Practical Grammar vs. Theoretical Grammar How? vs. Why? Practical=Normative (norms, grammar rules) Theoretical The task is to explain and analyze linguistic phenomena
Morphology from Ancient Greek Cf. Psychology, Physiology, Sociology etc. Λόγος (logos) — word - a word of something as a study of something - knowledge about something μορφή — form (форма) (слово о форме/ учение о форме) consequently: Morphology is the study of forms
Morphology vs. Morpheme
Syntax from Ancient Greek “σύνταξις”- "arrangement" (σύν (syn) - together, and τάξις (táxis) - an ordering) - the study of word combinations (phrases and sentences)
Grammatical type Languages Synthetic (inflexional) analytical Synthesis is an inseparable link of the lexical and grammatical meaning Analysis is a decomposition of linguistic form into its semantic and grammatical parts
Define the type: 1) I shall/will come – Я приду 2) The students are being examined 3) The letter will have been written by Friday 4) He wrote the letter with a pen (write/wrote – the case of inner-inflexion) 5) Я буду читать. 6) He speaks 5 languages.
Ways of word connection 1) Fixed word order E. g. The hunter killed the bear Cf. The bear killed the hunter 2) Prepositions E. g. made by father/written with a pen
3) Word changing suffixes or endings a) agreement (concord) E. g. He speaks. E. g. Сложное задание – a subordinate word reproduces the grammatical features of the head word b) government E. g. Согласно приказу, распоряжению, договору. E. g. Nobody but me E. g. Saw him – the head word presupposes the necessary grammatical form of the subordinate word
Word-building 1) Suffixation E. g. sun-sunny 2) Prefixation E. g. to do-redo-overdo-undo
3) Conversion E. g. pin- to pin (N-V) E. g. 2. finger – to finger (at) - A word is placed into a synthetic position typical of another part of speech and gets its morphological features E. g. 3. clean – to clean, tidy – to tidy (Adj- V)
4) Phrasal verbs E. g. put + preposition Put off - to postpone Put on - dress oneself/ increase in weight Put up with - to tolerate E. g. I won’t put up with such rude behavior any longer
5) Compounds - complex words consisting of several elements E. g. to watch a bird – a bird-watcher E. g. 2. to sit for a baby – to baby-sit – a baby -sitter