Innovation Technology.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 12
PORTFOLIO First name: Dilbar Last name: Ashyrova Group: 119 -13 Date of birth: 14. 11. 95 Specialty: Foreign language Phone number: 87782669717 E-mail: dilbarashy@gmail. com
CONTENTS Ø Ø Ø Ø 3 Blogs Lesson Plan With Technology Delicious Social bookmark Analytical Review Nicenet. class 2 minute podcast Padlet Wallwisher
II blog Comparative analyze web 1. 0 web 2. 0 web 3. 0, web 4. 0 HTTP: //DILBAR 12. BLOGSPOT. COM/
LESSON PLAN WITH TECHNOLOGY Dilbar Ashyrova, Kazakhstan: Sample Lesson Plan with Technology Topic: Man and movies. Class (name, type of student): VIPs, intermediate level Duration: 50 minutes Materials Technology component downloaded from/accessed in class at: http: //www. libarary. com, http: //www. youtube. com, http: //www. wikipedia. org, http: //www. podomatic. com Other material: notebook, projector Introduction Objectives of this lesson: The students will demonstrate the ability to summarize the text, analyze and discuss movies using new vocabulary or word combination. This lesson takes a process approach to developing writing skills. They will structure collecting information within the text before they begin to write. Procedure Presentation (teacher or student), including key vocabulary: Teacher begins the lesson by showing students presentation, podcasts and a video about different types of movies, and they involved in the process of discussion together. Activity (student): 1. The students will watch a video on You. Tube about the various movies. 2. Students use a variety of technological and informational resources (e. g. , libraries, databases, computer networks, video, podcasts) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge. 3. They will listen to the podcasts about cinema. 4. Using the classroom computers the students will access the websites. 5. Students will do exercises, work in pairs and summarize the text. 6. After presentation students will discuss about films and talk their opinions. Activity (teacher): The teacher will monitor and lead the process and explain new materials. Learning styles addressed: visual, kinesthetic Technology alternative (in case things don’t work as planned): Students are answered the question into a text. They are role playing shortly about theirs favorite films. Review before the end of the class session: At the end of the class the students gives an answer to the question “What movie have you seen in a theatre more than once? ” Homework: Students write an essay of 150 -200 words about a film he liked or the other film which he disliked.
DELICIOUS SOCIAL BOOKMARK https: //delicious. com/dilbar 1995
ANALYTICAL REVIEW Name of site + URL How this site supports my ideas / Advantages and Disadvantage Educational technology and Mobile learning http: //www. educatorstechology. com/p/site-map. html The information is available to be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime. The site may provide links to other sites on the same topic. It may be difficult for researchers to locate, especially if there are many similar sites. Site may be difficult to use if experience with the internet is limited. Teaching and Educational Resources http: //teachinglearningresourrces. pbworks. com/w/page/1991 9581/Web%202 0%20 Tools You control the Flow of Information and great for Mobile Use. The site can updated to always provide the latest information. A connection to the web is needed to access the information, which will be impossible if a computer and connection is not available. One page sites a bit difficult to identify what information or sections are attracting visitors to this website. Web Poster Wizard http: //wizard. 4 teachers. org/ This FREE tool allows educators to create a lesson, worksheet, or class page and immediately publish it online. Teachers can also set up classes and assign projects to students. Students complete the assignments by creating their own online projects or reports. Teachers and students can even add images and links to their pages. But it may be difficult to reach your target audience. You must first register to use Web Worksheet Wizard, but you only have to register once.
Listening Real English video Provides students with authentic language. Real communication and motivating. There is so much information that it may be too time – consuming to find the good things. Users can get lost in cyberspace. Best Sites to Practice Speaking English(Larry Ferlazzo) Is an interesting website that can provide learners with hours of listening and speaking practice using materials tailored to their needs and preferences. nother advantage of this site is that it is very student centered, allowing users to make choices about what videos they will watch based on their own interests. The speech recognition software gives higher points when a user speaks slowly and clearly which might be contrary to the fast, natural speech heard in a video. NPR Podcasts A listener can download the file and replay it at whatever time is convenient for him. If someone chooses to subscribe to your podcast feed, he can get any podcasts of interest downloaded automatically. Podcasts, especially video files are often large files, which also makes them hard to access for anyone with a slow Internet connection.
NICENET. CLASS http: //www. nicenet. org/ICA/class_roster. cfm? an. ID=151021113117
2 MINUTE PODCAST http: //dilbarashy. podomatic. com/entry/2015 -10 -21 T 13_48_08 -07_00
PADLET WALLWISHER http: //ru. padlet. com/dilbarashy/gfo 1 zt 5 min 18
Innovation Technology.pptx