- Количество слайдов: 13
Social inequality and poverty n n Poverty is a prescriptive concept, inequality is a descriptive concept. Inequality is simply a state of affairs, poverty is an unacceptable state of affairs. Poverty is a social problem.
WHAT IS A SOCIAL PROBLEM? n It is a contradiction between an existing form of the social phenomenon and its ‘normal’ form. n It is a contradiction that is to be solved. n Definition of a problem is a basis for action, or policy.
POVERTY AS A SOCIAL PROBLEM n “Poverty is not just a state of affairs, it is an unacceptable state of affairs – it implicitly contains the question, what are we are going to do about it? ”
HISTORY OF POVERTY IN UK n Poverty is a political problem, and therefore the beginning of its history is a beginning of the anti-poverty politics. n Early laws dealing with the landless poor, dating from 1349, branded them as vagrants and subjected them to control.
ABSOLUTE POVERTY n n Poverty defined in absolute terms refers to a state in which the individual lacks the resources necessary for subsistence. “A family is poor if it cannot afford to eat”. (Josef & Sumption)
Definitions of absolute poverty n n n Booth ‘The Life and Labour of the People in London’ (1889 – 1903), v. 1 -17: Poverty line in income: a level below which families were unable to meet the necessities for subsistence. 1/3 of the population in London were in poverty. Rowntree determined the basic diets necessary for subsistence and then calculated the income needed to provide these diets, with an allowance for clothing and housing. 15 % of York’s population were in poverty. 1950 s – fewer than 2 %.
RELATIVE POVERTY n n Relative definitions refer to the individual’s or group’s lack of resources when compared with that of other members of the society – in other words their relative standard of living. Townsend: Relative poverty prevents people from participating in activities that are customary in the society in which they live.
THE DISTRIBUTION OF POVERTY IN EUROPE, 1985 (community-wide poverty lines) Portugal Denmark Germany France Belgium Netherlands UK Italy Spain Greece 16 % 1% 3% 12 % 1% 2% 11 % 16 % 26 % 10 %
Poverty in Russia Official level 23 % VTz. IOM: 1 st criteria (poverty line) 62 % 2 d criteria (evaluation of poverty line by the population) 81 %
The working poor
The working poor in Russia n n МРОТ – 1100 руб. (2007 г. ). Работники, не имеющие специального образования: санитарки, гардеробщицы, дезинфекторы, уборщицы. В госучреждениях на этих должностях около 1 млн. чел. Официальную зарплату в 1 МРОТ официально порою платят на малых частных предприятиях, чтобы уйти от налогов.