Скачать презентацию POST GRADUATE STUDY Dr Derek Mc Inerney Head Скачать презентацию POST GRADUATE STUDY Dr Derek Mc Inerney Head


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POST GRADUATE STUDY Dr. Derek Mc. Inerney Head of Graduate Studies LIT 17/03/2018 Moylish POST GRADUATE STUDY Dr. Derek Mc. Inerney Head of Graduate Studies LIT 17/03/2018 Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

FORMAT • • What is it ? Research or Taught How do I apply? FORMAT • • What is it ? Research or Taught How do I apply? Academic Requirements? Life as Postgrad Costs and Funding Sources Going forward Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

LIT & Research LIT aims to provide an environment conducive to the pursuit of LIT & Research LIT aims to provide an environment conducive to the pursuit of independent research and study and the support of research programmes to completion. (6. 1 PG Regs) Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

What is it? • Postgrad study leads to a Level 9 or Level 10 What is it? • Postgrad study leads to a Level 9 or Level 10 award. • All undergrad degrees are Level 8 or Level 7 • Postgrad study is further study and advancement in a field of study • Cab be pursued through a taught programme or by research Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Taught Postgrad Route • Specific time period 12 -18 months, full and part time. Taught Postgrad Route • Specific time period 12 -18 months, full and part time. • Can be graduate certificate, graduate diploma or master level. • Usually made of set number of modules with exams and a dissertation (10 -12 k words). Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Research Postgrad Route • Tends to be 21 months fulltime • Can be longer Research Postgrad Route • Tends to be 21 months fulltime • Can be longer for Phd. • Research route leads to MA, MBus, MSc and Ph. D (doctorate). • May include some modules to be taken by student. • Generally done in isolation with support of a supervisor. Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Research Postgrad • Student immersed in a specific area of research • End result Research Postgrad • Student immersed in a specific area of research • End result is a larger thesis (60 -80 k for MSc/MA) or (100 -120 k for Ph. D). • Primary research and testing is carried out. • Research questions (hypothesis) is proved or disp Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Own Research Background • • • Marketing Cert MII (1989) LIT Diploma in Marketing Own Research Background • • • Marketing Cert MII (1989) LIT Diploma in Marketing (1992) BA (Hons) Business (1993) Grad Dip Enterprise (1994) MBS (Research) Marketing (1998) Ph. D Entrepreneurship (2004) Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Own view of research route • Personal journey • Very long and isolated • Own view of research route • Personal journey • Very long and isolated • Life happens while you research: – Changed jobs 4 times – Married – Children + dogs – Moved location twice – Changed house Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Funding Options • Taught postgrad generally attract fees • Research postgrads normally have scholarship, Funding Options • Taught postgrad generally attract fees • Research postgrads normally have scholarship, grants attached – very competitive • Normally minimum 2(i) undergrad required Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Application • Directly to colleges • No CAO system for postgraduate application • Done Application • Directly to colleges • No CAO system for postgraduate application • Done on a one by one basis • Student applies for taught or research course directly to college Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Funding Options • College sources – LIT Seed Fund • Government sources – IRCSET Funding Options • College sources – LIT Seed Fund • Government sources – IRCSET and IRCHSS • Self funding – taught • Individual info session on these in LIT Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Masters Degree by Research (1) • The Masters degree awards by research will be Masters Degree by Research (1) • The Masters degree awards by research will be made on the basis of knowledge, skill and competence gained through a validated supervised programme of education and training that results in the production of a thesis – Level 9. • The Masters degree is a research award that can be obtained by completing a programme of supervised research and presenting the outcomes of the research in a thesis. Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Characteristics • Very different to a taught masters programme in content and length • Characteristics • Very different to a taught masters programme in content and length • First research attempt by a student • Does not suit most students • Large element of primary research • More common for business and humanities students to this before Ph. D Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Doctor of Philosophy • The Doctor of Philosophy award is made on the basis Doctor of Philosophy • The Doctor of Philosophy award is made on the basis of knowledge, skill and competence normally gained through a validated supervised Research Degree Programme that results in the production of a thesis. • The Doctor of Philosophy award is conferred for advanced levels of achievement, in which the Candidate demonstrates outstanding scholarship and ability – Level 10. • The Candidate must demonstrate that he/she has conducted original, independent research and has a broad knowledge of a particular field of study and a comprehensive knowledge of the specialist area upon which his/her research is focused. Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Ph. D Characteristics • • Larger scale of primary research Challenging existing knowledge Becoming Ph. D Characteristics • • Larger scale of primary research Challenging existing knowledge Becoming expert in a focused area Expected to publish and defend findings publicly • Research may deal with area not already focused on • Science researcher may work in area of supervisor expertise • Business researcher let to own devices in most cases Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie

Finally • • Thank you Good luck with your studies Enjoy the trek – Finally • • Thank you Good luck with your studies Enjoy the trek – choose carefully My own observations Questions ? ? derek. mcinerney@lit. ie graduatestudies@lit. ie Graduate Office off street (old Wired FM space) Moylish Pk. Limerick Ireland T. +353 61 208208 F. +353 61 208209 E. information@lit. ie