecules of different proteins in the body and in doing so change the shapes and surfaces of those protein molecules. For those proteins to function normally, they must maintain their specified natural shapes and surfaces. The more important proteins act as hormones, as oxygen carrying hemoglobin, as components of the immune system, and as parts in the body’s structural architecture. ”
Glycosylation • The result of damage to these structures can include “decreased delivery of oxygen to all tissues; distortion of nerve and kidney proteins, causing the failures that are so commonly seen in diabetes; making the lens of the eye opaque, thus causing cataracts; and alteration of the cholesteroltriglyceride-protein packets called lipoproteins, thereby speeding atherosclerosis. ” • Mc. Dougall, John A. , Mc. Dougall’s Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion, Clinton, NJ: New Win Publishing, Inc. , 1985, 206 -7.
Advance Glycation End-Products (AGE’s ) • The higher the blood sugar the higher the production of these tar-like waste products of sugar metabolism. • Diabetics are at special risk for accelerated AGE formation. • Some tissues have receptors that respond to AGE’s and are therefore more susceptible to damage as they accumulate: lung, liver, kidney, peripheral blood vessels.
Advance Glycation End-Prodcts (AGE’s) • • Maillard molecules in breakfast cereals are AGE’s can form inside the body or be ingested from outside. The total of both creates problems. Those formed outside the body are formed by heating or cooking foods with sugars. These can be absorbed from highly heated meats and cereals. AGE’s are formed within the body as a consequence of intake of large quantities of sugars which promote their formation (sticky sugars such as fructose, galactose) Diabetes encourages production of AGE’s and inhibits the body’s ability to deal with them.
Fish Oils and Neuropathy • 21 diabetics with neuropathy were given 600 mg EPA 3 X a day for 48 weeks. Improvement began in 12 weeks. • Kidney function significantly improved (a common problem with diabetics) as well as blood flow to the feet. • Okuda, Y. , et al, “Long term effects of eicosapentaenoic acid on diabetic peripheral neuropathy and serum lipids in patients with type II and diabetes mellitus, ” J Diab Comp 1996; 10: 280287.
Diabetic Diets
The Raw Food Diet • The diet Dr. Douglass recommended included “vegetables seeds, nuts, berries, melons, fruits, eggs (yokes only), honey, oils, and goat’s milk. ” The quantity of fruits, melons, and honey was restricted and the main part of the diet was salads and nuts. Raw meat and cow’s milk were not recommended because of the risk of bacterial and parasitic infection. Goat’s milk was included. • Douglass, John M. , Raw diet and insulin requirements, Annals of Internal Medicine, January 1975, Vol. 82, No. 1, 61 -2.
Raw Foods Diet • He tells of one patient whose insulin requirement was reduced from 60 units to 15 units per day by simply increasing the percentage of raw foods in the diet. A second patient was reduced from 70 units per day to oral agents alone. This second patient, a Mexican-American man, told Dr. Douglass that he would rather die than take “shots. ” • Douglass, John M. , Raw diet and insulin requirements, Annals of Internal Medicine, January 1975, Vol. 82, No. 1, 61 -2.
Raw Foods Diet: Rationale • Early man did not cook • The diet creates less physiological stress than a cooked food diet • Cooking destroys fiber which slows carbohydrate absorption. • The abundance of enzymes in raw foods, and their higher nutrient content may have explained some of the benefits of the diet. Both enzymes and a number of nutrients are destroyed by the temperatures involved in cooking.
Joel Fuhrman “Beans and Greens” Diet • Avoid refined foods, fruit juice, and dried fruits. • Eat only fruits with low sugar content: grapefruit, orange, kiwi, berries, and green apples. • Avoid oil except for limited quantities of raw nuts. • Most of the diet should be beans and greens. • Restrict animal food intake. • Exercise, preferably twice a day. • Fuhrman, Joel, Eat to Live, New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2003, 118.
Modified High-Fiber Content Diet • The diet is high in bean fibers and “limits processed grains, and excludes fruit juices, low fiber fruits, skimmed milk and margarine. • “Population studies, as well as clinical and experimental research show diabetes is one of the diseases most clearly related to inadequate dietary fiber intake. ” • Pizzorno, Joseph, and Murray, Michael, Textbook of Natural Medicine, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1999, 1204 -5.
Fiber • A Modified High Fiber Diet appears to benefit most diabetics. “Diabetes is one of the diseases most clearly linked to inadequate intake of fiber. ” • The water soluble forms of fiber are by far the most beneficial on improving blood sugar and reducing insulin resistance. This would include hemicelluloses, mucilages, gums, and pectins. • Pizzorno, Joseph, and Murray, Michael, Textbook of Natural Medicine, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1999, 1204 -06.
Fiber • The best time to take fiber products is with meals to slow carbohydrate absorption. Insulin dosages of diabetics supplemented with fiber have been reduced to one-third of those on a control (ADA) diet. (Pizzorno, 1204 -6) • Konjac absorbs up to 50 times its volume of water and forms a gelatinous mass in the intestines slowing down carbohydrate absorption.
Fibers • Many patients with type 2 diabetes have been able to reduce or eliminate anti-diabetes medication after increasing intake of fiber and complex carbohydrates. This is particularly true for those who are overweight. • Soluble fibers are more effective • Improvement is total dose related and related to the % of soluble fibers. • There is an inverse association between fiber intake and levels of C-reactive protein. • Ma Y, Griffith JA, et al, Association between dietary fiber and serum C-reactive protein, Am J Clin Nutr, 2006; 83(4): 760 -6.
Protein (Glycemic Response Control) • Protein is the friend of the diabetic. “When a hormone is bound, it is inactivated. Research has shown that a high intake of dietary protein in general has a very important effect on the hormone profile of diabetics by increasing unbound testosterone levels. This effect is probably secondary to the fact that high intake of proteins has been found to lower sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels. ” This globulin binds up sex hormones so they cannot exert their effects. • Shallenberger, Frank, The Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough, Laguna Beach, CA. : Basic health Publications, 2006, 80.
Vitamin A • Diabetics are compromised in their ability to convert carotenoids to vitamin A. As a consequence the presence of signs of vitamin A deficiency such as the formation of calluses on the feet is often diagnostic for diabetes. • Altschule, Mark D. , Nutritional Factors in General Medicine, Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1978, pp. 90 -93.
Vitamin B Complex • Vitamins B 1 and B 3 (or niacin) are essential for energy production. Vitamin B 3 is involved with production of sex and adrenal hormones and is part of glucose tolerance factor. Vitamin B 3 has proven itself immensely helpful in the early stages of Type I diabetes.
GTF • • Improves the functioning of insulin Decreases the requirement for insulin. Improves blood sugar control in diabetics. Improves measurement of heart function in those with blood sugar abnormalities and prevents cardiovascular disease in animal models. One study found that the chromium in the toenails of healthy individuals was. 71 mcg/g, . 61 in subjects with diabetes without complications, and. 52 in diabetics with obvious heart disease. Chromium in nature is found in the form of Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF). This is actually a nutrient complex which includes niacin. Gaby suggests that chromium given apart from niacin may be ineffective. Rajpathak S, Rimm EB, et al, Lower Toenail Chromium in Men With Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Compared With Healthy Men, Diabetes Care, September 2004; 27(9): 2211 -2216. Gaby, Alan, Nutritional Medicine, Concord, Nh: Fritz Perlberg Publishing, 2011, 1089.
Vitamin B Complex • Vitamin B 6 inhibits the glycosylation of proteins and provides protection against diabetic neuropathy. The vitamin is also helpful in prevention of gestational diabetes. Magnesium (discussed below) can not get inside the cell without vitamin B 6.
Vitamin B 6 or Pyridoxine • A large body of research confirms the ability of vitamin B 6 to improve glucose tolerance and protect the pancreas. Diabetics often have reduced levels of vitamin B 6 in blood measurements. Supplementation of diabetic men with vitamin B 6 improved blood parameters even though their levels of vitamin B 6 appeared normal. This writer believes that most diabetics will benefit from supplementing with the entire B complex in a natural form. • Rogers, Kenneth S. and Mohan, Chandra, Vitamin B 6 Metabolism and Diabetes” Biochemical Medicine and Metabiologic Biology, 1994; 52: 10 -17.
Vitamin B complex • Vitamin B 12 deficiency is often manifested by numbness of the feet, pin and needle sensations, or a burning feeling—all symptoms common in diabetic neuropathy.
Vitamin B complex • Biotin enhances insulin sensitivity and is involved in the first step of glucose utilization by the liver (the enzyme glucokinase). High doses are sometimes helpful for both Type I and Type II diabetics. Caution is needed as use of this supplement may alter insulin requirements. • Pizzorno, Joseph, and Murray, Michael, Textbook of Natural Medicine, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1999, 1208 -9.
Biotin • Biotin activates an enzyme which enables glucose to be used within the cells. Studies have shown that the nutrient improves blood sugar control. Biotin may also help prevent the development of diabetic neuropathy. • Albarracin CA, Fuqua BC, et al, Chromium picolinate and biotin combination improves glucose metabolism in treated, uncontrolled overweight to obese patients with type 2 diabetes, Diabetes Metab Res Rev, 2008; 24(1): 41 -51.
Specific Nutrients: Vitamin C and Flavonoids • • • Vitamin C can have a short half-life in the blood at higher doses. Split doses or continuous release provides added benefit. (Hickey, 126 -9) Flavonoids have been shown to augment the benefits of vitamin C by increasing tissue levels of the vitamin. (Hughes, 285 -300) The GNLD Super C is an excellent blend of vitamin C in a continuous release (threshold release) form and highly bioactive flavonoids from citrus. It is our preferred product for those with blood sugar problems.
Threshold Control Concept • Nutrients are locked in a protein mesh which digests or breaks down slowly as they move through the digestive tract providing a continuous release of water soluble nutrients over a period of 4 -8 hours.
Vitamin C • Same transport as glucose. Priority nutrient. • A study of type 2 diabetics with 1, 000 mg vitamin C for 6 weeks significantly reduced fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, serum insulin, and glycated hemoglobin (Hb. A 1 C). Subjects supplemented with only 500 mg/day showed no benefit. (The RDA is below 200 mg/day. ) • Vitamin C can also reduce sorbitol accumulation and capillary fragility, both of which are common among diabetics. The inclusion of flavonoids with the vitamin C supplementation is important for preventing the capillary fragility. • • Afkhami-Ardekani M, Shojaoddiny-Ardekani A, et al, Effect of vitamin C on blood glucose, serum lipids & serum insulin in type 2 diabetes patients, Indian J Med Res, 2007; 126(5): 471 -4. Cunningham, John, “Vitamin C” An Aldose Reductase Inhibitor That Normalizes Erythrocyte Sorbitol in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, J Am Col Nutr, 1994; 13(4): 344 -350.
Cataract • • Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol, can accumulate and damage the eyes of diabetics. Vitamin C has been shown to prevent the buildup of sorbitol. Vitamin C with citrus extract was 41% more effective than vitamin C alone in rat studies. Cunningham, John, “Vitamin C” An Aldose Reductase Inhibitor That Normalizes Erythrocyte Sorbitol in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, J Am Col Nutr, 1994; 13(4): 344 -350. Vinson, J, “Comparison of Two Forms of Vitamin C on Galactose Cataracts, ” Nut Res, 12, 1992, pp. 915 -22.
Cal-Mag with D: Diabetes • Increasing blood measurements of vitamin D from 35 nmol/l to 75 nmol/l (or essentially doubling vitamin D blood levels) improved insulin sensitivity by 60% “which is a greater increase than many antidiabetes drugs provide. ” A blood level of 40 is usually considered optimal. • Raloff, Janet, Vitamin D: What’s Enough? Many People Need Much More, ” Science News, October 16, 2004, Vol. 166, p. 248.
Vitamin E • Diabetics appear to have a higher requirement for vitamin E to prevent diabetic complications. • Vitamin E improves insulin action. • Low levels of vitamin E in body fat are associated with almost a 4 -fold increased risk of diabetes. • Pizzorno, Joseph, and Murray, Michael, Textbook of Natural Medicine, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1999, 1209.
Vitamin E • “LDL contains, deep in its core, six vitamin E molecules, which act as built in protection against oxidation. ” • Blaylock, Russell, M. D. , Healthand Nutrition Secrets, Albuquerque, N. M. : Health Press, 2002, 288.
Vitamin E • Diabetics tend to get elevated levels of two metabolic products (DAG or diacyglycerol and PKC-β or protein kinase Cβ) which severely damage the microvessels in the kidneys. Both of these defects have been corrected in diabetic rats by supplementation with vitamin E. • Blaylock, Russell, M. D. , Healthand Nutrition Secrets, Albuquerque, N. M. : Health Press, 2002, 2889.
GNLD Vitamin E • • Water miscible All 4 tocopherols All 4 tocotrienols All the nutrients in whole wheat germ oil • No synthetic vitamin E
Digestive Enzymes • William Philpott demonstrated that difficulty digesting foods and allergic responses to foods could result in blood sugar elevations. When he supplemented his patients who had diabetic tendencies with digestive aids such as hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes, the elevation of blood sugars following ingestion of foods which were poorly tolerated disappeared or was minimized. • Philpott, William, Victory Over Diabetes, New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1983.
Allergy and Blood Sugar • “solid evidence emerged that insulin resistance of Type II non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is produced by maladaptive reactions largely to foods and, to a lesser exent, to common environmental chemicals such as car exhaust. ” • Philpott, William, and Kalita, Dwight, Victory Over Diabetes, New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1983, xi.
Allergy and Diabetes Food Blood Sugar • • Cream cheese Beef Wheat, Oats, Milk Auto exhaust Cane sugar Whole Milk Maple syrup, Honey • Philpott, William, and Kalita, Dwight, Victory Over Diabetes, New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1983, 26 -33. • 20 mg% 280 mg% 230 mg%+ 180 mg% 210 mg% 200 mg% 135, 110 mg%
Allergy and Diabetes: 54 Year Old Mexican Food Blood Sugar • • Rice Sweet Potatoes Tuna Pinto Beans Spinach Oranges, Pears Maple syrup • Philpott, William, and Kalita, Dwight, Victory Over Diabetes, New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1983, 34. 340 mg% 320 mg% 300 mg% 190 mg% 130 mg% 120 mg%
25 Year Old Delusional Smoker Habit • Smoking Blood Sugar 200 mg%
Allergy and Diabetes: Vitamin C • “My observations are that acute maladaptive reactions and addictive withdrawal evoke acidic states are observed to decrease the amount of ascorbic acid. ” • There is a “pathological production of ascorbic acid change to dehydroascorbic acid in the blood. ” • Philpott, William, and Kalita, Dwight, Victory Over Diabetes, New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1983, 30.
Diabetes and Allergy • Failure of the pancreas, especially bicarbonates and enzymes. Insulin least of all in Type 2 diabetes. • Failure of enzymes results in severe amino acid deficiencies. • Pancreatic failure leads to edema and inflammatory responses. • Philpott, William, and Kalita, Dwight, Victory Over Diabetes, New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1983, 59.
Diabetes and Allergy • Test meal of beef blood sugar 240 mg% • Second test meal supplemented with 15 grams of amino acids, pancreatic enzymes and bicarbonate. Blood sugar 140 mg%. • Test meal of pineapple, blood sugar 260 mg%. • Second test meal with 15 grams amino acids, pancreatic enzymes, and bicarbonate. Blood sugar 130 mg%. • Philpott, William, and Kalita, Dwight, Victory Over Diabetes, New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1983, 72 -73.
Magnesium • 1) Magnesium is essential for energy production and deficiency is common in diabetics. • 2) Magnesium appears to be protective against diabetic complications including retinopathy and heart disease. • 3) The diabetic may require twice the magnesium of the average individual. • Pizzorno, Joseph, and Murray, Michael, Textbook of Natural Medicine, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1999, 1209.
Magnesium • Magnesium is one of the most important nutrients for the diabetic. Magnesium deficiency is a common finding when looked for. Supplementation with vitamin B 6 can increase a magnesium deficiency interfering with the beneficial results of using that supplement. • Fasting blood insulin levels are inversely related to magnesium status and those with diabetes have significantly lower magnesium levels than those without the disease. Low magnesium also appears to contribute to the deterioration of the cardiovascular system when one suffers with diabetes. • • • Associations of Serum and Dietary Magnesium With Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Insulin and Carotid Artery Wall Thickness. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1995; 48: 927 -940. Seelig, M. S. , et al, Low Magnesium: A Common Denominator in Pathologic Process in Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Disease and Eclampsia, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, October 1992; 11(5): 608. Gaby, Alan, Nutritional Medicine, Concord, Nh: Fritz Perlberg Publishing, 2011, 1093.
Other Minerals • Deficiencies of both copper and zinc can aggravate diabetes. • Gaby, Alan, Nutritional Medicine, Concord, Nh: Fritz Perlberg Publishing, 2011, 1093.
Endocrine Disturbance n Cholesterol lowering medications may actually speed the decline of testosterone levels as well as depleting Co. Q 10. • In 1994, Gerald Phillips and his colleagues at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons found a clear inverse relationship between testosterone levels and the degree of coronary artery disease. The relationship was strongest with free or active testosterone. • Phillips, G. B. , Relationship between serum sex hormones and the glucose-insulin-lipid defect in men with obesity, Metabolism, 1993; 42: 116 -20.
Characteristics of Men with Low Testosterone • • • Phillips, G. B. , Relationship between serum sex hormones and the glucose-insulinlipid defect in men with obesity, Metabolism, 1993; 42: 116 -20. Angina pectoris Atherosclerosis Diabetes High blood glucose High blood triglycerides High blood pressure High body mass index (obesity) High waist-to-hip ratio High levels of blood clotting factors Low levels of blood clotting inhibitors • Wright, Jonathan, and Lenard, Lane, Maximize Your Vitality & Potency, Petaluma, CA: Smart Publications, 1999, p. 128.
Clinical Pearl: Grain and Legume Extracts 1987 Study
Nutritional Support for Diabetes • • • Reduce toxic load and allergens (organic foods, Salmon Oil Plus) Support the digestive process (whole raw foods, digestive aids) Keep sugar intake to an absolute minimum. Supply a minimum of 1, 000 mg of vitamin C a day (Super C). Provide a high potency multiple (Active 40+ or Sports 30). – Supply the minerals necessary for glucose utilization (zinc, GTF chromium, magnesium, etc. ) – Supply natural B complex • Provide antioxidants – Vitamins D, A, and E – Supply natural B complex • Provide essential fatty acids (Salmon Oil Plus and Tre-en-en).
Specialized Nutrients • Carnitine aids fat burning. • Inositol may be deficient if sorbitol levels are high. This nutrient tastes like sugar.