- Количество слайдов: 6
Pre-Cooling and Demand Response Purdue University and Berkeley Lab January 23, 2004 Sponsored by the California Energy Commission
Meeting Agenda 10: 00 Introductions and Overview (Piette) 10: 15 Background and Previous Research (Braun) 10: 45 Results of from Santa Rosa Federal Building (Xu) 11: 45 Tool Development for Thermal Mass (Braun) 12: 45 Lunch and Discussion of Next Steps (Haves) 1: 45 Automated DR in 5 Large Facilities (Piette) 2: 10 Open Discussion 2: 30 Adjourn Page 2
Meeting Objectives n n Present Background and Research on Pre-Cooling Review Next Steps, Obtain Feedback Introduce Demand Response Research Center Introduce Automated Demand Response Research Page 3
Top 10 California Peak End Uses/Sectors (assumes 50, 000 MW Peak) 8, 000 15% 14% 11% 6, 000 11% 5, 000 4, 000 7% 6% 3, 000 4% 4% 2, 000 or at R es R ef In rig er du s try pi ng oc es s Pu m Ag & W TC End-Use/Sector Pr U er Bu ild M es R at is M C om Li om C is c c gh t st ry m bl y In du AC es As se R om AC 0 in gs 1, 000 C Megawatts 7, 000 Page 4
Demand Response Research Center n n Objective: to develop, prioritize, conduct, and disseminate multi-institutional research to facilitate DR Scope: technologies, policies, programs, strategies and practices, emphasizing a market connection Method: Partners Planning Committee, Annual R&D Plan Stakeholders: n n n State policy makers Researchers Information & metering system developers Aggregators Program implementers n n n Utilities Industry trade associations Building owners, engineers & operators Building equipment manufacturers Other end-use customers Page 5
Further Information on CEC DR Research n Demand Response Research Center ¨ Forthcoming site http: //drrc. lbl. gov n Current CEC Demand Response Sites ¨ Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS) http: //certs. lbl. gov ¨ Center for the Study of Energy Markets (CSEM) http: // www. ucei. berkeley. edu/power. html ¨ Demand Response Enabling Technology Development (DRETD) http: // ciee. ucop. edu/dretd Page 6