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Practical Implementation of HACCP system in small companies. Sofia, 10 February, 2006 Brendan Lawlor. H. S. E. Galway , Ireland
Imagine getting food poisoning here!
HACCP is intended as a permanent guarantee of Safe Food n n n n n Its based on prevention Assures customer in advance, included in price! Better than sampling food afterwards Best brains biggest bucks produced it……. it works Used in other businesses Intelligent Varies with size & type of business It’s a global brand Only as good as the people operating the system
HACCP…. Reservations Is a highly complex food safety assurance system, n developed by scientists, n supervised by quality-control managers n operated by technicians, n in space-age environments. n
Classical HACCP is an excellent system for cost effective production of safe food …. . from large manufacturing companies, consistent processing lines, (e. g. meat processing plants with veterinary supervision), supermarket chains, franchises with generic solutions, etc can be useful in Hospitals & Nursing Homes
It is an altogether different matter for the vast majority of European food businesses, which are small (96%), sometimes isolated and lacking technical knowledge, (e. g. catering). Imagine implementing HACCP here !
The Reality Most operators of small companies can produce safe food (Risk is the issue, not size) but cannot produce documented hazard analysis (bacteriological, chemical & physical) and scientific control systems. Don’t see the need for it.
Does it work for us ? n n n Joined EEC in 1973 FSAI set up in 1998 (47 Agencies) HACCP became a legal requirement for us in 1998
HACCP Compliance in Irish Food Businesses (2000) Of 510 premises surveyed 74% claimed to have a food safety management system 52% had heard of the term HACCP only 38% believed that they were responsible for developing their own food safety management system 42% thought their inspector was responsible!
High Risk Butcher shops 2005 961 examined n 27% are compliant n 60% have started the process n 13% ……. yet to start n
Was it us ? Are we stupid? n 1998 First country in Eu to have I. S. O. accreditation in food control n 2000 First accredited national standard for HACCP in Europe n 2004 We succeeded in eliminating smoking in the workplace overnight n Publish and be damned !!!
Is it working elsewhere ? In many places HACCP has lost its credibility n In places it is ignored (soft cheeses) n Food workers and inspectors did not understand it. n Who gives what training ? n Risk identification is difficult with familiarity n Until 2006 it did not have to be documented n
Where we went wrong Inexperienced, inconsistent, inspectors, did not audit n Files (not systems) were not practical: large and bought off the shelf. Pigs might fly ! n Documents were faked; Irish jail n
A paper exercise: Galway Young inspectorate enforcing guides
Food businesses are moving into the new millennium, so must we!
Consultants Are part of the problem, and part of the solution n Charged by the sheet n Wrote plans in their language. Were not around for audits: HACCP maintenance contracts. n Should be part of HACCP team n FSAI gave guidance n In many cases, good ones, are essential. n
We were not alone ! The Letters of the Law n Hazard n Analysis n Critical n Control n Point Or, have a cup of coffee and pray!
HACCP Strategy Objectives n n n To promote HACCP at national and regional level To demystify the concept of HACCP To target specific premises To help industry in its own development of HACCP To develop a consistent approach to implementing HACCP. To develop a consistent approach in enforcing HACCP
Food Poisoning Outbreaks 1999 -2001 (n=159) n Hotel/guest house 39 (25%) n Hospital/residential inst 30 (19%) n Restaurant/café/take away 28 (18%) n Private Home 23 (14%) n Staff canteen 7 (4%) n Crèche 7 (4%) n Other 25 (16%)
Haccp Strategy + Local Initiatives 3 assessments carried out; targeted approach n Doubling in HACCP compliance in Hotels n Focus is now on Butchers n
The Galway Approach n Introduced on a gradual basis from 1998 – to date Galway n Consultation with all inspectors
HACCP Training course n n n Three day course developed, 9 hours, one session a week For proprietors, managers and supervisors Participatory - lots of homework Attendees have a System for € 100. Over 250 small/medium sized food businesses have attended and successfully completed course.
Solution to the problem ? The Hygiene Package ! or ?
‘Hygiene Package’; Flexibility introduced n n n Article 5 of Reg 852 is the legal position Guidance document from Sanco may be solution ‘Two types of HACCP’ ? Annexe 1; Classic systems: no flexibility Annexe 2; Explores extent of flexibility (2 types); Pre requisites or guides
852/2004 – Chapter III Guides to Good Practice n Article 7: “Member States shall encourage the development of national guides to good practice for hygiene and for the application of HACCP principles”
What has happened since? Authorities have panicked. n Fortunes spent on consultants (everywhere). n Businesses closed down n Large meaningless plans purchased (pigs fly) n 92% success claimed by some !!! n Over-elaborate Systems (Ireland) jail ! n Simplified System for small caterers (G. B) n
The 4 C’s G. B. ‘HACCP’ or ‘HAZARD’ not mentioned
What's needed now? Simplify! As much as necessary, not as much as possible n Pre-requisites, Training, Management commitment n A Food Safety Management System incorporating HACCP is yourresponsibility n
A Simple, flexible system Identify risks: difficult; eliminate complaints n Put controls in place to deal with risks n A clear procedure if things who wrong n Keep this up to date n Record procedures and checks n
In other words !
This is management of risk ! HACCP applied !!
Guides to the Future n n n n Our national standards authority has designed a Haccp plan with flexibility (5 CCP’s) in IS 340/06 May be applied to all catering establishments FSAI has produced detailed guidelines for the development of Industry Guides to Good Practice, incorporating HACCP. Guides need to be simple, (in food workers language) They also may finish collecting dust on a shelf They must be applied to each premises, individually Be updated
HACCP ‘Brand’ will succeed ISO 22000; PAN EUROPEAN STANDARD Food businesses are striving for excellence not just for minimum legal standard.
Good luck in the future LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES