Скачать презентацию PPDP 2015 Performance Planning Development Process Reviewee Скачать презентацию PPDP 2015 Performance Planning Development Process Reviewee


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PPDP 2015 (Performance Planning & Development Process) Reviewee Perspective PPDP 2015 (Performance Planning & Development Process) Reviewee Perspective

Presentation has been divided into 2 PART’S p PART I familiarizes & reiterates the Presentation has been divided into 2 PART’S p PART I familiarizes & reiterates the Process followed and the Form Contents followed by some FAQs. p PART II describes the Review and the Feedback Process… It’s role & relevance.

Part 1 - AGENDA p Objectives of PPDP p PPDP Process Flow p PPDP Part 1 - AGENDA p Objectives of PPDP p PPDP Process Flow p PPDP Form p Contents p Filling up the form p FAQs p Timelines

Objectives of PPDP p p p Performance Review p Measurement of achievement against set Objectives of PPDP p p p Performance Review p Measurement of achievement against set goals p Reflecting on Triumphs & Tragedies Discussion on Career Aspiration p Career Planning Development Planning p Meaningful connect of competency gaps in development planning p Individual Development Plan (IDP) Goal Setting for Next Year p Create/Validate Goal sheet for next performance year Generate Input for Compensation Revision p Overall Rating p Moderation

PPDP Process Flow - 2015 PROCESS FLOW-PPDP 2015 Start Reviewee fills and submits form PPDP Process Flow - 2015 PROCESS FLOW-PPDP 2015 Start Reviewee fills and submits form 2 nd level agrees with KPA ratings Review Discussion (face to face) with 1 st level supervisor No - KPA Ratings finalized Development discussion taken Form submitted by 1 st level Discusses with 1 st level Yes Change in KPA ratings? 1 st level to discuss with reviewee No Yes 2 nd level reviews and submits form If Reviewee not satisfied with assessment Escalation point Escalation to BU HR Head Form available for moderation to moderator/HR POAF BU HR, discusses with 1 st nd level, /2 closes escalation with reviewee NOTES Escalation runs as a parallel process Escalation can be closed only by BU HR Form can be forwarded by 1 st /2 nd level to anyone to seek views

PPDP FORM - 2015 PPDP Form has 3 main sections • Section A – PPDP FORM - 2015 PPDP Form has 3 main sections • Section A – Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 1 – Performance Review - Actuals vs Goals (targets) Important terms: n KPAs: KPAs areas of performance vital for results. Critical make or break areas where poor performance could affect the reviewee's success n Objectives: Are statement of results to be achieved in a specific time. Each KPA has 1 -3 objectives. n Target: Is the deliverable to be achieved or expected output on each objective n Actual Achievement: As far as possible data on performance should be captured in terms of numbers/dates

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 1 – Performance Review - Actuals vs Goals (targets) n n n Role based Goalsheet, KPAs, Objectives and targets are displayed on the form. If your role doesn’t have standard KPAs, your PPDP form would appear blank. You will have to enter your KPAs yourself. KPAs cant be deleted, however you can additional KPAs or objectives. In case a particular KPA / Objective is not relevant, put NA under actual achievement. You can modify the targets which would then be displayed in a different color.

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 1 – Performance Review - Actuals vs Goals (targets) You will be rated as per the following scale on each KPA: n Meets targets on all the objectives - 4 n Meets targets in the critical objectives - 3 n Meets target in at least one of the objective - 2 n Does not meet targets in any of the objectives - 1

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan •

Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not fill Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not fill up Targets and Actual Achievement data for KPAs too. . This is not correct. . Targets and Actual Achievement is to be filled up for each Objective under KPA, rather than KPAs themselves.

Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not write Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not write objectives which are not SMART. . The objective is not specific and is not measurable. ‘On Time’ is very broad and can be interpreted in different ways. Also, measurement becomes very difficult…. Rather it could have been written like…

 The objective is specific and can be measured easily. The objective is specific and can be measured easily.

Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not write Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not write actual achievement that doesn’t correlate with the Target…. The target is no. of weeks of slippage, the actual achievement should also be in terms of no. of weeks of slippage. . . Here the reviewee talks about the individual batches and their slippages, but no mention of the total slippage in number of weeks.

This is a better way of writing the same thing … Here Actual Achievement This is a better way of writing the same thing … Here Actual Achievement is in terms of %age achievement thus making it specific and reducing ambiguity.

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 1 – Task Review - Actuals vs Goals - FAQs n I have had a role change in June. . however KPA’s shown are for my previous role. What should I do? n n The KPA has a target which got changed after last year’s PPDP…can I amend it and how? n n Incase of a role change the Goalsheet for the new role will be generated effective from the date of the role change. You can make changes in the targets which would be reflected in a different color. Can I add new objectives. . One of them is missing. n You can add any number of new objectives.

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 1 – Task Review - Actuals vs Goals - FAQs n Can I make changes in my form after I submit it? • You can request your supervisor to send the back to you and then the changes can be made. n I would like to know the status of my submitted PPDP form. • You will be able to view from the Form status at the top bar. n I am not reporting to the manager stated … whom do I get in touch with. • For changing your reporting manager and reviewing manager, you can approach your Location HR

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 2 – Achievement Summary n What went well? You should capture these based on moments when your sense of pride / achievement was the highest. ’ For e. g. Defect rate well within defined parameters with minimum re work

Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section A 2. Achievement Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section A 2. Achievement Summary - Mention highlights of the review period and the learning derived from them. Focus on your strengths and development areas. What went well? All activities done on time A very broad statement and leaves a lot of scope for interpretation. What went well? 1. Completion of SAP & client app projects on time as per requirement of customer 2. Onboarding of new project managers and people 3. Vertical Data Capture Systems and setting Vertical Processes 4. Onsite coordination was a challenging assignment which I did successfully Specific and Clear Pls. do not leave it to your supervisor to think of what YOU did well in the review period. . Don’t be modest. . at the same time, don’t mention more than 7 -8 points. .

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 2 – Achievement Summary n What could have been better? You should reflect on the instances where you felt you could have done much better, n What were the assumptions that went wrong, n What you could have done differently to change the outcome? For eg. Adherence to timelines suffered because of inaccurate effort estimation

Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not write Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not write broad statements without specifying the impact What could have been better? 1. Project Launch It doesn’t communicate what did not go well in Project launch, the %age achievement / quality of projects or anything else. . The effect of the Action that didn’t go well has to be communicated. What could have been better? Clear visiblity of scope of project would improve planning In project the offshore team facing a big problem of connectiviy. This thing need to be imporved. Not having any in house team member was a cause of problem at times Lot of dependencies on the other teams for data and execution It communicates the action as well as the impact i. e. what didn’t happen as per expectations and how it impacted the achievement of goals.

Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not write Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not write things that were outside our immediate control. . What could have been better? I should have got opportunities to provide Subject Matter Expertise for MS projects. LACK OF PLANNING BY BUSINESS GROUPS was HINDERANCE TO COST SAVING Here the reviewee talks about getting a different role or to work on a different project. This was definitely not in control of the reviewee and it would have followed its own process. The scripts could have been crisper and the whole design could have been managed better to be within budget. The development should have involved graphics review by specialists (pre-scheduled). The focus is on things that could have been done by better planning, better estimation etc…. Things that were in the area of control of the reviewee.

Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not blame Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Should not blame others / external circumstances for what did not What could have been better? go well. . I was asking for one AC for our server room but due to lack of keenness and support by all the concern authorities it was not been done on time. Reviewee blames the intention of the concerned authorities for something that did not go well. . This is not the best of ways of writing the thing. . What could have been better? Better cost estimation and budget planning at the beginning of the year could have enabled me purchasing one AC for our server room. I could have been involved in the budgeting phase. Reviewee takes responsibility, specifies the reason for not being able to purchase the AC and also expresses the corrective action that can be taken in future.

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 2 – Achievement Summary n Learning You should reflect on the year gone by and list down key learnings. TIPS : n Learning doesn’t necessarily comes from success. It also comes from failures. n Learning could be both personal or professional. . eg. Training on ‘Art of living’ helped me manage my project as well as helped me manage my personal life better.

Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Focus on what Things to watch out for. . While filling up this section Focus on what we couldn’t learn rather than what we actually did. . Learning - No time to learn new technologies or improve the existing knowledge in the technology. Learning is not necessarily in terms of new technologies. . Can also be better time management, team work, …etc. Learning 1. Function Point Analysis Training 2. continuous learning through E-seed. Learning through E-seed is a learning that has been mentioned along with the learning in technical areas.

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 2 – Achievement Summary : FAQs • Do I need to specify my learnings and what went well and what didn’t? Wont my supervisor already know about it? • It is better not to work on presumptions. Look at your supervisor as a Facilitator and not as a Critic. . • If I write something in ‘What did not go well’, wont it affect my appraisal ratings? • No, the idea here is to mention missed opportunities or something you could have done better. Maybe you didn’t foresee something hence it didn't get executed in the way it should have • Will I be able to view Forwarding managers and Reviewing Managers comments? • Yes.

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 3 – Facilitation from supervisor • Facilitation from my supervisor. • Things that supervisor should continue to do or do differently to enable you perform better. – This is one area where you need to reflect on your experiences with your supervisor and share your views on his supervisory style. – Areas where you can provide inputs are Management style, clarity provided, delegation of work, coaching, timeliness of decision, quality of feedback, frequency and value add of reviews. For eg. “I would prefer clearer guidelines on assigned tasks” or “I would want more focused and frequent reviews on the quality of my work”

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 3 – Facilitation from supervisor : FAQs • I am scared of giving Feedback to my supervisor. I fear that it’ll spoil my appraisal. What should I do? Giving honest feedback driven by facts and evidence will never do any harm. Please understand that you are giving feedback to enable your supervisor to improve his approach. This in turn will help him / her in enabling / facilitating your work, growth & development better

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • PPDP FORM Section A. 4 – Development Areas • Summary of your IEF evaluation and technical competency evaluation scores are displayed here. • Before going for the review, identify areas you want to work on based on the IEF / technical competency scores. It will give a better focus and increased ownership. • You should discuss these with your reporting manager and use them for making individual development plan in the next section.

IEF & Technical Competency scores IEF & Technical Competency scores

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • PPDP FORM Section B Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • PPDP FORM Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations – You should identify and select a role (from a drop box) that you would like to perform in the next 12 – 24 months. Date for the same shall be filled by the supervisor only. S N o 1 Career Aspiration The Role aspired for is selected from the drop box. Career Aspiration Text The reason for selecting the role Date (to be filled by reporting manager) Reporting manager’s comments Reporting manager to give in the date by when the reviewee would be ready to take on the new role based on the discussion with the reviewee. Comments in terms of current strengths and gaps that would need to address career objective.

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • PPDP FORM Section B Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • PPDP FORM Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • Section B – Career Aspirations • Points that you need to keep in mind before selection is: - Your current role and current set of skills & competencies. - The reasons for wanting to move to the future role. - What are the skills and competencies that would be required for the future role. (a link would show you the competencies for your current role and the desired role based on the role aspired for. ) - The gap between the same would lead to development plans / training plan in the next sections - There are some Track Mandatory Trainings that are required to be completed based on role aspired for - The time frame that would be needed to get equipped with the required competencies.

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • PPDP FORM Section B Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • PPDP FORM Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • Section B – Career Aspirations – FAQs • Is it necessary to select a role? I am happy doing my current role and don’t want a change for the next 2 years. • No, its not mandatory to select a role. You can leave it blank. • I don’t want a role change, but want to work on a different project and also want some additional responsibility in my same role. What should I do? • You should mention your current role in the career aspiration box and mention the project, additional responsibility etc. in the career aspiration text. Also, discuss the same with your supervisor during the review.

Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • PPDP FORM Section B Section A–Performance review Section B 1 – Career Aspirations • PPDP FORM Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • Section B – Career Aspirations – FAQs • The role that I select in career aspirations. . Will I be moved in the role in the timeline I mention and agreed by my supervisor? • Make a development plan based on the competency gaps after having a discussion with your supervisor. You would be evaluated for the said role. The defined time frame in which you can move to the said role will be given by the supervisor. • How do I select a role for myself? I don’t know what the role entails. Is there someway I can have more information about the various roles? • You can refer to the link on top of the form – Goal Sheets to find out more about the role. You can also refer to the job description of the role updated on i. NIITian. You can always discuss with your HR and your supervisor for more details on the various roles.

Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations PPDP FORM Section B Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations PPDP FORM Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan comprise of trainings identified for individual development Competency gaps • Behavioral • Technical • Functional / Domain • Skills / Other skills • Career aspiration Methods • Instruction Lead Training • e. SEED • Self Learning / KP • OJT • Mentoring • Certification

Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • This section shows the mandatory Track trainings based on Career Aspiration

Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations Section B 2 – Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • This section helps to identify the desired trainings which are not currently available, this link would only be visible to SPM+

(B 2) Individual Development Plan (IDP) (B 2) Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations PPDP FORM Section B Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations PPDP FORM Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan You make a individual development plan for yourself for improving your performance in your current role and also achieve your career aspiration. The inputs for the action plan could be taken from – IEF & Technical competency evaluations and competency gaps identified – Career aspirations. – Current Performance on KPAs. – In case you have not received feedback through IEF , you can take feedback from your peers & supervisors and build action plans accordingly.

Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations PPDP FORM Section B Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations PPDP FORM Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • For creating a Individual Development Plan • List key actions you would work on. • Put a time frame that would be required for each activity in the action plan. • Identify the mode from ILT, e. SEED, OJT, KP, Self Learning, external, certification, Mentoring. • You may view the Training Objectives before selecting a training in your IDP • Discuss your action plans with the reporting manager. Take inputs which would help you make your action plans more practical and will also address areas of improvement identified by your supervisor. After PPDP, the development plan would be available for you to view on i. NIITian in PROGRESS. Changes can be made, during the year which needs to be validated by your supervisor.

Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations PPDP FORM Section B Section A–Performance review • Section B 1 – Career Aspirations PPDP FORM Section B 2 – Individual Development Plan • • Trainings should be selected based on the focus areas identified for the current role and future role requirements. • Prioritize the trainings in the individual development plan and assign time frames in consultation with the Reporting manager. After PPDP, IDP would be available for you to view on i. NIITian in PROGRESS. You can modify it during the year with the help of your supervisor.

Links on PPDP FORM – – – – – IDP 2014 Goal Sheet Form Links on PPDP FORM – – – – – IDP 2014 Goal Sheet Form status Individual Development Plan(Current) IEF Summary (Where applicable) Technical competency score sheet (Where applicable) Competency Framework Career path Career Aspiration Profile Digital Diary Link

PPDP FORM • Can I attach a document in support of my performance to PPDP FORM • Can I attach a document in support of my performance to be viewed by my supervisor ? • Yes.

Escalation Process p In case you do not agree with the assessment and the Escalation Process p In case you do not agree with the assessment and the ratings that have been stated in the PPDP form, there is a window to escalate to IBU HR. p IBU HR will discuss this with Reporting Manager, Reviewing Manager or with any manager who is involved in the review. p This will happen only after submission of the form by the 2 nd level Reviewing Manager. p Escalation process would run as a parallel process with PPDP.

Escalation Process – When to escalate You should escalate if: p Your assessment was Escalation Process – When to escalate You should escalate if: p Your assessment was not data driven. p Your KPA and performance drivers ratings were not discussed with you; or were changed after the initial discussion. p Face to face review didn’t happen for you.

Assessment Moderation Process n n n Moderation is a forced ranking method whereby you Assessment Moderation Process n n n Moderation is a forced ranking method whereby you are assigned one of the four performance bands which are A+, A, B, C. A fixed percentage of NIITians fall into these performance bands each year. Annual increment is in accordance with the performance band that you are assigned to for a year.

Part 2 - AGENDA p Review Process p Tips for receiving feedback p Expectations Part 2 - AGENDA p Review Process p Tips for receiving feedback p Expectations from the Reviewee.

REVIEW PROCESS p The Review Process has 3 Phases: p PHASE 1 - Preparation REVIEW PROCESS p The Review Process has 3 Phases: p PHASE 1 - Preparation to be done Before the Review p PHASE 2 - Discussion that takes place During the Review. p PHASE 3 - Closing the loop n Documenting the discussion results, n Reviewing the strength & development areas n Creating an action plan n finally scheduling the actions.

Follow-up and Review Discussions Keys for Success Before Documenting and preparing During Structured discussion Follow-up and Review Discussions Keys for Success Before Documenting and preparing During Structured discussion After Documenting commitments and activities, schedule actions

Follow-up and Review Discussions: Preparation to be done Before the Review Before Document Revisit Follow-up and Review Discussions: Preparation to be done Before the Review Before Document Revisit the objectives and the KPAs q q Gather data on results q What impacted my performance § Informal discussion data § Feedback from others § Specific actions/ accomplishments § Observations § Other documentation Prepare PERFORMANCE ON TRACK Meets/Exceeds expectations p. Determine strengths / areas for improvement p. Assess against agreed to objectives p. Identify improvement ideas / developmental activities Ask yourself What went well ? What could be improved ? Invite Feedback ? PERFORMANCE OFF TRACK Partly meets / Does not meet expectations

Documenting and Preparing Before Actions ¨ Have you collected the data and analyzed the Documenting and Preparing Before Actions ¨ Have you collected the data and analyzed the results and behaviours by comparing them to what was agreed on with supervisor? ¨ Have you taken into account events which influenced the performance? ¨ Is your performance on track or not? ¨ How does your own performance fit in with the overall strategy and objectives for your organization Behaviours ¨ ¨ Have you determined your strengths and areas for improvement? ¨ ¨ Are you prepared to provide some ideas on how to improve results? ¨ ¨ What kind of skills you can develop in future ¨ Have you based your assessment on specific facts and observable behaviours? Have you avoided value judgements based on isolated incidents or the staff member’s most recent actions? Start on a positive note Are you accepting criticism gracefully?

During Review Discussion During 1. Establish a positive contact § Start on a positive During Review Discussion During 1. Establish a positive contact § Start on a positive note. § State your expectation for meeting 2. Share results § Review results § Discuss progress/success to date § Share area of strength and development § Any obstacles and problems you faced § Offer solutions for aspects to be improved § Areas for coaching 4. Agree on a follow-up plan § Summarize the strengths and the aspects to be improved and agree on follow-up activities § Adjust action plan as required § Review development or training activities and make adjustments as required 3. Listen and assimilate § Take feedback positively § Share your ideas 5. Document decisions and schedule a follow-up meeting § Summarize the key decisions § Take notes § Express confidence § Schedule follow-up meetings/actions

Tips for Receiving Feedback Listen to whole message Be aware of your initial feelings Tips for Receiving Feedback Listen to whole message Be aware of your initial feelings and put them (temporarily) on hold to enhance listening. Clarify feedback and paraphrase it without becoming defensive. Reflect on feedback and whether you think it is reasonable If feedback is unreasonable, continue discussing / working through the issue(s) with person giving feedback. Learn from the experience and modify your behavior accordingly, if this is what needs to happen.

Tips for Receiving Feedback § Listen Actively: n Make eye contact with the speaker. Tips for Receiving Feedback § Listen Actively: n Make eye contact with the speaker. Ask when in doubt to make sure you understand what is being said. n You could use openers like “Could you pl. clarify…” “If I have understood correctly , what you are indicating is…” § Don’t get emotional: n Breathe deeply. Sit back. Adopt a relaxed body posture. Lower your voice. Speak slowly. n This will help you to understand your supervisor’s perspective, and also to organize your own thoughts

Tips for Receiving Feedback § Don’t get defensive: n Feedback is not aimed at Tips for Receiving Feedback § Don’t get defensive: n Feedback is not aimed at you personally. n Understand your supervisor’s perspective. n Ask for more details on points you don’t agree with. § Accept your Supervisor’s Inputs: n Even when you don’t agree with all of it, there will be some good ideas-accept them. This shows respect for the other person’s perspective

Tips for Receiving Feedback § Put your points across: n Do this in an Tips for Receiving Feedback § Put your points across: n Do this in an objective and well thought out manner. n Do not appear aggressive or agitated in case you do not agree with the feedback given. § Work to Improve: n After you have put your own points across, devote your energy to finding improvement rather than disputing observations. n Offer ideas of your own and build on them to create an action plan

Reactions to Negative feedback…. Some of the usual reactions that we normally indulge in Reactions to Negative feedback…. Some of the usual reactions that we normally indulge in after receiving negative feedback are: n Denial n Anger n Irritability n Hurt n Sadness n Brooding/Sulking n Withdrawing n Procrastination

Reactions to Negative feedback…. What I Feel? Response to be Avoided Positive Response Anger Reactions to Negative feedback…. What I Feel? Response to be Avoided Positive Response Anger (I’m Mad at my boss because he won’t talk to me directly) Acting Out (Stomping out, complaining, being irritable, yelling at subordinates or family) It’s up to me to get the feedback I need. Anxiety (I don’t know what will happen) Brooding (Withdrawal, nail biting) Avoiding (I’m to busy to ask for feedback) Finding out can open new opportunities for me. Fear of Confrontation (I don’t want to do this) Denial Procrastination, self sabotage (Canceling meeting with boss) Taking the initiative puts me in charge and gives me some power.

Reactions to Negative feedback…. What I Feel? Response to be Avoided Positive Response Fear Reactions to Negative feedback…. What I Feel? Response to be Avoided Positive Response Fear of reprisal (If I speak up, will I get a pink slip) Denial (I don’t need any feedback I am doing just fine) I really honestly need to know honestly how I’m doing Hurt (Why did he say I wasn’t trying hard enough) Irritability, Jealousy of I can still pay attention to others what he said even though (Silence, plotting to get I feel hurt. even) Defensiveness ( I’m better than he says) Acting out by not supporting the Boss (You can bet I’m not going to her stupid meeting) Being defensive keeps me from hearing what she has to say.

Reactions to Negative feedback…. What I Feel? Response to be Avoided Positive Response Sadness Reactions to Negative feedback…. What I Feel? Response to be Avoided Positive Response Sadness (I thought he liked me!) Brooding, withdrawal (Being quieter than usual, feeling demotivated) How I’m doing in my job isn’t about whether I’m liked. Fear of change (How will I ever do all that he wants me to do? ) Denial (Keep doing things the same way as before) I must change to keep my job. I need to run the marathon one mile at a time. . Ambivalence ( Should I stay or should I go? ) Procrastination, passivity (Waiting for somebody else to solve the problem) What really serves my interest best? Nobody is as interested in my well being as I am. I need to take some action now.

Follow-up and Review Discussions: A structured process Ongoing management and coaching After Follow Through Follow-up and Review Discussions: A structured process Ongoing management and coaching After Follow Through p p p Document discussion Review strengths and developments area Review and modify Action plan Schedule Actions Plan follow up meetings

Reviewee Checklist q Identify and prioritize your Responsibilities & Objectives n n q Make Reviewee Checklist q Identify and prioritize your Responsibilities & Objectives n n q Make a personal checklist on areas you want to focusinclude them in your development plan. Track your development plan regularly. Reflect on critical incidents & seek feedback on your performance periodically n Do not wait for the annual performance review to seek feedback on your performance, or to solicit help. n Periodicity would depend on the need of the Reviewee, which could vary from weekly, fortnightly to monthly. .

Reviewee Checklist p Clearly communicate your views and expectations to your Reporting Manager. p Reviewee Checklist p Clearly communicate your views and expectations to your Reporting Manager. p Communicate to your Reporting Manager : n n p The support and supervisory style that you would like him to display to enhance your performance. Could give feedback on clarity of tasks assigned, review & feedback, timely decisions, delegation of work. Keep track of individual development plan and learn/improve yourself through training or self learning n Adhere to the individual development plan as they will directly impact your career plans

Timelines PPDP 2015 Staff member form submission Reporting manager review discussion & Reviewing manager Timelines PPDP 2015 Staff member form submission Reporting manager review discussion & Reviewing manager feedback Moderation Role band 1, 2 & 3 16 th March 6 th April 16 th March 20 th April 21 st April 8 th May Role band 4 & 5 1 st April 20 th April 1 st April 8 th May 11 th May 29 th May Role band 6 & Above 1 st April 8 th May 1 st April 20 th May 21 st May 10 th June *Please note that the Link for respective stages (Form Submission /Review/Moderation) will be active only during the dates mentioned above.

Wish you a meaningful PPDP 2015. . ! Wish you a meaningful PPDP 2015. . !