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Positioning Products to Customer in the Target Markets
Why a New Integrated HPLC System? • HPLC used around the world in industrial, research and educational settings • Steady growth in installed conventional HPLC and Semi-Prep markets • Keep pace with the market needs
Advantages of Integrated Analytical and Prep LC System Analytical Benefit Features Expected performance State of play with specs equivalent or better than waters/Agilent Viable Data Solution Client server, compliant and fully featured with improved ease of use Vendor support Consumables, service training, support world wide and at a consistently high level Semi Prep to Prep Versatility Extended detection, materials and flow range via options Reliability New fraction collector and advanced control of collection Easy scale-up Fully automated scale-up through Scale-Up Module and Galaxie
Environmental Industry • Constitutes one quarter of HPLC demand for HPLC • Independent testing labs, government bodies, industry effluent testing labs • Driven by low detection limits, regulatory compliance and productivity
Common Industry Applications • Trace organic pollutants in drinking water, ground and surface water, effluents, toxic wastes, soils and seawater • PAH, PCB and so on • Controlled by regulatory bodies such as EPA, DIN and so on
What Do Varian Offer This Industry? • Performance – sensitivity and precision • Data compliance and features – for regulated methods • Improved reliability and low operating costs – for higher throughput and lower downtime
Key Competitors Waters and Agilent have the largest share of the market worldwide Shimadzu tends to be strong in Asia
Environmental Systems Requirements • Gradient pumps with degasser • Autosampler • Variable UV, diode array and fluorescence detectors • Column oven
Common Varian Customers in this Market Segment PPS Water Authority, Korea Institute Sea Research (CNR), Italy Zhuhai Water Supply Co. , China Gewasser und Bodenschutz, Switzerland Sierra Environmental Monitoring, USA Ministry of Environment & Energy, Canada Heritage Labs, USA Water Eco Science, Australia Pennsylvania American Water, USA Korea Water Resources Corp. , Korea Department of Underground Water, Thailand
Chemical and Petrochemical Market • Typically QA/QC or environmental monitoring application • Instruments tend to be dedicated to an application such as: • Environmental effluent monitoring • Production of raw materials, purity analysis • Dissolved materials in organics solvents etc. • Driven by performance, price, reliability
Competitors In Petrochemical Industry • Waters are particularly strong • Agilent and Shimadzu • Dionex
What Type of LC System is Important? Isocratic or gradient pumps Autosampler for improved productivity UV detectors with RI and ELSD detectors the most relevant detectors
Existing Varian Petrochemical Customers Ricca Chemicals, USA Poco Graphite, USA Union of German Cement Factories, Germany Merck, France Ciba Specialty Chemicals, Switzerland Santoku Chemical Industries Co. , Japan
Agriculture And Food Analysis of food and soils Common analyses include crops, soils, feed, fertiliser Typical target substances include sugars, vitamins, organic acids and trace contaminants Industry is driven by price/cost benefit, ease of use, performance and robustness with challenging matrices
What Type Of LC System Is Important? Gradient pumps Autosamplers increase productivity UV and PDA detectors most common with ELSD and RI also relevant Common Varian customers: Agriquem, Spain Forschungsanstalt Agriculture, Germany University for Agriculture Science, Germany Pepsi (JVA), Ireland Ag Labs (Agmin Chelates), Australia University of Giessen, Germany
Government and Academic Varied applications – research, environmental, food and beverage, biological Wide variety of laboratories, medical, forensic, life science, university consulting and research labs Driven by: performance (teaching to research), price (grants), reliability Most vendors offer low cost offerings
What Type of LC System is Important? Modular systems popular Grdient pumps degassers Cooled autosamplers PDA detectors, Fluorescence and ELSD relevant Existing Varian customers Multi. Lab (State Veterinary Inst. ), Liechtenstein University of Melbourne, Australia Max Planck Institut Fuer, Germany State Agency for Standardization & Metrology, Bulgaria University of West Virginia, USA University of Bordeaux, France
Pharmaceuticals Market Most visible conventional HPLC and Prep LC market Small drug companies major users of LC Common applications include: – impurity analysis, – R and D, – cleaning validation, – dissolution testing – discovery and medicinal chemistry analysis purification
Customer Drivers Performance – sensitivity and precision Data – compliance (auditing and processing) Reliability of instrument Service support, response times Waters and Agilent dominant in this market with software a major factor in many accounts
Varian Offerings to This Market Integrated system Gradient pump with degasser Autosampler PDA with column oven Galaxie compliance with IMS, IQ/OQ and CFR compliance Existing Varian customers Pfizer, USA GSK, UK Novartis, Switzerland
Summary With the new integrated HPLC system Varian brings reliability, flexibility and performance to the market Can customise systems from conventional to prep Able to have fully integrated hyphenated IRD Can offer one solution to the customer across a range of instrumentation