Скачать презентацию Potential and specific features of the method of Скачать презентацию Potential and specific features of the method of


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Potential and specific features of the method of transmission and integrated protection of information Potential and specific features of the method of transmission and integrated protection of information Stocos, Ltd. 1

and performance (high speed of information processing, the guaranteed reliability in any channel, high and performance (high speed of information processing, the guaranteed reliability in any channel, high percentage of corrected errors). Universality is understood as applicability in any data memory bank and in any communication channel (with various interference rates and the law of interference distribution). Integrated approach to the protection problem is understood as possibility to protect the information at various kinds of impact within the framework of a single algorithm of information processing and at one-time redundancy introduction. Stocos, Ltd. 2

The method is based on new codes for restoration of integrity of the information The method is based on new codes for restoration of integrity of the information - stochastic codes, i. e. the errors correction with the preset accuracy. Stocos, Ltd. 3

Stochastic encoding procedure Encoding of codes with restoration of information integrity is reduced to Stochastic encoding procedure Encoding of codes with restoration of information integrity is reduced to application of any binary (n, k)-code with correction of the errors, described by verification matrix Н and the code distance d, in the form of l-interlacing code blocks, where l the binary symbols with the same name are considered to be a q-ary symbol (q=2 l); each q-ary symbol, prior to transmission to a channel, is subject to randomization (stochastic transformation) with randomization parameter changing for each new symbol. Randomization operation is carried out by Shannon rules of cryptography. Stocos, Ltd. 4

Decoding procedure the reverse randomization of q-ary symbols ; correction of deformed symbols by Decoding procedure the reverse randomization of q-ary symbols ; correction of deformed symbols by means of preliminary allocation (localization) of nondeformed symbols in the channel; check of accuracy of the allocated symbols the joint (co-coordinated) decoding individual binary l interlacing of the code block; correction of not allocated or inexact symbols by correction of deletions, where the corrected symbol is expressed through authentically allocated symbols Stocos, Ltd. 5

Main distinction between stochastic codes and the conventional codes with error correction Correction of Main distinction between stochastic codes and the conventional codes with error correction Correction of errors is carried out by the rule of maximum accuracy, unlike the principle of maximum credibility used in theory of coding, which principle is reduced to allocation, from all possible vectors of errors, of such vector, which "is the most credible" in the type of channels used. Stocos, Ltd. 6

Integrated efficiency of stochastic protection methods One may speak of “maximum benefit” (ultimate probability Integrated efficiency of stochastic protection methods One may speak of “maximum benefit” (ultimate probability of message delivery, minimal probability of decoding error, minimal probability of inflicting false information, minimal probability of cracking the context of a confidential message) at minimal investments (introduction of minimal redundancy, required complexity of processing, minimal delay time) Stocos, Ltd. 7

Processing speed for decoding and individual operations, achieved in modeling (for the processor with Processing speed for decoding and individual operations, achieved in modeling (for the processor with 1467 MHz clock rate) Speed of decoding is up to 50 Mb/sec and practically does not depend on the code parameters and on the probability of error appearance. Speed of direct stochastic conversion is 77 097 312 bit/sec. Speed of reverse stochastic conversion is 65 154 628 bit/sec. Stocos, Ltd. 8

Transmission rate at selecting the optimal values of code with error correction Pq code Transmission rate at selecting the optimal values of code with error correction Pq code 2 -1 2 -2 2 -3 2 -4 2 -5 2 -6 2 -7 2 -8 2 -9 2 -10 (8. 2) 0. 079 0. 149 (8. 4) 0. 212 0. 364 (16. 7) 0. 320 0. 388 (16. 11) 0. 339 0. 572 0. 632 (32. 26) 0. 424 0. 705 0. 774 (64. 57) 0. 481 0. 788 0. 866 (128. 120) 0. 836 0. 917 (256. 247) 0. 864 0. 945 (512. 502) 0. 890 0. 962 Stocos, Ltd. 9

Transmission methods comparison Stocos, Ltd. 10 Transmission methods comparison Stocos, Ltd. 10

Rate gain in transmission via communication channels In a binary channel with a binary Rate gain in transmission via communication channels In a binary channel with a binary symbol deformation probability within the range of 10 -1 to 10 -2 (other methods do not work at all) the relative (efficient) speed is within the range of 0. 1 – 0. 3; In a binary channel with a binary symbol deformation probability within the range of 10 -2 to 10 -3 the method in question offers the gain in the range of 1. 5 to 2 (0. 3 to 0. 5 and up to 0. 75) times over the conventional cascade codes with error correction; In a binary channel with a binary symbol deformation probability within the range of 10 -3 to 10 -5 the method in question offers the gain in the range of 1. 5 to 1. 7 (0. 6 to 0. 7 and up to 0. 95) times over the conventional cyclic codes. Stocos, Ltd. 11

Improvements in methods of checking and integrity restoration In case of attempted infliction of Improvements in methods of checking and integrity restoration In case of attempted infliction of false information the checking and integrity restoration processes are initiated in the mode of imitation rejecting error correction. Stocos, Ltd. 12

Advantages in solving the cryptography problems High speed processing (10 Mb/sec); Large size key Advantages in solving the cryptography problems High speed processing (10 Mb/sec); Large size key (2 Kb); Encrypting endurance close to Shannon absolute maximum. Stocos, Ltd. 13

Application of stochastic methods in information protection protocols for information transmission via any communication Application of stochastic methods in information protection protocols for information transmission via any communication channels; protocols for information protection by applying methods of cryptographic protection from reading and inflicting false information; methods and protocols for checking and restoration of information integrity in computer systems. Stocos, Ltd. 14

Legal Status The International (PCT) application PCT/RU 2007/000580 has been duly filed. The national Legal Status The International (PCT) application PCT/RU 2007/000580 has been duly filed. The national phase was initiated in Europe (Europatent), the USA, Japan, China and India. Stocos, Ltd