Practical English (1): Advanced Instructor: Dr. Yi-Cheng Huang Course Code: A 8327240 School of Science and Engineering/ Language and Communication Time: 09: 20 -12: 10 Date: Dec. 10, 2007
Course Description of Today n n n 1. Chapter 1, Unit 4: Big Money—What Does a Million Dollars Buy? 2. Self-Introduction 3. Roll Call
Vocabulary: Paragraph 1 and 2 1 quit: resign (if you quit your job, you resign from it); an informal use. n 2 realize: to understand, to start to believe something is true n 3 cost of living: the cost of the necessities of life, such as food, housing, clothes, transportation, etc. n 4 soar: to reach a higher level than usual n 5 dense: crowded together n
Vocabulary: Paragraph 1 and 2 6 supply: a quantity of goods (vs. demand) n 7 rent: if you rent something, you regularly pay its owner a sum of money in order to be able to have it and use it yourself. (for rent, for sale) n 8 approximate: an approximate number, time or position is close to the correct number, time or position, but is not exact (vs exact) n 9 property: land building, real estate n
Vocabulary: Paragraph 3 and 4 1 suburb: a residential area outside the centre of a large town or city (vs city centre) n 2 complex: a group of buildings designed for a particular purpose, or one large building divided into several smaller area n 3 inflation: a rise in prices and lowering of currency’s value n 4 necessity: something that you must have in order to live properly or do something. n
Vocabulary: Paragraph 5 and 6 1 salary: the money that someone is paid each month by their employer (vs. wage) n 2 calculation: an act of doing math n 3 mortgage: a long-term loan from a bank, for buying property n 4 expense: the money that something costs you or that you need to spend in order to do something n 5 life expectancy: the average to which people can expect to live; expectation of life n 6 appear: become visible n
Assignment for Next Week n n Please Preview Chapter 2, Unit 4 (Big Money: Lottery Winners—Rich, but Happy? ) Please Prepare Your 3 Minutes Personal Introduction (in English, of course!)