Pomp and circumstance of the nature of tropical countries - a topic ruthlessly exploited, perhaps all. Journalists, naturalists and travelers all as one enthusiastic sing a hymn of praise to the tropics, often exaggerating the warmth and brilliance of the sun, the charm of living in hot countries, brightly colored flowers, wonderful forms of vegetation, birds and insects. Probably every how something noteworthy thing and landscape have not once exhaustively described and captured on film.
However, integrated information , giving a complete picture of the causes and interdependencies of natural phenomena of the tropical belt , not so much. Local private and not distinguished from general , random is not separated from the constant , due to a proliferation of many incorrect views on the true nature of the tropics and to distinguish them from the temperate zone. Materials on this website , not least based on more than personal experience of twelve studies of tropical Asia, Africa and America , are designed at least in some degree atone for this unfortunate misunderstanding.
Here the features of the tropical climate and the reasons for its formation as the climate affects the specificity of the vegetable kingdom, and what this means is, finally, animals adapt to life in the tropics.
Dry tropical forests in South America is much lower - there is no such high trees like eucalyptus, but there are many species of cactus. But these forests are too bright, especially in the dry season, when part of the tree sheds its leaves
Climate: In the tropics, the sun at least twice a year worth in the sky directly overhead. And other days it rises higher than in more northern latitudes. Therefore, in the tropics, the sun bakes and very hot air rises. As a result, over the equator, a region with low air pressure, and the pressure has leveled off, with the north-west and south-west of the higher latitudes blow constant winds called trade winds. They are air, which contains much moisture. When air rises, its temperature falls. As the cooling air contained therein to condense water vapor and droplets produced in large clouds. Part of their winds blow, and they caused it to rain, sometimes far from their places of origin. Of the remaining forests on almost every day, around noon, descend strongest showers in some places so regularly, as if right on schedule.
Forest communities play a critical role in the normal development of nature. They absorb atmospheric pollution, regulate normal surface runoff, prevents the deterioration of groundwater level and the silting of rivers, canals and reservoirs. Forests are the "lungs of the planet" and shrinking forests disrupts the circulation of oxygen and carbon in biosfere. Lesov on the planet is becoming less and menshe. Eto associated with deforestation due to the expansion of their tsivilizatsii. Nam need to struggle to prevent this.