- Количество слайдов: 21
Post Transaction Module • Property can be given directly to a school or educational non-profit • Property Managers must have a GSAXcess® User ID and Password • School or educational non-profit do not have to be registered in CFL (schools are required to have an NCES number, provided for in the program) • Data captured is reported to the Annual Non Federal Recipients Report
Log into GSAXcess® using your GSAXcess® User ID and password.
Select “Menu” or “PTM” from the white menu bar.
From the CFL Functions Menu Select ”Post Transaction Module”
The first field is the Transfer Control Number, which is a system assigned number beginning with a ’ 91”, Fiscal Year (8) and contains six other random digits. The second field is a pre-filled Agency Bureau Code and Agency Bureau Name (taken from the registered AAC).
The third field is the Type of Educational Organization. At the present time there is no way to verify an Educational Non-profit 501 c Tax ID. The Organization is responsible for filing their taxes with the IRS and the IRS is responsible for verifying their Tax ID number. It is the agency property managers responsibility to verify the legitimacy of an organization.
The third field is the Type of Educational Organization. By selecting the Private or Public School you will be taken to a list of Private or Public Schools registered with the Department of Education. These schools may or may not be registered with Computers for Learning. By choosing a school from this list, it will pre-fill the School name, address, city, state and zip code information.
Private Schools A search can be made on the NCES Number, School Name, State or Zip Code if known. Note: When searching by school name, match name as close to formal school name as possible or check the NCES web site at www. nces. ed. gov Selecting the hypertext NCES ID number will pre-fill the school information on the CFL Transfer Page.
Public Schools A search can be made on the NCES Number, School Name, State or Zip Code if known. Note: When searching by school name, match name as close to formal school name as possible or check the NCES web site at www. nces. ed. gov Selecting the hypertext NCES ID number will pre-fill the school information on the CFL Transfer Page.
7020 – CPU, Computer, Analog 7022 – CPU, Computer, Hybrid 7030 – ADP Software 7040 – Punch Card Equipment 7045 – ADP Supplies 7050 – ADP Components CFL Default FSC Selection 7010, 7021, 7025, 7035. We have added the other FSC’s for your convenience. You will be required to supply additional information as required.
Select Hardware Type from the drop down menu. Several options appear for the equipment type for you to choose from.
Select Equipment Type from the next drop down menu. Several options are available for you to choose from. Equipment that runs a different operating system such as UNIX, can be reported as hardware type of “other computers”.
Select Make from the drop down menu. The options are now limited.
You have now created the “Noun Name”. This noun name will be available for future selection. Select Submit. The system will pre-fill these fields on the “Post Transaction Screen, same as it does on the Report Property Screen” in the regular CFL Module.
Hard Disk Status A degaussed hard drive is one that has been through the process of decreasing or eliminating an unwanted magnetic filed on a hard disk. Sanitizing a hard disk is “overwriting” the disk’s data. The request for hard disk status will only show up on FSC’s that have hard disk’s.
Disposal Condition
Quantity and Original Acquisition Cost Fill in the “Quantity” and the “Original Acquisition Cost”. The Total Acquisition Cost will automatically calculate for internal GSA use.
Completed PTM Screen By clicking on “Submit” The data is captured in The Annual Non Federal Recipients Report.
Questions • For additional assistance send e-mail requests to computers. learning@gsa. gov • Call 1 -866 -472 -9161