Скачать презентацию Pragmatic XML security Hans Granqvist Apache Con 2005 Скачать презентацию Pragmatic XML security Hans Granqvist Apache Con 2005


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Pragmatic XML security Hans Granqvist, Apache. Con 2005 <hans@apache. org> Pragmatic XML security Hans Granqvist, Apache. Con 2005

Agenda + XML Basics ▪ Schemas, namespaces + XML security ▪ Keys, certificates ▪ Agenda + XML Basics ▪ Schemas, namespaces + XML security ▪ Keys, certificates ▪ Signatures, encryption + Apache TSIK ▪ Origins, status ▪ WSS 4 J, XML Security 2 + Coding examples ▪ Utility classes ▪ Signing ▪ Encryption ▪ Graphs and Actions + Future directions ▪ Key Management, WS-* ▪ SAML ▪ Identities

XML Basics 3 XML Basics 3

Quick XML recap Default namespace Element Welcome to Apache. Con 2005! Schema Attribute 4 Namespace declaration

XML Security 5 XML Security 5

XML security + Same issues as any old security problem ▪ Integrity, confidentiality, authentication XML security + Same issues as any old security problem ▪ Integrity, confidentiality, authentication + Solved in the same way ▪ Keys, certificates + Specifications ▪ Key management, Encryption, Signature + Web services ▪ SOAP envelope, headers, body + SOAP security ▪ Not further discussed here! 6

Apache TSIK 7 Apache TSIK 7

Origins, status + In Apache incubation since August 2005 ▪ http: //incubator. apache. org/tsik Origins, status + In Apache incubation since August 2005 ▪ http: //incubator. apache. org/tsik + Closed source 2000 -2004 ▪ Basis of several products ▪ XML firewalls, PKI lifecycle management, Multi-factor authentication + Security ▪ XML signature, encryption, Pkcs#7 streaming, Key management ▪ WS-Security, WS-* + Utility classes ▪ DOM, XPath, SOAP + Addons, plugins ▪ Plug-in SOAP implementation ▪ Add-on XML messaging 8

XML Security, ws. apache. org + Apache XMLSecurity ▪ XML signature and XML encryption XML Security, ws. apache. org + Apache XMLSecurity ▪ XML signature and XML encryption + ws. apache. org ▪ Aims at implementing existing WS* standards ▪ An umbrella for several sub projects ▪ Axis filters + Apache TSIK ▪ Toolkit model – Single JAR ▪ Philosophy: – Simplify security usage as much as possible – Make it hard to commit security mistakes 9

Projects comparison Completeness ws. apache. org TSIK xmlsec Simplicity of use 10 Projects comparison Completeness ws. apache. org TSIK xmlsec Simplicity of use 10

Code examples 11 Code examples 11

What we'll look at + DOM cursors ▪ Simplified Document Object Model interface ▪ What we'll look at + DOM cursors ▪ Simplified Document Object Model interface ▪ Traverse, get info, create elements, move around, copy sub-trees – Avoids DOM API, interface level, or implementation differences – All DOM namespaces automatically handled and kept in context + XPaths ▪ Simplified XPath interface used in all APIs + Signing + Encryption + Trust + Graphs and Actions 12

DOM cursors + Reads and writes + Element-oriented ▪ No DOM cursors + Reads and writes + Element-oriented ▪ No "mixed content" (text and element siblings). + Intended for structured data ▪ Not for human written or free-form documents ▪ Access to text nodes only provided via parent element + No low-level DOM access ▪ Not for implementing XPath, XSLT or C 14 N + Manipulates three node types: elements, attributes and text ▪ Other node types ignored and preserved 13

org. apache. tsik. domutil // creating // DOMCursor c = new DOMCursor(document | element org. apache. tsik. domutil // creating // DOMCursor c = new DOMCursor(document | element | node); DOMCursor clone. Cursor() // clones cursor, not DOM // inquiring // boolean at. Top() boolean at. Element(uri, name) boolean contains(other. Cursor) XPath create. XPath( | relative. To. Other. Cursor) String get. Attribute([String uri, ] String local. Name) // traversing // boolean move. To[Child|Sibling](int index) boolean move. To[Child|Sibling](String uri, String local. Name) // (cont. ) 14

org. apache. tsik. domutil // traversing (cont. ) // boolean move. To. Descendant(String uri, org. apache. tsik. domutil // traversing (cont. ) // boolean move. To. Descendant(String uri, String local. Name, boolean include. Self) boolean move. Top() boolean move. To. Parent() boolean move. To. XPath(XPath xpath) // Write cursors // DOMWrite. Cursor wc = new DOMWrite. Cursor(); // writing // add[Before|Under](String uri, String prefix, String name) copy[Before|Over|Under](Dom. Cursor copy. From) move[Before|Over|Under](Dom. Cursor move. From) 15

XPath + XPath is a W 3 C language for addressing parts of an XPath + XPath is a W 3 C language for addressing parts of an XML document ▪ Non-XML syntax ▪ Pattern matching + Examples ▪ ▪ /this/that/ns: theother //*[@id='b 1'] + TSIK XPaths encapsulate a W 3 C XPath expression and namespaces that relate to the expression + Used in TSIK packages to reference nodes 16

org. apache. tsik. xpath // create // XPath(String expr) XPath(String expr, Map namespaces) XPath(String org. apache. tsik. xpath // create // XPath(String expr) XPath(String expr, Map namespaces) XPath(String expr, String[] namespaces) // prefix->uri // prefix, uri // create from id('id. Value') // static XPath from. ID(String id. Value) // create from #xpointer(xpath), #id. Value // static XPath from. XPointer(String xpointer) static XPath from. XPointer(String xpointer, Map namespaces) 17

Signing and Verifying + Sign and verify a W 3 C XML Digital Signature Signing and Verifying + Sign and verify a W 3 C XML Digital Signature + RSA, DSA, HMAC, hardware keys ▪ X. 509 certificate chains, Key. Infos or raw keys + Use XPath expressions for locations in a document + Multiple signatures ▪ As well as signatures with multiple references + Sign in place or return new document + Verify signatures with ▪ Verification key supplied in the document, or ▪ User-supplied key 18

Sign with org. apache. tsik. xmlsig // Sign a document. Implicitly tell it to Sign with org. apache. tsik. xmlsig // Sign a document. Implicitly tell it to add the // public verification key to output. // Signer s = new Signer(document, private. Key, public. Key); // Supply two locations to be signed. // XPath loc 1 = new XPath("id('some. ID')"); s. add. Reference(loc 1); XPath loc 2 = new XPath("/some/element"); s. add. Reference(loc 2); // Specify a // resulting // XPath output Document d = 19 location where we want the signature to be placed. = new XPath("/"); s. sign(output);

Verify with org. apache. tsik. xmlsig // Specify signature location String ns[] = { Verify with org. apache. tsik. xmlsig // Specify signature location String ns[] = {"ds", "http: //www. w 3. org/2000/09/xmldsig#"}; XPath signature. Location = new XPath("//ds: Signature", ns); // Verify using key contained in document Verifier v = new Verifier(doc, signature. Location); boolean is. Verified = v. verify(); // Verify using specified key Verifier v = new Verifier(doc, signature. Location); RSAPublic. Key verifying. Key = [some public key]; boolean is. Verified = v. verify(verifying. Key); // Make sure signature is over what we expect XPath loc = new XPath("/some/element"); boolean b = v. is. Referenced(loc); 20

Trust Verifier + Verifies trust of public keys and certificates. + Use as is Trust Verifier + Verifies trust of public keys and certificates. + Use as is or as plug-in/adapter ▪ Used in TSIK messaging (org. apache. tsik. addon. messaging) + Verify based on a given collection of trusted keys and certificates. + Chain verifiers to perform multiple checks ▪ For example all must pass, or one must pass + Automatic caching for expensive verifications ▪ For example XKMS, CRL 21

org. apache. tsik. verifier // Get the certificate(s) from the verifier // X 509 org. apache. tsik. verifier // Get the certificate(s) from the verifier // X 509 Certificate[] chain = v. get. Certificate. Chain(); // Use an X. 509 trust verifier with trusted certs // Array. List list = new Array. List(); list. add(. . . ); X 509 Trust. Verifier trust. Verifier = new X 509 Trust. Verifier(list); trust. Verifier. verify. Trust(chain); // We can also use a CRL trust verifier. Specify which // entities we accept as signers on the CRL and verify. // CRLTrust. Verifier ctv = new CRLTrust. Verifier(); list. add(. . . ); ctv. add. CRLsigners(list); ctv. verify. Trust(chain); 22

Encrypting and decrypting + Encrypt and decrypt according to W 3 C standard ▪ Encrypting and decrypting + Encrypt and decrypt according to W 3 C standard ▪ Key and data encryption + Supports element and element content encryption + Uses XPath expressions for all locations in a document + Encrypt/Decrypt in place or return new document 23

Encrypt with org. apache. tsik. xmlenc // Create an Encryptor on the document Encryptor Encrypt with org. apache. tsik. xmlenc // Create an Encryptor on the document Encryptor e = new Encryptor(doc, key, Algorithm. Type. TRIPLEDES); // create an XPath expression with the namespaces we need String[] ns = {"a", "urn: some-uri", "b", "urn: some-other-uri"}; XPath xpath = new XPath("/a: foo/b: bar", ns); // Encrypt in place according to xpath e. encrypt. In. Place(xpath); This is some text. . . . . . . 24

Decrypt with org. apache. tsik. xmlenc . . . // Create a Decryptor on the doc, specify the location of the // encrypted data. // String[] ns = {"a", "urn: some-uri", "xenc", "http: //www. w 3. org/2001/04/xmlenc#"}; XPath xpath = new XPath("/foo: a/xenc: Encrypted. Data", ns); Decryptor d = new Decryptor(d, key, xpath); // Decrypt the document in place // d. decrypt. In. Place(); 25

Graphs and Actions + Graphs ▪ Policy derived [to be done] ▪ Executable dependency Graphs and Actions + Graphs ▪ Policy derived [to be done] ▪ Executable dependency chains – Chains of independent Actions + Actions ▪ Atomic building blocks – no dependencies to other Actions ▪ Either: reads or writes to a DOM (or both) ▪ Or: maps or re-maps values + A number of pre-packaged actions and graphs ▪ Now: Mainly used for WS-* ▪ 26 org. apache. tsik. wsp. Action and org. apache. tsik. wsp. Dependency. Graph

Future directions 27 Future directions 27

TSIK future + Collaboration with other Apache projects ▪ Overlap, re-use, commons + Key TSIK future + Collaboration with other Apache projects ▪ Overlap, re-use, commons + Key Management, WS-* ▪ Dozens of standards + (Federated) Identities ▪ Liberty ▪ SAML ▪ Info. Card ▪ Non-XML? + Roadmap still being decided ▪ Driven by developers! ▪ http: //incubator. apache. org/tsik 28

Thanks! Questions? Hans Granqvist <hans@apache. org> Thanks! Questions? Hans Granqvist