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Postmodern Urbanism Lifestyle diversifaction after 1989 Frank Eckardt German Cities in Transition Winter Semester 11/12
Inhaltsangabe 1. 2. 3. Modified urban development scheme Lifestyle diversification Impact on cities
Jungend/junges Erwachsensein Familie Biologische Regeneration Primärsozialisation 3 -4 Zimmer-Wohnung Präferenz: suburban Persönliche Entwicklung Sekundärsozialisation 1 Zimmer Temporäres Wohnen Präferenz: Stadtzentrum Paarbeziehungen Kooperative Intimität Tertiärsozialisation (beendet) 2 -Raum-Wohnung Präferenz: Zentrumnah, Altstadt
1. Modified urban development scheme Main hypothesis: n „“Tell me where you live and I tell you how you live“ n High congruency between housing area, income, life phase, and housing style n Implies a social upward mobility, little geogrpahical mobility and societal stability
1. Modified urban development scheme Contemporary flexiblisation of the scheme: n Flexibilisation and precarisation of the labor market interrupts the constant upward social mobility n Third phase of socialisation will be continued (life long learning) and partialy not finished n This leads to delayed or a pre-professionalisedfamily building (and child birth). One third of the women remain childless n Partnerships have become more contested, devorces increase and there is a move back to the first phase (single living) n Preferences for inner city living increases
1. Modified urban development scheme
1. Modified urban development scheme
1. Modified urban development scheme
1. Modified urban development scheme
2. Lifestyle diversification n Max Weber: Life style is forced on individuals to cope with their environment From the 1980 ties: Life style research tries to explain the appearance of middle class diversity Advanced computerized survey methods
2. Lifestyle diversification Definition: n Internal cohesion: strongest correlation with regard to common attitudes towards life n External distance: strongest difference towards other life style groups
2. Lifestyle diversification
2. Lifestyle diversification
2. Lifestyle diversification
2. Lifestyle diversification
2. Lifestyle diversification
Bourgeois Middle Class n n n 16 % 2020: 14 % Office clerks in the public administration, department directors of health insurances, primary school teachers, small enterpreneurs One family housing at the urban fringe, newly built with green grass behind. Sofa from leather in the living room, large board with small bar, Bertelsmann books Leissure time: excursion with the family, nordic Walking, regeluar visits to the Sauna, dining out or cooking with friends, playing cards. Buying at Tchibo the week end specials. Also: decoration for the house, for welness and journeys. Toys and clothes for the kids, NEVER: Somehting you cannot afford Feeling as being the pillar of society
Traditionalists n n n n 15 % 2020: 12 % Housewifes and retired persons, sales persons, conductors, peasants Three-Room-Appartment in the basement in settlement of the thirties. Interior is made of „dark wood“. Planning to move to a „three generation house“ in 2020. Leissure time: Taking care of the flowers of the neighbour, baby sitting Ordering goods at Quelle, Neckermann etc. : Things need to be practicall, econimical, sustainable and „proved“ günstig, haltbar, bewährt. Culture: Mainly tv and radio consumption, sometimes attentding comedian theater, love „Volksmusik“, reafing regional news, first the obtiuaries, "Apothekenumschau" Feeling as citizen who have always done their duty, feeling overboardened by contemproary life.
Conservatives n n n n 5 %. 2020: 3 % Apotheker, Beamte im höheren Dienst, Versicherungs. Makler, Apotheker. Single detachted house Leissure time. Playing chess, gardening, Wanderlust, attending cooking courses at the VHS Culture: Enthousiast about operas and jigsaw puzzeling She buys antique staff, single pieces for the family set of China from Meissen. He looks for the newest version of Beethovens Neunter. NEVER: Computer software Feeling betrayed by today‘s society
Established n n n n 10 % 2020: 8 % Lawyers, bank officials, management Jugendstil villa (orignally renovated) Art deco interior. 2020: Bulthaup-Küche, large italian sofa, modern art Leissure time: garden party with 80 guests, tennis, golf Buying properties, antiquities, NEVER: from H&M or discounter Culture: Member of the „Friends of the philharmonic orchester“, sometimes attending theater Feeling as the real elite of the country
Modern Perfomer n n n n 8 % 2020: 10 % Designer, fotographer, PR staff. Sucessful and good income, free lance worker, students with money from their parents Housing: Living in a spacy „Altbau“ in the innercity of a fashionable neighbourhood in a big city. A „creative“ interior with much glas and metal, a Jugendtil sofa. Leissure time: individual travels, Free Climbing, „Stepping out“ Likes to buy Lacoste shirts, fashion by Hugo, sun glasses by Joop. NEVER: ties, Ikea-, Birkenstock Culture: CInema (french art film and American Blockbuster), concerts (Franz Ferdinand, White Stripes), Seldomly reading, orienting at the bestseller lists Feeling as unregarded motor of society
Hedonists n n n n 11 % 2020: 14 % Tattoo artists, hair dresser, Call-Center clerks, Animateurs, Auszubildende. Small nely built appartment in an economic neighbourhoud. Unvconventional interior with a personal touch, from the second hand market or Ikea. 2020: Living in temproary housing, permanent housing seems not necessary Leissure time: creative self realisation with a practical perspective: preparing clothes, computer or table games, solariium, karaoke singing and clubbing Likes to buy CDs, Piercing staff, clothes, also H&M is okay. NEVER: books and everything that is too bourgeois („spiessig“>) Feeling happy as outsiders
Post-Materialist n n n n 10 % 2020: 12 % Architewcts, yoga teachers, professors, book traders Living in a big „Altbau“ housing estate in the inner city with an interioer made for eternity. 2020: house with solar energy and wind mill. Leissure time: she is engaged in the parents group of the Montessori school, he organises the distribution of fair trade product via internet Well informed consumption with high quality Culture: Public readings of prominent authors, critical theater plays, go with the kids to exhibitons at week ends, Feeling as the example givng members of society.
Consumer-Materialists n n n n 11 % 2020: 9 % Delivery driver, workers of call center or solarium, asistant in craft shops 1, 5 -2, 5 room, kitchen, Baath in arented appartment from the sixties , small sleeping room, Ikea, pinboards with funny postcards Leissure time: driving with the car, clubbing at week ends, football games, tv (sport, Stefan Raab), chatten, video games, meeting friends Culture: Soemtimes to a rock concert or to open air concertsin summer, seldomly to the cinema. Buys electronic diveces but NEVER books, bio vegetables, letter paper Feels pushed to the edge of society
Experimentalists n n n n 7 % 2020: 12 % Free lance graphic designer, promoter of small cd labels, creative jobs Two rooms in a devasted appartment (Altbau) in a former working class area Sofa and cups bought second hand , self organised WG Leissure time: Original-Vespa repair, Ebay (u. a. Ersatzteile für die Vespa suchen), Flohmärkte, late breakfast, „underground, Kite surfing Likes to buy spontaneously, also at H&M, likes to buy „underway“ and individually. Electronic diveces can be costy. Culture. Downloading music on i-pod, „Lord of the Rings“ Feeling as the final winner
Hyper-Experimentalists n n n n Not yet existing. 2020: 6 % Students, independent software developper, product designer Living in a WG on a house boat with solar energy. Leissure time: Discussing new ideas Like to buy clothes from the Brazilian Internet fashion shop or from the neighbour running his own small independent label, cool designed bio vegetables, NEVER: Meat Culture: most innovative music from the coolest cities around the workd: They feel young, dynamic, optiimistic, avantgarde
GDR-Nostalgics n n n n Anteil an der Bevölkerung: 6 Prozent. 2020: Gibt es nicht mehr Berufe: Monteure, Chemiefacharbeiter, Finanzökonomen, Rentner. Wohnen: Zwei-Raum-Wohnung im Plattenbau mit Balkon, Schrankwand aus DDR-Zeiten in hellem und dunklem Holz, Flachstrecke (Sideboard), beigefarbene Sitzgruppe. Freizeit: Mit alten Freunden auf dem Wochenendgrundstück Feldschlößchen Pilsner trinken; für Urlaubsreisen fehlt das Geld. Kaufen gern: Bautzener Senf, Spreewaldgurken (würden gerne das Waschmittel Spee kaufen, aber Lidl führt das nicht). Kaufen nie: DVD von Hollywoodfilmen wie "Titanic"; Kuchen vom Bäcker, denn die Stücke für 80 Cent schmecken nicht mehr und sind zu teuer. Fühlen sich: An den Rand gedrängt und sagen Dinge wie: "Das Kapital verschenkt nichts", "früher war der Zusammenhalt größer", "in der DDR hatte keiner Zukunftsängste".
2. Lifestyle diversification Critical review: n Underestimation of the influence of material wealth n Increasing poverty and precarisation are not sufficiently recognized n No problematizing of social exclusion n No attention for the integrative function of the city
2. Lifestyle diversification
2. Lifestyle diversification
3. Impact on cities
3. Impact on cities
3. Impact on cities
3. Impact on cities