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Polygamy Polygamy

The history The polygamy comes mainly in three different forms: polygyny (where a man The history The polygamy comes mainly in three different forms: polygyny (where a man has more than two wives at the same time), polyandry (where a woman has more than one husband) and there also the plural marriages (where a family is made out of multiple husbands and wives at the same time). The history of polygamy dates back to a long time ago, since this has been practiced for many centuries by cultures from all over the world. The Hebrew society has accepted polygamy and there are traces that say that it happened in the classical China too. The polygamy was also encountered sporadically at the Native Americans, in the West African continent, Polynesia, India and the ancient Greece.

 • Reasons for polygamy Female to male rations 1 -Patriarchal 2 -Guardianship 3 • Reasons for polygamy Female to male rations 1 -Patriarchal 2 -Guardianship 3 -Religious doctrine and teachings 4 -Social and economic necessity

Polygamy vs. polygyny vs. Polyandry Polygamy refers to the practice of having more than Polygamy vs. polygyny vs. Polyandry Polygamy refers to the practice of having more than one spouse. It is broader than polygyny, which refers to situations where one man has multiple wives, and polyandry, which refers to one woman with multiple husbands.

Monogamy or polygamy? Polygamous marriages definitely face more problematic marriages than monogamous. A study Monogamy or polygamy? Polygamous marriages definitely face more problematic marriages than monogamous. A study of the Palestinian Bedouin-Arab community in the Negev region in Israel was conducted by Salman Elbedour, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, and Mohammad Alatamin. In their attempts to find behavioral problems arising from polygamous and monogamous families, they were able to come to the conclusion that polygamous families face more interfamily conflict than that of monogamous families.

Advantages and disadvantages of polygamy Disadvantages The following are the disadvantages from the wife Advantages and disadvantages of polygamy Disadvantages The following are the disadvantages from the wife perspective; 1. Less time with the husband, since his spared time is now shared between two or more wives. 2. Less attention 3. Jealousy and unshared love, since the woman like to have full attention and full unshared love from her partner 4. Family malfunctioning and chaos since husband spends less time with the children i. e. less discipline and guiding 5. Less money saved or given to the wife and the children since money should be shared co-equally with the other family. 6. Population problems that burden the society since both wives (maybe more) are going to have children. Advantages - Polygamy allows more women to have a husband, and not left being single. - There are no mistresses, the 2 nd, 3 rd or 4 th wives have the same rights as the first wife and not left to be mistreated and abandoned as mistresses are. - If there are more than 2 wives, then in the husbands absence, the wives can help each other out with household duties and taking care of children. - If a man has 4 wives, then when he is with one of his wives, the rest can do things which men are stereotyped as hating, such as going shopping, the hairdresser and other girly things. - One wife can babysit another wifes child. - If there are times when your husband is annoying you, you can always tell him to go away, and at least you will know where hes gone and that he will come. - you can be like one very big family.