Portfolio on the topic « « Use

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Описание презентации Portfolio on the topic « « Use по слайдам
Portfolio on the topic « « Use your English » » done by the student of the 11 th form school № 1№ 1 on Dubrovytsia. Yulia Cherednichenko
I should learn Information about the education in Ukraine, USA and Great Britain. Future Perfect Continuous and Future Perfect tense form. New words about this topic. Information about the importance of foreign language.
I can: Repond to remarks Work with text Improve English Distinguish Future Perfect Continuous and Future Perfect. I know: Pronunciation of words Formation Future Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect tenses.
Vocabulary Secondary education- середня освіта Primary education- початкова освіта Compulsory — обов « язковий Private school — приватна школа A lyceum — ліцей A gymnasium — гімназія An university — — університет An institute — інститут A Bachelor`s degree — — звання бакалавара A Master`s degree — звання магістра A A system — система TT o include — — включати A A technical school –– технікум Fee-paying groups – – платні групи RR efresher courses –– курси підвищення кваліфікації To complete — закінчити
Education in Ukraine The system of secondary education in Ukraine includes primary, junior, higher and post-secondary education. Children usually go to school at the age of 6 or 7. General secondary education is compulsory. Post-secondary education is provided in different ways. Primary and secondary education has three stages: primary, secondary and senior. Primary school comprise 1 to 4 forms. Junior secondary forms comprise 5 to 9 forms. New types of schools appeared: lycees, gymnasiums and private school. After 9 th form children can enter technical schools of different types. Those who want to enter higher educational institutions should complete 10 -11 forms. Post – secondary education is available by vocational training schools, universities and institutes. Higher education gives different qualifications: basic specialist (Bachelor`s) and Master`s degree. Some universities have refresher courses and fee-paying groups. The student may get education there at the same high level as in the state institutions.
Grammar Future Perfect Continuous We`ll have been watching television for an hour when our parents come home. Will you have been working at your report when we arrive? I I shan`t have been doing my homework for three hours when my friend phones me. I I shall have been working here for ten years. By 20 of May we’ll have been doing this work for three months. . How long will you have been studying when you graduate ? ? II will not have been living here that long.
Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous Tenses Auxiliary verbs Negative Questions Future Perfect Shall/Will have written Shall not/Will not have written Shall/Will have written? Future Perfect Continuou ss Shall/Will have been writing Shall not/Will not have been writing Shall/Will have been writing?
Modal verbs. The burden will fall on me but I cancan carry it. It It cannot be done. He He could play football when he was seven. You maymay use dictionaries. She might come today or tomorrow. Wait a little, the rain must stop soon. The train ought to have left. You ought to have done it at once. Need you go there so soon? You needn`t have done it.
The importance of foreign language. I think that every person requires knowledge of foreign language. It needs a lot and hard work. You need books, the Internet, various dictionaries on foreign language. For example , me. I have been studying English for 12 years and I can speak well in English. I also study German in school. I have been studying it for 6 years. But I will not give up. My dream is to be an educated person and learn many languages. I have been learning Japanese and Chinese for 3 years. Of course, I want to learn Hindi, French, Portuguese, Korean and other language. I will work hard and succeed. I`ll go to my goal. I think that only hard work can help you master foreign language. Knowledge of foreign language help you achieve your goals. And you must realise the value of foreign languages.
Dialogue. -Hello, Yulia. How a you? -Hello, Katia. Thank you, fine. And you? -Thank you, fine. Yulia, can you talk about the importance of foreign language? -Of course. Foreign language is very important, because it is the key to knowledge and self-improvement. People learn foreign languages, because they want to read books in original, want to travel and communicative with native speakers, want to get education abroad, want to get a job abroad or they want to be educated persons. -Cool. Are you studying foreign languages? -Of course. I have been studying English for 12 years and German for 6 years. But I have also been learning Japanese for 3 years. -Great. Thank you. I will also learn foreign languages. -Good luck. -Thank you. Bye. -Bye.
My hobbies are reading, listening to music, play on the computer, watch TV. I am a creative person and I love art. But my biggest hobby is capture Japan. I know many information about this country. I am interested in her culture. I like her music, cinema, architecture, painting, language and literature. My favorite genre of Japanese music are J-pop, J-Rock and J-rap. My favorite singers are Mika Kikuchi, Hitomi Ishikawa and others. My favorite toku- serials are Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Metal Hero and others. My favorite actors are Mitsuomi Takahashi and Haruka Suenaga.