Скачать презентацию Practical Grammar vs Theoretical Grammar How vs Why Скачать презентацию Practical Grammar vs Theoretical Grammar How vs Why

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  • Количество слайдов: 12

Practical Grammar vs. Theoretical Grammar How? vs. Why? Practical=Normative (norms, grammar rules) Theoretical The Practical Grammar vs. Theoretical Grammar How? vs. Why? Practical=Normative (norms, grammar rules) Theoretical The task is to explain and analyze linguistic phenomena

Morphology from Ancient Greek Cf. Psychology, Physiology, Sociology etc. Λόγος (logos) — word - Morphology from Ancient Greek Cf. Psychology, Physiology, Sociology etc. Λόγος (logos) — word - a word of something as a study of something - knowledge about something μορφή — form (форма) (слово о форме/ учение о форме) consequently: Morphology is the study of forms

Morphology vs. Morpheme Morphology vs. Morpheme

Syntax from Ancient Greek “σύνταξις”- Syntax from Ancient Greek “σύνταξις”- "arrangement" (σύν (syn) - together, and τάξις (táxis) - an ordering) - the study of word combinations (phrases and sentences)

Grammatical type Languages Synthetic (inflexional) analytical Synthesis is an inseparable link of the lexical Grammatical type Languages Synthetic (inflexional) analytical Synthesis is an inseparable link of the lexical and grammatical meaning Analysis is a decomposition of linguistic form into its semantic and grammatical parts

Define the type: 1) I shall/will come – Я приду 2) The students are Define the type: 1) I shall/will come – Я приду 2) The students are being examined 3) The letter will have been written by Friday 4) He wrote the letter with a pen (write/wrote – the case of inner-inflexion) 5) Я буду читать. 6) He speaks 5 languages.

Ways of word connection 1) Fixed word order E. g. The hunter killed the Ways of word connection 1) Fixed word order E. g. The hunter killed the bear Cf. The bear killed the hunter 2) Prepositions E. g. made by father/written with a pen

3) Word changing suffixes or endings a) agreement (concord) E. g. He speaks. E. 3) Word changing suffixes or endings a) agreement (concord) E. g. He speaks. E. g. Сложное задание – a subordinate word reproduces the grammatical features of the head word b) government E. g. Согласно приказу, распоряжению, договору. E. g. Nobody but me E. g. Saw him – the head word presupposes the necessary grammatical form of the subordinate word

Word-building 1) Suffixation E. g. sun-sunny 2) Prefixation E. g. to do-redo-overdo-undo Word-building 1) Suffixation E. g. sun-sunny 2) Prefixation E. g. to do-redo-overdo-undo

3) Conversion E. g. pin- to pin (N-V) E. g. 2. finger – to 3) Conversion E. g. pin- to pin (N-V) E. g. 2. finger – to finger (at) - A word is placed into a synthetic position typical of another part of speech and gets its morphological features E. g. 3. clean – to clean, tidy – to tidy (Adj- V)

4) Phrasal verbs E. g. put + preposition Put off - to postpone Put 4) Phrasal verbs E. g. put + preposition Put off - to postpone Put on - dress oneself/ increase in weight Put up with - to tolerate E. g. I won’t put up with such rude behavior any longer

5) Compounds - complex words consisting of several elements E. g. to watch a 5) Compounds - complex words consisting of several elements E. g. to watch a bird – a bird-watcher E. g. 2. to sit for a baby – to baby-sit – a baby -sitter