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Positioning Master Data Management for Success PPDM Association October 2010 Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 1
Yogi Schulz Biography q Partner in Corvelle Consulting q Information technology related management consulting q Microsoft Canada columnist & CBC Radio host q PPDM Association board member q Industry presenter: – – – Project World - 4 years CIPS Informatics - 7 years PMI - Information Systems SIG - 2 years Convergence - 4 years PPDM Association - several years Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 2
Presentation Outline q Objectives q Release Strategy q MDM Scoping Themes q Conclusions q Recommendations Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 3
Presentation Objectives q Understand key considerations in scoping an MDM program for success q Illustrate how to build an effective MDM release strategy Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 4
Global Vision - Local Focus Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 5
Benefits of Frequent Release Strategy q Earlier delivery of benefits q Maintain organization commitment to the MDM program q Adapt MDM program more quickly when business priorities change q Smaller, more manageable number of components per release q Impact of an unsuccessful release smaller Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 6
Release Strategy Comparison Start More, shorter releases 1 Year 1 2 3 Fewer, longer releases 4 Year 2 5 6 1 2 Elapsed time to first function: an unsuccessful release: opportunities: Cost of Number of plan adjustment 91 days vs. 365 days x vs. 2 x 6 vs. 2 Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 7
MDM Scoping q Themes – Geographic Area Coverage – Reservoir Type Coverage – Functionality Features – Asset Life Cycle Coverage q Criteria – Business benefit – Complexity Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 8
Geographic Coverage of MDM Geographic Area Name Continent Americas Europe Benefit Complexity High Low Low Middle East Basin
Reservoir Type Coverage of MDM Reservoir Type Name Conventional Oil Natural Gas Natural gas by-products Unconventional Shale gas Coal bed methane Mineable oil sands Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion Benefit Complexity Low High Low Low High 10
Functionality Features of MDM Functionality Feature Name Terminology Versioning Data quality Common reference values Common business rules System of record Aggregation/Hierarchy Data stored once; used many times Data life cycle management Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion Benefit High Complexity Low High Low Low 11
Asset Life Cycle Coverage of MDM Asset Life Cycle Name Opportunity inventory Geology and prognosis AFE and cost tracking/reporting Surface and mineral land Regulatory and compliance Well design and construction Drilling and completion Facilities and pipeline construction Operation and work-over Abandonment and reclamation Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion Benefit Complexity High Low Low 12
Prioritizing MDM Releases I n c r e a s i n g B e n e f i t 1 High Low 2 High 3 Low 4 Low High Increasing Complexity Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 13
Invisible vs. Valuable Releases Application ETL Layer Master Datastore ETL Layer Source Datastore Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion Source Datastore 14
Conclusions q Potentially huge MDM programs require: – Local focus – Frequent release strategy q Focus on high benefit, low complexity MDM releases first to: – Deliver earlier benefits – Maintain organization commitment Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 15
Recommendations q Deliver a sliver in each release q Plan MDM programs using this approach Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 16
Questions & Discussion Please fill out evaluation form Can you help us position MDM for success? Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 17
Positioning Master Data Management for Success Yogi Schulz Partner of Corvelle Consulting Information technology related management consulting Microsoft Canada columnist & CBC Radio host Industry presenter PPDM Association board member Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion Corvelle Consulting 300, 400 - 5 Ave. S. W. Calgary, Alberta T 2 P 0 L 6 Phone: (403) 249 -5255 E-mail: Yogi. Schulz@corvelle. com Web: www. corvelle. com 18
Business Department Maturity Business Department Name Administration Geology Geophysics Petrophysics Exploitation engineering Well log analysis Drilling and completions Reclamation Reservoir modelling Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion Sponsor Staff High Low Low High 19
Bibliography q E&P Prospect to Spud Life Cycle Solution – ESRI Petroleum User Group – 2010 – http: //proceedings. esri. com/library/userconf/pug 10/papers/sa msons_integrated_prospect_to_spud_well_lifecycle_managme nt_system. pdf q The International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ) – http: //www. iciq 2010. org/ q MIT IQ Industry Symposium (IQIS) – http: //www. eriqlab. org/mit/index. html q Monetizing Data Management – http: //erwin. com/uploads/erworld/Monetizing%20 Data%20 Ma nagement_09162010. pdf Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 20
Bibliography q P 2 Energy Solutions - integrated well lifecycle management tools – http: //www. p 2 energysolutions. com/well-lifecycle q PPDM master data at heart of Oracle’s Digital Oilfield - February 2008 – http: //www. ppdm. org/community/PPDM_data_at_h eart. html q Staying Relevant in Today’s Changing Data Management Environment – http: //erwin. com/events/detail/staying_relevant_in_t odays_changing_data_management_environment/ Corvelle Drives Concepts to Completion 21
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